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Dim.: 30 x 22 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Good, with a chip on the rim at ca. 7 o'clock, some minor wear to the enamels and the writing somewhat faded.
H.: 19 cm - L.: 28 cm (the teapot)
Dia.: 15,5 cm - H.: 11 cm (the bowl and cover)
H.: 11 cm - L.: 17 cm (the milk jug)
Dia.: 18 cm (the largest plate)
Dia.: 16 cm (the saucers)
L.: 13 cm - H.: 7 cm (the cups)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The teapot in excellent condition, with some normal wear to the gilding.
- The bowl with a chip and two refilled chips to the rim, the cover in excellent condition.
- The sauce boat in excellent condition.
- Seven cups in excellent condition.
- Three cups with a hairline to the rim.
- The plate in excellent condition.
- Seven saucers in excellent condition.
- Three saucers with a hairline to the rim.
- 茶壶全品,金彩磨损。
- 盖碗口沿一个飞皮和两个修补的飞皮,盖子全品。
- 公道杯全品。
- 七个茶杯全品。
- 三个茶杯口冲。
- 盘子全品。
- 七个碟子全品。
- 三个碟子口冲。
H.: 23,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both covers in very good condition, with negligible minor superficial wear.
- Both pots quasi excellent, one with a flake on the rim and one with a small loss to the tail of one of the squirrels.
Dia.: 23,5 (the largest plates)
Dia.: 14 cm (the larger saucers)
L.: 12 cm – H.: 5,5 cm (the larger cups, ear to ear)
Dia.: 13 cm (the smaller saucers)
L.: 9 cm – H.: 5,5 cm (the smaller cups, ear to ear)
Consisting of 9 plates, 16 cups, 16 saucers.
- The small cups: 4 excellent, 4 with small chips, 2 with chips and a hairline.
- The large cups 3 excellent, 1 with small chips, 2 with a hairline.
- The small saucers: 4 excellent, 6 with small chips.
- The larger saucers: 3 excellent, 3 with chips.
- The smaller plates: 1 excellent, 3 with chips.
- The deep plates: 1 excelllent, 1 with a small rim chip, 2 with a short hairline of 2-3 cm.
L.: 26,5 cm – H.: 20 cm (the teapot)
H.: 24 cm – L.: 21 cm (the coffee pot)
Dia.: 15 cm (the saucers)
L.: 11,5 cm – H.: 6,5 cm (the cups)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Teapot: a small chip on the tip of the spout. The cover excellent.
- Coffeepot: excellent condition. The cover broken and reglued.
- The saucers: all excellent.
- The cups: five excellent, one with the handle broken off.
H.: 46 cm - 35 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The tall pair: one with a large rim chip and small chips to the dragons, one with a small rim chip and a chip to one of the lion handles.
- The small pair: one with a large chip under the rim, one with two very small rim chips.
H.: 37,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The first vase with a bump mark to the rim, and some related hairlines around. A small chip to the chilong's leg in the middle.
- The second vase in quasi excellent condition, with a tight glaze line to the rim on the inside, invisible on the outside.
- 第一花瓶口沿有一处碰撞导致的重皮,周围有几处冲线。中间螭龙腿上一个飞皮。
- 第二个花瓶近乎全品,口沿内侧一条惊釉,不透。
L.: 28,5 cm - H.: 7,5 cm
A winding stream party (Chinese: 流觴曲水/曲水流觴) is an old Chinese custom in which the participants wait by a winding stream and compose poems before their cups full of rice wine float down to reach them. It was popularized by Wang Xizhi, and dates back as far as 353; poems composed at this event were recorded in Wang's famous work, the Lantingji Xu. (source: Wikipedia)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全美品。
H.: 28,5 cm (the tallest, incl. the mounts)
H.: 23,5 cm - L.: 21,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The one without the bronze mounts: the cover with a chip to a corner and a few burst glaze bubbles to the openings. The pot with one larger (2 cm) chip and a number of smaller superficial chips on the rim. Otherwise in good condition with minor superficial wear. Both pieces with the same marking on the biscuit on the inside.
- The one with the bronze mount in very good condition, the corners of the cover however slightly reduced to allow the fitting.
Dia.: 6 cm - H.: 4 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- One cup in excellent condition.
- One cup with a short hairline to the rim.
- Two cups with a reglued break to the rim.
- 一个杯子全品。
- 一个杯子口冲。
- 两个杯子口坏,后粘合。
Dia.: 37 cm - H.: 6,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- A filled superficial rim chip with a related ca. 2 cm hairline, otherwise good.
H.: 54 cm
Provenance: An old Dutch private collection.
- Generally of very nice appearance, with a beautiful patina.
- Lacking the bottom part of one ear.
- A section on the back looks to have been repaired, including a section of the base. The repair appearing old.
H.: 16 cm - L.: 19 cm (the largest)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- All in quasi excellent condition.
- 都是全品。
H.: 13 cm - L.: 14 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The cover with small chips throughout.
- The teapot with small chips around the foot and neck, the spout damaged below the mount.
L.: 11 cm - H.: 6 cm (the tallest teapot)
Possibly made for the Thai market.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The left one with a chip to the spout, and the right one in excellent condition.
- 左边的流飞,右侧的全品。
L.: 18 cm - H.: 12 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The teapot generally in very good condition, with a few flakes to the inner rim and spout.
- The cover with a few chips to the base rim.
- 茶壶品相非常良好,内口沿和流几处小飞。
- 盖子品相良好,底边几处磕崩。
L.: 13,5 cm - H.: 11,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The cover in quasi excellent condition, with a few small superficial flakes to the base rim.
- The teapot in quasi excellent condition, with a few small superficial flakes to the rim and spout.
- 盖子近乎全品,口沿下几处小飞皮。
- 茶壶近乎全品,口沿和流几处小飞皮。
L.: 17,5 cm - H.: 12,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with some slight wear.
- 全品,轻微磨損。
L.: 14 cm - H.: 12 cm
Provenance: A Dutch private collection.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The cover in excellent condition.
- The teapot generally in very good condition, with a superficial chip under the rim of the spout and a chip to the squirrel's head on the top of the handle.
- 盖子全品。
- 茶壶整体品相非常良好,流一个小飞皮,手臂顶部松鼠头断。
H.: 11 cm - L.: 11 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The teapot generally in very good condition, with a few flakes to the spout.
- The cover in excellent condition.
- 茶壶流磕崩。
- 盖子全品。
Dia.: 20 cm - H.: 6,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with superficial dirt adhered.
L.: 18,5 cm - H.: 10 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with negligible minor superficial wear.
- 全品,正常使用痕迹。
Provenance: An old Dutch private collection.
H.: 30,5 cm (the tallest vase and cover incl. the mounts)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The famille verte vase: two chips to the rim of the lid, the vase good.
- The enamelled Yixing vase in good condition with a hole through the bottom.
H.: 27 cm (the tallest)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The yixing flambé-glazed vase in excellent condition, with a baking spot and a kiln dust to the lower part.
- The copper red vase with the rim reduced and polished.
- 宜兴花瓶全品,下侧一个缩釉和窑灰。
- 红釉花瓶截口,磨口。
Dia.: 33 cm (the dish)
H.: 18 cm (the vase)
L.: 14 cm - H.: 6 cm (the Yixing teapot)
Dia.: 12,5 cm (the largest saucer)
Dia.: 8 cm - H.: 5,5 cm (the largest cup)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The Yixing teapot with a few small superficial chips around the rim, the base, the tip of the spout and to the cover.
- The famille verte jar excellent.
- The six cups and saucers: four saucers excellent, two with a small chip to the underside of the rim. Five cups excellent, one with a small rim chip.
- The ten small blue white bowls: two with small rim chips, rest good.
- The dish: good, with small rim chips.
Dia.: 37,5 cm (the dish)
H.: 31 cm (the lions)
H.: 30 cm (the vase)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The box and cover with a few chips.
- The vase with a few chips to the rim and foot rim.
- The first lion excellent, the second lion with a section restored to the corner of the stand.
- The plate with a few flakes to the rim, otherwise
- The rest excellent.
- 盖盒有飞皮。
- 花瓶口沿和圈足都有飞皮。
- 一个狮子全,一个狮子底座的角修。
- 盘子口沿几个小飞。
- 剩余全品。
Dia.: 6,7 cm - H.: 3 cm (the largest box and cover)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The largest box in excellent condition, the cover with a tiny flake to the rim.
- The cricket and B&W box with a tiny flake to the rim, and the cover in excellent condition.
- The B&W copper red and figure boxes and covers in excellent condition.
- 最大的盒子全品,盖子口沿小飞。
- 蟋蟀盒子和青花盒子口沿小飞,盖子全品。
- 青花釉里红和人物盖盒全品。
Dia.: 19,5 cm - H.: 7 cm (the bowl)
H.: 19 cm (the tallest vase)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The brush pot with fish excellent.
- The floral vase excellent.
- The landscape vase reduced at the neck and with a large hairline.
- The brown brush pot excellent.
- The famille rose bowl excellent.
- The three plates excellent.
L.: 22 cm (the spoon)
H.: 17 cm (the tallest vase)
Dia.: 18 cm - H.: 8 cm (the largest bowl)
Dia.: 15 cm (the largest saucer)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The vase, water pot, two cups, the spoon and five saucers in excellent condition.
- Two cups and a saucer with a hairline to the rim.
- The jar, the biggest bowl and two saucers with a chip or two chips to the rim.
- 花瓶,水盂,两个杯子,勺子和五个碟子全品。
- 两个杯子和一个碟子口沿冲。
- 罐子,最大的碗和两个碟子口沿有1-2个飞皮。
Dia.: 19 cm - H.: 9,5 cm (the largest bowl)
H.: 13 cm (the vase)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The vase excellent.
- The smallest and the largest bowl both excellent.
- The middle bowl with a 4 cm hairline on the inside.
- The dish with two small rim chips and a 2 hairlines of ca. 2 cm on the exterior.
- The pair of stem bowls in good condition.
- The small stem bowl with baking flaws on the rim and a Y-shaped hairline.
Dia.: 37,5 cm - H.: 16 cm (the bowl)
Dia.: 24 cm (the largest plate)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The dragon plate with a star-shaped hairline across the entire central medallion and a number of rim chips, as well as a 3 cm hairline on the rim.
- The roosters plate with a rim chip at ca. 5 o'clock with a related ca. 4 cm hairline.
- The dragons and phoenixes plate with a number of rim chips and three tight hairlines on the rim of 1, 2 and 2 cm.
- The bowl with a ca. 2 cm shallow chip on the rim, otherwise in good condition.
H.: 40,5 cm (the tallest vase)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The tallest with a chip on the base, otherwise good.
- All others in excellent condition.
H.: 29 cm (the hat stand)
Dia.: 24,5 cm (the dish)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The hat stand with a vertical ca. 10 cm hairline.
- The blue and white censer with a reglued break to each handle.
- The dish with a shallow rim chip.
- The bowl and cover excellent.
- The vase and cover excellent.
H.: 22,5 cm (the tallest vase)
H.: 21,5 cm - L.: 15,5 cm (the blue and white pot)
L.: 19 cm - H.: 13,5 cm (the teapot)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The blue and white coffee pot with a drilled hole to the base, some overpainting to the connexion between the handle and body, spout and body, probably to cover a hailrine. Some minor glaze loss to the handle's edge. And a flake to the spout. The cover with some superficial flakes to the rim.
- The famille rose vase with the rim broken and relgued.
- The blue and white vase with the rim reduced and polished.
- The famille verte jar in excellent condition, with some minor glaze line to the rim.
- The teapo in excellent condition.
- 咖啡壶底打洞,手柄,流和壶身连接处有喷漆痕迹,应该是冲线修复。手柄侧边有剥釉。流飞皮。盖子飞皮。
- 粉彩花瓶口裂,粘合。
- 青花花瓶截口。
- 五彩罐子全品,口沿多惊釉。
- 茶壶全品。
H.: 16,5 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with a few superficial dents and normal wear.
- 全品,正常磨損和几处典型的凹痕。
Dia.: 20 cm - H.: 9,5 cm (the largest bowl)
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both in excellent condition.
- 两个皆是全品。
Dia.: 16 cm - H.: 7 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The first bowl in quasi excellent condition, with some wear to the rim.
- The second bowl with a irregularity to the rim and a horizontal hairline to the lower part.
- 第一个碗全品,口沿磨损。
- 第二个碗口沿一个瑕疵,下侧一条横向冲线。
H.: 16,5 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The first vase in excellent condition.
- The second vase in very good condition, with two chips to the base rim.
- 第一个瓶子全品。
- 第二个瓶子品相良好,圈足两个飞皮。
H.: 21 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in good condition, with two chips to the rim.
- 整体品相良好,口沿两个飞皮。
H.: 9 cm (the tallest bottle)
Condition: (UV-checked) (from left to right)
- (1) The qianjiang bottle with a large chip to the base.
- (2) The blue and white bottle with figures with small chips on the rim, 2 of them recoloured.
- (3) The iron-red bottle with small rim chips.
- (4) The crab and butterfly bottle excellent.
- (5) The horses bottle excellent.
H.: 8 cm (the tallest bottle)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The red overlay, yellow and 'cat' snuff bottles with a chip and bump mark.
- The rest in excellent condition.
- 红白料鼻烟壶,黄料鼻烟壶和玻璃猫蝶鼻烟壶有飞皮和碰撞痕迹。
- 其余全品。
H.: 7,5 cm (the tallest bottle, incl. the stopper)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The greyish jade and largest celadon jade snuff bottles with a few superficial dents.
- The rest in excellent condition.
- 灰玉和最大碧玉的鼻烟壶有几处轻微的碰撞痕迹。
- 其余都是全品。
H.: 9 cm (the tallest bottle, incl. the stopper)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Glass bottle on the left: excellent, jadeite stopper as well.
- The dragon bottle, second from left: very good, minor wear. Glass stopper good.
- The agate bottle in the middle: excellent. Stopper quasi excellent.
- The dragon bottle, second from right: excellent, minor wear.
- The figural bottle on the far right: excellent.
H.: 9 cm (the tallest bottle)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- All in quasi excellent condition, with some normal wear to the overglazed iron red design.
- Except one 'dragon' snuff bottle with a baking flaw in the middle and the 'buddhist lion' snuff bottle with a superficial chip to the foot rim.
- 都是全品,矾红彩都有一些磨损。
- 一个龙纹鼻烟壶中间有一条窑伤。狮子纹鼻烟壶圈足一个磕崩。
H.: 8,6 cm (the tallest snuff bottle incl. the stopper)
H.: 6,5 cm (the smallest snuff bottle incl. the stopper)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The butterfly bottle with a small burst glaze bubble on the rim.
- All other bottles in excellent condition.
H.: 9 cm (the tallest bottle incl. the stopper)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- All in excellent condition, the left vase with a minor impact line to the rim.
- 都是全品,就左边的鼻烟壶口沿一个重皮。
H.: 7 cm (the tallest bottle, incl. the stopper)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The first, second and fifth snuff bottle in excellent condition.
- The third one with a chip to the rim, and some glaze loss to the edge.
- The fourth one in quasi excellent condition, with a chip to the foot rim.
- 第一,第二,第五个鼻烟壶都是全品。
- 第三个口飞,侧边几处剥釉。
- 第四个圈足飞。
H.: 8,5 cm (the tallest bottle, incl. the stopper)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- All in excellent condition, except the 'battle scene' snuff bottle with a flake to the handle.
- 都是全品,除了刀马人鼻烟壶的一个耳上有飞皮。
H.: 8,7 cm (the tallest snuff bottle, incl. the stopper)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The cylindrique 'coq' snuff bottle with a minor chip to the foot rim. And the 'squirrel' snuff bottle with a baking line to the bottom.
- The rest in excellent condition.
- 筒型公鸡纹鼻烟壶圈足一个飞皮。松鼠浅浮雕鼻烟壶地上有窑线。
- 其余皆是全品。
H.: 9 cm (the tallest snuff bottle, incl. the stopper)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The double bottle (far right) with a few chips to the unglazed foot.
- The bottle with playing boys with a chip to the unglazed foot.
- The black-glazed bottle in excellent condition.
- The bottle that can't stand: a small chip to the bottom tip.
- The cylindrical qianjiang bottle with a few burst glaze bubbles.
- The orange-red stone bottle good.
- The inscribed soapstone bottle with a chip on the foot and some wear.
H.: 9,5 cm (the tallest bottle)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- All four in excellent condition.
H.: 8,5 cm (the tallest snuff bottle, incl. the stopper)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The bottle on the far right broken during the exhibition and no longer part of this lot.
- The wucai bottle on the far left in excellent condition. The stopper broken and lost.
- The second bottle from the left with a burst glaze bubble, otherwise excellent.
- Bottles 3 and 4 both excellent.
H.: 8,7 cm (the tallest snuff bottle, incl. the stopper)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The landscape bottle on the far right broken and reglued.
- The four other bottles in excellent condition.
H.: 9 cm (the tallest snuffbottle)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both excellent.
H.: 8 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
H.: 7 cm (the tallest)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The left bottle excellent.
- The right bottle with a tight vertical glaze line.
H.: 7,5 cm (the tallest)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both in excellent condition, with some normal wear.
- 两个全品,正常磨損。
H.: 8,5 cm (the tallest bottle incl. the stopper)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- All excellent.
H.: 6,5 cm - L.: 5 cm (incl. the stopper)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with some normal wear.
- 全品,正常磨損。
H.: 21 cm
Provenance: A Danish private collection.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The censer generally in good condition, with a few spots of enamel loss to the bottom of the legs, with related overpainting. Another small spot of enamel loss next to one of the handles.
- The cover generally in good condition, with a ca. 12 x 3 mm spot of enamel loss and a few spots of enamel loss on the inside.
- 香炉整体品相非常良好,腿底部几处典型剥釉和一个耳的侧面有一个小剥釉,有相应的复绘痕迹。
- 盖子整体品相非常良好,内侧几处剥釉,外侧一处剥釉尺寸约为 12 x 3 毫米。
- Sotheby's, Hong Kong, June 1, 2015, lot 669, for a yellow-ground example, clearly from the same workshop. (sold HKD 1.000.000) (link) (see added scan)
Their catalogue note states: The elegant shape, lavish colouration and meticulous floral scroll on this censer are characteristic of painted enamel wares made by Guangzhou artists employed to produce tribute items for the Qing court. Since the technique of enamelling on metal was introduced by Jesuit missionaries residing in Guangzhou around 1684, the craftsmen of Guangzhou proved so proficient in the new craft that by 1716 the Kangxi Emperor is known to have summoned two artisans from there to work in the enamel workshop of the Imperial Household Department in the Palace. By the Qianlong Emperor’s reign, the art of enamelling on metal had reached exceptionally high standards, and this art-form continued to receive the Emperor’s foremost interest and patronage.This censer is unusual in its shape and floral scroll decoration. The compressed globular form, elegant cabriole legs and thick gilding under the neck are reminiscent of contemporary censers in cloisonné enamel.
- Christie's, New York, Sep. 17, 2008, lot 190, for a cloisonné example of the same shape, on which the current piece's shape is likely inspired. (link) (see added scan)
Dia.: 25,5 cm - H.: 3 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Two long tension lines on the front.
- Some touch-ups to cover the enamel loss under the rim on the back.
- 正面两条裂纹。
- 底面口沿下几处补彩痕迹。
Dia.: 9,5 cm - H.: 8 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both bowls in quasi excellent condition, with a few typical tension.
-Tension lines thoughtout.
- 一对碗品相良好,几处典型的补彩小修复。
Dim.: 25,5 x 15,5 x 5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Presenting very well.
- Some small typical touch-ups to the rim to recover the typical enamel loss.
- 单纯视觉效果看,品相完好。
- 口沿几处铜胎画珐琅的典型补彩和小修复。
Dia.: 11,5 cm (the stands)
Dia.: 5,5 cm - H.: 4 cm (the cups)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Front side in fair condition with tension lines throughout.
-The first dish back has superficial indentation, and the cup inside has tension lines.
The second dish back has tension lines.
- 正面品相良好,有些自然裂痕。
Dia.: 6,5 cm - H.: 5,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In very good condition, with some spots of retouching, and tension lines probably to recover the typical enamel loss.
- 品相良好,几处典型的补彩小修复和小裂痕。
- A Belgian private collection.
- The collection of Sir Harry Garner, a celebrated author on Chinese and Japanese enamels and lacquerware, with his HHG-initialed label on the base. For another piece from his collection with the same label, see Chiswick Auctions, Nov. 11, 2019, lot 394. (link) Harry Garner is mostly known for his discovery and ownership of the so called 'Harry Garner Vase', sold at Sotheby's Hong Kong on July 10, 2020. (link)
Dia.: 13 cm - H.: 5,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both bowls in very good condition, with some spots of retouching, probably to recover the typical enamel loss.
- 一对碗品相良好,几处典型的补彩小修复。
H.: 15,5 cm
Provenance: An American private collection.
- Christie's, Hong Kong, Dec. 3, 2008, lot 2520, for a larger vase, probably from the same workshop, bearing a related mark. (sold HKD 500.000) (link)
- Dore & Rees, United Kingdom, May 22, 2023, lot 35, for another larger vase, possibly from the same workshop, bearing a related mark. (sold GBP 44.000) (link)
- Bonhams, Hong Kong, Nov. 24, 2013, lot 400, for another larger vase, possibly from the same workshop, bearing a related mark. (link)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The vase generally in good condition, with some typical touch-ups to the edges and under the rim.
- 花瓶整体品相非常良好,四侧边和口沿下侧都有复绘和喷漆痕迹。
Dia.: 16 cm - H.: 7 cm (the bowl)
Dia.: 11 cm (the spice dish)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both in fair condition.
-Both with some typical touch-ups to recover some spots of enamel loss.
- 两件物品品相良好。
- An American private collection.
- Both acquired from E&J Frankel, New York (each with a label on the base).
L.: 29 cm - H.: 6 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- An important Belgian private collection.
- Christie's, Paris, June 20, 2023, lot 678, for a very similar larger example, described as Qianlong mark and of the period. (sold EUR 8.820) (link)
Dia.: 9,5 cm - H.: 9 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Presenting very well.
- Some small typical touch-ups to the rim to recover the typical enamel loss.
-Some tension lines in the middle part.
- 单纯视觉效果看,品相完好。
- 口沿几处铜胎画珐琅的典型补彩和小修复。
Dia.: 27 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Front side in fair condition with tension lines throughout.
-Two sections and rim have retouching, probably to recover the typical enamel loss.
- 正面品相良好,有些自然裂痕。
Dia.: 27 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Presenting very well, generally in good condition.
- Repairs to small sections of enamel loss on the rim between 4 and 5 o'clock, between 6:30 and 7 o'clock and between 9 and 10 o'clock, as well as a few minor touch-ups along the rim around the central medallion.
H.: 30 cm
- A Belgian private collection.
- Acquired from Christie's, South Kensington, in the 1990's. (by repute)
Ref.: In Chinese art, the Four Gentlemen or Four Noble Ones (Chinese: 四君子; pinyin: Sì Jūnzǐ) is a collective term referring to four plants: the plum blossom, the orchid, the bamboo, and the chrysanthemum.The term compares the four plants to Confucian junzi, or gentlemen. They are commonly depicted in bird and flower paintings, a broad category of classical Chinese art, and they are particularly popular subjects for ink and wash painting.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In quasi excellent condition, with a few typical tension lines on the inside of the rim and to the base.
- A few minor baking flaws between the bronze edge and enamel.
- 近乎全品,底面和口沿内侧几条典型的裂纹。
- 铜侧边和珐琅釉之间有一些窑伤,比如爆釉。
H.: 39,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Presenting very well.
- Generally in good condition, with a few touch-ups, some typical tension lines and spots of enamel loss.
- 整体品相良好。
L.: 37,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- A number of touch-ups throughout, most noteably to the connection between the handle and the middle section (may have been reattached) as well as to the knob at the bottom.
Dim.: 11,5 x 9 x 9 cm (the group)
H.: 9 cm (the vase)
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The cloisonné vase in excellent condition, with some typical dents due to the baking.
- The cloisonné sculpture in quasi excellent conditon, with a few glaze loss to the lotus leaf.
- 掐丝珐琅的葫芦瓶全品,表面典型的凹孔。
- 掐丝珐琅鸳鸯雕塑近乎全品,几处剥釉。
H.: 32 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in good condition.
- Numerous small scuff and bump marks throughout as well as superficial pitting.
- Traces of old varnish.
H.: 31 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both in quasi excellent condition, with some normal wear and a few minor baking spots.
- 一对近乎全品,表面轻微磨损,几处典型小的缩釉。
This superb mirror-pair of vases in the 'hundred flowers' style is a tour de force of the De Cheng (德成) cloisonné workshop. It would have been extremely time-consuming to produce, requiring a workshop with a set of exceptionally skilled draftsmen. Established between 1850 and 1860, the De Cheng workshop became renowned throughout Beijing over the course of the century for the superior quality of its cloisonné enamel wares, which were eagerly collected not only by members of the imperial court but also by the area’s foreign residents. Even with the resources available to the most sought-after cloisonné workshop of its time, it is not surprising that very few pieces decorated with this complex design were made, and only a handful survived.
Among the represented flower species may be distinguished peonies of several kinds, lotuses, chrysanthemums, magnolia, roses, hibiscus, orchids, iris, lilies, asters, hydrangea, wisteria, pomegranates, begonias, narcissuses, convolvuli, syringas, pyrus japonica (hai-t'ang) etc.
Both are marked with the stamp of the workshop, one of the vases still has part of the original workshop label.
- Cloisonné: Chinese Enamels from the Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, Béatrice Quette (ed.), Bard Graduate Center, New York, 2011, p. 28 for a reproduction of the label (see added image). Both Chinese and French texts inform prospective buyers of possible imitations (although put differently) and pinpoint the address of the workshop. In Chinese the text reads as follows: “Now some shameless people counterfeit the trademark of 德成; Nevertheless, our customers have our certificate, specifying exactly where we are located, it is at ‘Jingdu Jianmen wai Yangmeizhu xiejie zhongjian lubei’ [in Beijing outside Tsien-men gate toward the middle of the north side of Yangmeizhu xiejie street).
In French: “The one and only true cloisonné workshop of Teuo-Tcheng is located in Beijing outside the Tsien-men gate, around the middle of Yan-mei-tchou-sie-kiai street (north side)”.
As Quette suggests, these bilingual labels indicate a deep concern about quality and forgeries and it is possible these labels were made on the specific occasion of an international exhibition in Paris (1878 or 1889).
We would like to thank Mr Nicolas Belmans, expert on 19th century Chinese cloisonné, for providing information in the redaction of the catalogue note. Mr Belmans is currently preparing a first catalogue of the De Cheng workshop.
H.: 39 cm (the vase)
H.: 42 cm (incl. the stand)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
H.: 57,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with with a few baking spots and kiln dust to the lower part.
- Three minor superficial chips to the foot rim.
- 全品,瓶子下侧几处窑灰和缩釉。
- 圈足三个小飞皮。
H.: 21,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
-Excellent, with a typical superficial chip to the foot rim.
- The rim slightly polished
- A Belgian private collection, Brussels.
- Acquired from Guy de Bergerac, antiques dealer, in the early 2000's. With his business card and description inside the vase.
H.: 54,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some superficial glaze loss along the rim.
- 整体品相非常良好,口沿一圈剥釉。
H.: 17,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
-Excellent, with a few typical superficial chips to the foot rim.
- Woolley and Wallis, May 17, 2022, lot 540. (sold GBP 9.500) (link)
- The collection of George and Cornelia Wingfield Digby and thence by descent. With a paper label on the base for G & C W Digby.
Dia.: 25 cm - H.: 4 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- One excellent, with minor superficial wear.
- One good, with minor superficial wear, and two small superficial rim chips on the exterior.
Provenance: A British diplomatic collection, acquired in Beijing prior to 1953.
Dia.: 18,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- One good, with a tight quasi invisible glaze line and a small chip on the exterior.
- One with a few rim chips restored.
Provenance: A British diplomatic collection, acquired in Beijing prior to 1953.
Dia.: 19 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both in excellent condition.
Provenance: A British diplomatic collection, acquired in Beijing prior to 1953.
Dia.: 19 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both excellent, with minor superficial wear.
Provenance: A British diplomatic collection, acquired in Beijing prior to 1953.
Dia.: 19 cm - H.: 8,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
Dia.: 20,5 cm - H.: 4,5 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The plate with a few flakes to the rim and a hairline to the base.
- A kiln dust on the front, and close to the hairline.
- 盘子口沿几处小飞皮,盘子一条冲线。
- 正面冲线旁边一个窑粘。
H.: 19 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In quasi excellent condition, with the rim slightly polished.
- 近乎全品,口沿轻微打磨。
H.: 23,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both vases with a drilled hole just above the foot rim, otherwise in very good condition.
H.: 14,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In quasi excellent condition, with a minor horizontal glaze line to the neck.
- 全品,脖子上一条横向的惊釉。
H: 18 cm (the tallest vase)
Provenance: An old Dutch private collection.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- All excellent.
- 都是全品。
Dia.: 17,5 cm - H.: 5,5 cm (the widest)
Dia.: 15 cm - H.: 9,5 cm (the tallest)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- All in very good to excellent condition. Two with some baking-related irregularities to the base.
Dia.: 6,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with a kiln dust to the rim on the inside.
- 全品,口沿内一个窑粘。
H.: 7,5 cm (the tallest)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The smallest on the far left excellent.
- The tallest with two tight old hairlines running down from the rim, adjacent of eachother.
- The one in the middle excellent.
- The fourth from the left excellent.
- The one on the far right with a few small burst glaze bubbles and chips on the rim.
Dia.: 11 cm - H.: 6,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
H.: 51,5 cm (the vase)
H.: 70,5 cm (incl. the stand)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- One handle with the lower curl reglued.
- The base with a chip.
- Otherwise in good condition with a number of visible baking flaws throughout.
H.: 20 cm (the tallest)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both in excellent condition.
- 两个皆是全品。
Dia.: 14 cm - H.: 9,5 cm
- An important Belgian private collection.
- Acquired at Christie's, Amsterdam, Nov. 4, 1992, lot 265, with a label on the base.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In quasi excellent condition with three minor tiny superficial chips to the rim.
- 進乎全品,口沿上三個小飛皮。
H.: 54,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The rim partly oversprayed, probably to cover a hairline or a break reglued.
- Otherwise good.
- 口沿部分喷漆,可能是冲线修复,也可能是掉粘。
H.: 18 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In excellent condition.
L.: 8,5 cm - H.: 6 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with a few typical baking spots.
- 全品,几处典型的爆釉。
Dim.: 22 x 12,5 x 9,5 cm (the sculpture)
H.: 13 cm (incl. stand)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
H.: 30 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with some normal wear.
- 全品,釉面正常磨损。
H.: 26 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in good condition, some typical baking flaws throughout.
- The five tips of the finger on the left hand with chips and slightly polished, two tips of the finger on the right hand slightly polished.
- Lacking an object in the left hand and a circular hairline to the stem of the lotus held by the boy.
- 整体品相良好,多处窑缝。
- 观音左手的五个指尖有飞皮,轻微打磨,右手的两个指尖轻微打磨。
- 观音左手手持物缺失,男孩手持的莲花梗上一个环形冲线。
L.: 15 cm - H.: 2,5 cm (the washer)
H.: 7,5 cm (incl. the stand)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The porcelain in excellent condition, absolutely perfect.
- The wooden stand with two small chips on the rim.
- 瓷器全品。
- 木质底座口沿两个飞皮。
L.: 14 cm - H.: 8 cm (the tallest cup)
L.: 10 cm - H.: 5,5 cm (the smallest cup)
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Five cups in excellent condition.
- One cup with a glaze line over the dragon's head.
- One cup with two chips to the base rim.
- One cup with a chip and a kiln dust to the rim, and a baking flaw to the base rim.
- One cup with a few flakes to the rim.
- One cup with a section restored to the base rim.
- One cup with a reglued break to the rim.
- 五个杯子全品。
- 一个杯子的龙头上有惊釉。
- 一个杯子的圈子有两个磕崩。
- 一个杯子的口沿有一个飞皮和一个窑粘,圈足一个窑伤。
- 一个杯子的口沿多处飞皮。
- 一个杯子圈足修复。
Dia.: 23,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
L.: 17,5 cm - H.: 16,5 cm
The gilt bronze candelabra mounts adorned with 5 porcelain flowers, possibly of French origin, such as Vincennes, Sèvres, or Samson, or of German origin, such as Meissen or Volkstedt.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The gilt bronze stand generally in very good condition.
- The dehua joss stick holder with some typical small flakes and a C-shaped hairline to the stick holder in the middle.
- 铜鎏金部件品相非常良好。
- 德化瓷多处飞皮,有一些小的缺失。中间插香圆柱部分有C型冲线。
H.: 8,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with some slight wear.
- A few baking spots and typical superficial crazing throughout.
- 全品,釉面轻微磨损。
- 几处缩釉,全身典型龟裂。
H.: 25 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In quasi excellent condition, with two minor chips to the base rim.
- 近乎全品,圈足两个飞皮。
H.: 29 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in good condition, with a reglued break to the rim.
- 整体品相良好,口沿一块掉粘,尺寸约 3 x 3 cm。
H.: 9,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Quasi excellent, with two small fleabites on the rim.
- A private French collection, Lyon.
- Acquired from the Langlois collection, Paris, France.
H.: 10,5 cm (the vase)
Dim.: 8 x 6,5 x 5 cm (the water pot)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- All in excellent condition.
- 两个瓷塑和木质底座皆是全品。
H.: 25 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The first vase in excellent condition.
- The second vase in very good condition, with one handle broken and reglued.
- 一个花瓶全品,另一个一只耳断,后粘合。
H.: 19 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In excellent condition, with crazing throughout.
- A French private collection.
- With an old English catalogue fragment, stuck to the bottom.
H.: 31 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with some normal superficial wear to the gilt and silver-plated design.
- 全品,金彩和银彩都轻微磨损。
H.: 21 cm
Longwang is the Dragon King, also known as the Dragon God. He is a Chinese water and weather god, regarded as the dispenser of rain, commanding over all bodies of water. He is the collective personification of the ancient concept of the lóng in Chinese culture.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with a well-preserved fresh and shiny glaze.
- Typical minor baking flaws throughout.
- A tight baking line is visible running down from the beard across the chest, to the figure's right side from the viewer's perspective.
- 整体品相非常良好,釉面十分明亮。
- 几处小的窑伤和窑缝。
- 一条窑线从右侧胡子下边一直延伸至袖子上。
L.: 65 cm - H.: 64 cm
- An Irish private collection.
- Acquired from Mealy Auctioneers, in the 1990's.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In poor condition, with glaze losses throughout and a number of lacking chips, old repairs and sections of overpainting. Numerous glued breaks. A part of the tail is lacking.
Dia.: 20 cm - H.: 7,5 cm (the 'phoenixes' bowl)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both in excellent condition.
- 两个皆是全品。
Dia.: 13 cm - H.: 4 cm
- An important Belgian private collection, displayed in Villa de Nachtegaal in Schilde near Antwerp, and published in 'VILLAS - décoration', no. 37, 1989. (see added scans)
- Acquired from Axel Vervoordt. (by repute)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In quasi excellent condition, with a circular impact line to the rim.
- 近乎全品,口沿一个重皮。
Dia.: 22 cm - H.: 5 cm
- An important Belgian private collection, displayed in Villa de Nachtegaal in Schilde near Antwerp, and published in 'VILLAS - décoration', no. 37, 1989. (see added scans)
- Acquired from Axel Vervoordt. (by repute)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with some normal wear to the extremities of the rim.
- 全品,盘子口沿尖端出正常磨損。
Dia.: 34 cm - H.: 6 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In quasi excellent condition, with some normal wear.
- A few small flakes to the rim.
- 近乎全品,正常磨損。
- 口沿几处小飞皮。
Dia.: 31 cm - H.: 6 cm
- An important Belgian private collection, displayed in Villa de Nachtegaal in Schilde near Antwerp, and published in 'VILLAS - décoration', no. 37, 1989. (see added scans)
- Acquired from Axel Vervoordt. (by repute)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with a small flake to the rim.
- Some normal wear to the extremities of the rim.
- A baking flaw on the front.
- 整体品相非常良好,口沿一处小飞。
- 口沿凸出尖端部分有正常磨损。
- 正面一个窑伤。
H.: 22,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with two baking lines to the foot rim.
- 全品,圈足两条窑裂。
H.: 18 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In excellent condition, with normal superficial wear.
H.: 15 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, apart from the reduced neck below the metal mount.
Dia.: 29,5 cm - H.: 5,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with a chip under the rim.
- Some normal wear to the extremities of the rim.
- 整体品相非常良好,口沿下侧一处磕崩。
- 口沿凸出尖端部分有正常磨损。
Dia.: 19 cm - H.: 7,5 cm
- A French private collection.
- Acquired in Shanghai in the first half of the 20th C. (by repute)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with some slight wear and glaze lines.
- 全品,釉面轻微磨損,几处惊釉。
Dia.: 29,5 cm - H.: 15 cm
- An important Belgian private collection, displayed in Villa de Nachtegaal in Schilde near Antwerp, and published in 'VILLAS - décoration', no. 37, 1989. (see added scans)
- Acquired from Axel Vervoordt. (by repute)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with some normal wear.
- 全品,正常磨損。
H.: 17 cm - L.: 15,5 cm
- An important Belgian private collection, displayed in Villa de Nachtegaal in Schilde near Antwerp, and published in 'VILLAS - décoration', no. 37, 1989. (see added scans)
- Acquired from Axel Vervoordt. (by repute)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The cover in quasi excellent condition, with two small superficial chips to the tip of the wing.
- The censer in quasi excellent condition, with a small superficial flake to the rim.
- Both cover and censer with a few glaze lines.
- 盖子近乎全品,鸭子翅膀尖端两个飞皮。
- 炉身近乎全品,口沿一处小飞皮。
- 盖子和炉身都有惊釉。
Dia.: 15,5 cm - H.: 7,5 cm
- An important Belgian private collection, displayed in Villa de Nachtegaal in Schilde near Antwerp, and published in 'VILLAS - décoration', no. 37, 1989. (see added scans)
- Acquired from Axel Vervoordt. (by repute)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with some normal wear and baking flaws throughout.
- 全品,轻微磨損和多处窑伤。
Dia.: 43 cm - H.: 11 cm
- An important Belgian private collection, displayed in Villa de Nachtegaal in Schilde near Antwerp, and published in 'VILLAS - décoration', no. 37, 1989. (see added scans)
- Acquired from Axel Vervoordt. (by repute)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with a few small flakes to the rim and a chip to the base rim.
- 整体品相非常良好,口沿几处小飞皮,圈足一个磕崩,釉面正常磨损。
H.: 27 cm (the vase)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both in excellent condition.
- 两个皆是全品,瓶子多处龟裂。
H.: 33,5 cm
- An important Belgian private collection, displayed in Villa de Nachtegaal in Schilde near Antwerp, and published in 'VILLAS - décoration', no. 37, 1989. (see added scans)
- Acquired from Axel Vervoordt. (by repute)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- A circular impact line to the rim and just above the base rim.
- A refilled chip to the rim and a flake on the shoulder.
- Some typical superficial crazing and baking spots throughout.
- 口沿和圈足上都有一个重皮。
- 口沿一个飞皮修复和肩部一个飞皮。
- 瓶身多处典型龟裂和窑伤。
Dia.: 54 cm - H.: 11,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some normal wear and three silver mounts to the rim, probably to cover three chips.
- 整体品相非常良好,釉面正常磨损。
- 口沿三处包银,应该是飞皮修复。
H.: 31,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with some normal wear and superficial scratches.
- 全品,釉面正常磨损,轻微刮痕。
- Offered at Lyon and Turnbull, London, May 13, 2022. (link)
- A private Canadian collection.
- Formerly in a private Hongkongese collection, the late collector acquired it from Hong Kong before migrating to Canada.
- Sotheby's, New York, March 20, 2019, lot 607, for a similar example. (sold USD 75.000) (link)
- Five comparable Longquan celadon-glazed yuhuchun bottle vases incised with flower motifs and dated to the Ming dynasty are in the collection of the National Palace Museum, Taipei, museum number: 故瓷9976, 11899, 14574 and 中瓷1404, 3978.
Dia.: 31,5 cm - H.: 13 cm
Provenance: An important Belgian private collection.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition.
- Superficial crazing visible throughout.
- The glaze worn over quasi the entire surface, as if the bowl was exposed to sea water for a long time, possibly a shipwreck piece.
- 近乎全品,釉面磨损,多处惊釉。
H.: 22,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
Dia.: 9,5 cm (the saucer)
Dia.: 5 cm - H.: 4 cm (the cup)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The cup with a hairline to the rim and some glaze line throughout.
- The stand in excellent condition, with some glaze line throughout.
- 杯子口冲,几处惊釉。
- 杯托全品,几处惊釉。
H.: 30 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with a few typical baking flaws and a baking spot to the rim.
- 全品,几处窑伤,口沿一个爆釉。
H.: 21 cm
Provenance: An old Portuguese private collection.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The water stoup generally in very good condition, with some normal wear to the overglazed enamel design, and some typical overpainting in the middle on the front.
- The cover with a hairline restored, and some related overspraing.
- 圣水池近乎全品,釉上彩磨损,正面中间有一些补彩痕迹。
- 盖子有冲线修复。
- Bonham's, Cohen & Cohen 50 - Years of Chinese Export Porcelain, New York, January 24, 2023, for another example. (sold USD 6.375) (link)
The lot essay states:
Stoups are intended to hold small quantities of holy water for people to dip their fingers in before making the sign of the cross. They were often placed at the entrances to churches or holy sites.
The form is known in Delftware, faïence and metalwork but is rare in Chinese export porcelain. Dias, 1996, suggests that the presence of a cover means it was probably for private use rather than in a church where continual daily use negated its need.
A pair of the same type and decoration as this can be found in the Museu da Fundação Ricardo do Espírito Santo Silva, Lisbon. A few examples are known in blue and white of similar shape, marked IHS to the back plate, for usy by Jesuits.
Further references: Antunes, 2000, p. 55, no. 39, a pair identical to this example, in the collection of Ricardo do Espírito Santo Silva, also published Antunes, 1999, p. 91; Dias, 1996, p. 52-3, discussion of such pieces; Sargent, 2012, p. 310, a blue and white example in the Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, MA (AE85322.ab) purchased from Cohen & Cohen in 1996 and reference to a second example in the museum (E82867) purchased from Cohen & Pearce in 1990; a fragment of a blue and white back plate, now in the Bangkok National Museum, Thailand, was excavated in 1984 from San Petro, a Dominican church destroyed by the Burmese in 1767, at Ayutthaya, a former Portuguese settlement; Cohen & Cohen, 2014, no. 22, a further blue and white example; Sapage, 1992, cat. 24, a blue and white example of different shape with back-plate in the form of a crucifix, and inscribed IHS; Pinto de Matos, 2011, Vol. 3, p. 194, no. 492, a blue and white cruciform stoup.
H.: 15,5 cm - L.: 14 cm (the ewer)
Dia.: 11,5 cm - H.: 6 cm (the famille rose tea bowl)
Dia.: 11,5 cm (the grisaille saucer)
H.: 6,5 cm - L.: 8,5 cm (the grisaille cup)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The tea caddy with some hairlines to the rim, and the cover in excellent condition.
- The saucer boat with a section restored to the rim.
- The bowl with three small chips to the rim.
- The cup with handle in excellent condition.
- The grisaille cup with a refilled chip to the rim and the grisaille saucer with a hairline to the rim.
- 茶叶罐口冲,盖子全。
- 酱汁杯口修。
- 碗口飞皮三个。
- 把杯全品。
- 墨彩杯口飞皮修。
- 墨彩碟口冲。
H.: 14 cm (the vases)
Dia.: 14 cm (the saucers)
Dia.: 9 cm - H.: 5 cm (the cup)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The vases: both with two small rim chips filled. One with a larger flake to the flaring upper part on the rim.
- The saucers: one with a restored hairline. The others all with a restored break.
- The cup: a small rim chip filled and retouched.
H.: 13,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- A section oversprayed to the frontside of the rim, probably to cover a hairline.
- A small section oversprayed to the finial of the handle.
- 口沿一处喷漆痕迹,可能是覆盖冲线。
- 手柄的顶部一处喷漆痕迹。
L.: 18,5 cm - H.: 12,5 cm (the teapot)
Dia.: 12 cm - H.: 6 cm (the bowl)
Dia.: 15,5 cm (the largest dish)
Dia.: 12 cm (the saucer)
L.: 8,5 cm - H.: 6 cm (the cup)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The teapot in excellent condition and the lid in quasi excellent condition, with a minor flake to the finial.
- The bowl in quasi excellent condition, with a minor flake to the rim, and a tight glaze line under the rim on the inside, invisible on the outside.
- The milk jug in excellent condition.
- The tea caddy with the rim oversprayed, probably to cover a small break, the finial was broken and reglued.
- Two cups in excellent condition, one cup with a hairline to the rim, and one cup with a small superficial flake to the rim.
- Six cups with handle in excellent condition, one cup with handle with two hairlines to the rim and completely oversprayed on the inside.
- One saucer with a hairline and a break reglued to the rim. One saucer with a small flake and a refilled chip to the rim and a spot of glaze loss on the front. One saucer in quasi excellent condition, with two spots of glaze loss on the front. One saucer in quasi excellent condition, with a short tight hairline to the rim. One saucer with a few hairlines and a section oversprayed to the rim.
- The largest saucer with two hairlines and a refilled chip to the rim.
- 茶壶全品,盖钮一个小飞皮。
- 碗近乎全品,口沿小飞,口沿内侧下一条短惊釉,外侧不可见。
- 奶罐全品。
- 茶叶罐口沿有喷漆痕迹,可能是一个飞皮修复。盖钮断,后粘合。
- 两个茶杯全品,一个茶杯口沿小飞皮,一个茶杯口沿一条冲线。
- 六个咖啡杯全品,一个咖啡杯口沿两条冲线,内侧喷漆。
- 一个碟子口沿冲线一条和一块掉粘。一个碟子口沿一个小飞皮和一个飞皮修复和正面一处剥釉。一个碟子近乎全品,中间两处剥釉。一个碟子近乎全品,口沿一条小冲线。一个盘子口沿几条小冲线,有喷漆痕迹。
- 最大的碟子口沿两条冲线和一个飞皮修复。
Dia.: 21,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The first plate in quasi excellent condition, with a few minor superficial flakes and a short baking line to the rim.
- The second plate with two hairlines, a superficial chip and some spots of typical glaze loss to the rim.
- 第一个盘子品相非常良好,口沿几处极小飞皮和一条小的窑缝。
- 第二个盘子口沿两条冲线,一个磕崩和几处典型剥釉。
The coat of arms belongs to the De Pinto family. It has five crescents (two-one-two) and the crest of a plume of three ostrich feathers. The arms on several examples differ from the original with inverted crescents and once ovals. The De Pinto family of Portugal bore a white shield with five red crescents, and in blue this should have been painted as blue crescents on a white ground. (Howard & Ayers, 1978, p.63), (Kroes 2007, p.107)
The De Pinto family were Jewish and came from Spain and Portugal, arriving in Rotterdam and Amsterdam about the middle of the 17th century. Later, in the third quarter of that century, they also settled in The Hague. The De Pintos became very wealthy and lived in grand style in patrician homes and landed estates. Several members of this family could have commissioned this porcelain, such as David Emanuel (1652-1712) or one of his three cousins: Mozes (c.1654-1729), Aron (died 1718) and Joseph (died 1740). Mozes and Aron lived in The Hague and the famous philosopher Isaac de Pinto (1717-1787) was Aron's grandson. David Emanuel and Joseph both lived in the Sint Antoniesbreestraat in the Jewish quarter of Amsterdam. David Emanuel, the wealthiest member of his family, probably commissioned this armorial service.
David Emanuel de Pinto (born Rotterdam, 1652; died Amsterdam, 27 October 1712) inherited his patrician house in Sint Antoniesbreestraat, no.69, from his father Isaac who had bought it in 1651 for fl.30,000. (Kroes 2007, p.107)
Dia.: 14 cm - H.: 6,5 cm (the bowl)
H.: 12 cm - L.: 10,5 cm (the jug)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The bowl with a tight ca. 5 cm hairline and a few very small filled chips on the rim.
- The jug in excellent condition.
Dia.: 46,5 cm (the dish)
Dia.: 41 cm - H.: 16 cm (the bowl)
Ref.: Christie's, New York, Jan. 27, 2014, for a similar punchbowl. (sold USD 16.250) (link)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The bowl with a hairline of ca. 8 cm to the rim, otherwise good.
- The dish with a hairline of ca. 5 cm and a superficial chip to the rim.
- 碗口沿一条冲线约 8 厘米。
- 盘子口沿一条冲线约 5 厘米和一条飞皮。
Dia.: 8,5 cm - H.: 7 cm (the reticulated cup)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The grisaille cup in excellent condition.
- The double-walled reticulated cup in very good condition, with a few chips under the rim.
- 墨彩杯子全品。
- 镂空杯品相良好,口沿几处飞皮。
Dia.: 20,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both broken and restored, the repairs executed to a very high standard and almost invisible to the naked eye.
This is a fine example of this rare design, traditionally attributed to the Pronk workshop, though it is probably not by Carnelis Pronk himself.
The VOC set up a venture in the 1730's to make very high quality porcelains in China to specific designs produced in the West, but in the Chinese style.
They employed Dutch artist Cornelis Pronk to make designs for these and he produced four sets of drawings over about three and half years that were sent out to Batavia. From there the designs were taken to Canton and the production was commissioned by Chinese agents. The designs were elaborate and used bright enamel colouring.
Eventually these proved too expensive and the venture was abandoned in about 1740, though some of the designs were revived in the later 18th century, including the Parasol design for which an original drawing survives - and a ‘flowers and moth’ design recombining details from prints by Marie Sybilla Merian - which had also been used for various other details in the Pronk designs.
What remains today is a rare and fascinating range of porcelains, with distinctive colouring and of a very high quality. Thus they have an appeal to serious collectors of Chinese porcelain.
As the problems had developed with the costs of manufacture it seems likely that the Dutch agents in Batavia tried to simplifiy the designs and to broaden the range of designs. One pattern that was introduced featured the 'parrot and spaniel' design on the present pair, taken from a Meissen service of about 1732 using a chinoiserie drawing by Petrus Schenk.
Parrots were a quick short hand for the exoticism of the Far East and also popular as pets and so a few different examples appear on designs in the Pronk workshop at this time.
(source: Cohen & Cohen - link)
Dia.: 23,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both broken and restored, the repairs well executed.
Dia.: 23 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both plates in quasi excellent condition with a small flake under the rim, invisible from the frontside.
- The teapot in excellent condition.
- 两个盘子近乎全品,口沿下侧有小飞皮,正面不可见。
- 茶壶全品。
H.: 23,5 cm
Ref.: Christie's, Paris, June 14, 2023, lot 116, for a similar example. (sold EUR 10.710) (link)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in good condition.
- Small losses to the tips of two fingers, and the both hands overpainted and oversprayed.
- Some overpainting on the robe around the right knee.
- 塑像整體狀況良好。
- 左右手各断一根手指,双手都有修复痕迹。
- 右膝盖位置的袍子也有复绘痕迹。
H.: 23,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both in excellent condition, with some normal wear to the iron red design.
- 一对全品,矾红彩有一些轻微磨损。
Dim.: 44,5 x 23,5 x 15 cm (excl. the stand)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The sculpture broken in multi pieces and then reglued.
- A chip to the front hoof.
- 瓷塑破损成多块,后粘合。
- 前脚趾一个磕崩。
Dia.: 11,5 cm (the saucer)
Dia.: 7 cm - H.: 4 cm (the cup)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The saucer excellent.
- The cup broken and reglued, with related overspraying.
Dia.: 27,5 cm
Provenance: Christie's, Amsterdam, July 1, 2010, lot 287 (as a pair). (sold EUR 3.875) (link)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- A ca. 8 cm hairline from the rim at ca. 9 o'clock.
- Otherwise good, with some minor superficial wear.
Dia.: 21 cm
- A Dutch private collection.
- The collection of Robert Stanley Hope Smith.
- Acquired from Sotheby's, London, Nov. 24, 1950.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Presenting very well.
- A break restored of ca. 3 x 18 cm to the rim.
- A small refilled chip of ca. 3 mm to the rim.
- 口沿一块掉粘,尺寸约 3 x 18 厘米。
- 口沿一个修补的飞皮约 3 毫米。
Dia.: 21 cm
- A Dutch private collection.
- The collection of Robert Stanley Hope Smith.
- Acquired from Sotheby's, London, Nov. 24, 1950.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Presenting very well.
- A hairline restored of ca. 12 cm and a break restored of ca. 3 x 10 cm to the rim.
- A related hairline of ca. 3 cm to the rim.
- 口沿一条被修复的冲线,长约 12 厘米,从口沿一直延伸至盘心。
- 口沿一块掉粘,尺寸约 3 x 10 厘米。
- 口沿一条与掉粘相关联的冲线约 3 厘米。
Dia.: 11,5 cm (the saucers)
Dia.: 7 cm - H.: 4 cm (the cups)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The first cup in excellent condition.
- The second cup in quasi excellent condition, with two tiny superficial flakes to the rim.
- The first saucer in excellent condition.
- The second saucer in quasi excellent condition, with a short hairline of ca. 2,5 cm to the rim.
- 第一个杯子全品。
- 第二个杯子近乎全品,口沿两个极小飞皮。
- 第一个碟子全品。
- 第二个碟子近乎全品,口沿一条冲线约 2,5 厘米。
Dia.: 38 cm
- A Dutch private collection.
- Acquired from Antik West, Göteborg, Sweden, with their label on the base.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The dish in quasi excellent condition, with a few baking spots and minor glaze loss under the rim, invisible from the front side.
- A short baking line of ca. 4 mm to the rim.
- 盘子近乎全品,盘子背面几处缩釉和剥釉,正面不可见。
- 盘子口沿一条约 4 毫米的窑裂。
H.: 12,7 cm - Dia.: 10 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- A chip and a small break with a related hairline to the rim.
- 笔筒口沿一个飞皮,一个磕崩和相关联的冲线。
Dia.: 11 cm (the saucer)
Dia.: 6,5 cm - H.: 4 cm (the cup)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The cup in excellent condition, some typical glaze loss to the extremities of the rim.
- The saucer in very good condition, with a few small chips to the extremities.
- 杯子全品,口沿尖端几处典型剥釉。
- 碟子品相良好,口沿尖端几处飞皮。
Dia.: 11,5 cm (the saucer)
Dia.: 6,5 cm - H.: 4 cm (the cup)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- All excellent.
- 都是全品。
Dia.: 31 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
Dia.: 24 cm - H.: 18,5 cm (incl. the cover)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The cover in quasi excellent condition, with a spot of glaze loss.
- The tureen in excellent condition.
- 盖子近乎全品,口沿一个剥釉。
- 大碗全品。
Dia.: 20,1 cm (the plate)
Dia.: 15 cm - H.: 6,5 cm (the bowl)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The plate quasi excellent with a very small rim chip at ca. 9 o'clock and a baking flaw on the rim at ca. 3 o'clock.
- The bowl of very nice appearance. The rim with a tight ca. 2 cm hairline, visible on the inside only. On the exterior, a star-shaped hairline is visible under UV-light only, not to the naked eye. It's only partly showing on the inside of the bowl, under UV-light.
Dia.: 21,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Presenting very well.
- The first plate with a tight short glaze line of ca. 4 mm between 5 and 6 o'clock on the front, invisible on the back. And a break restored of ca. 3 x 6 cm between 2 and 3 o'clock.
- The second plate with a tight glaze line of ca. 4 cm between 8 and 9 o'clock on the back, invisible on the front. And a break restored of ca. 4 x 5 cm between 5 and 6 o'clock. Some normal wear to the grisaille design of the inner rim.
- 第一个盘子口沿正面五点到六点钟位置一条惊釉约 4 毫米,背面不可见。两点到三点钟位置一处破裂修复约 3 x 6 厘米。
- 第二个盘子口沿背面八点到九点钟位置一条惊釉约 4 厘米,正面不可见。五点到六点钟位置一处破裂修复约 4 x 5 厘米。正面内沿墨彩局部磨损。
H.: 24,5 cm (incl. the cover)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The jar with a C-shaped hairline to the lower part.
- The cover with two chips.
- 罐子下侧一条C型的冲线。
- 盖子两个飞皮。
Dia.: 35,5 cm - H.: 5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in good condition.
- Three small rim chips visible on the front at ca. 12 and 9 o'clock, as well as a few fleabites throughout. A further number of very small rim chips on the exterior or underside, not detracting from the frontal view.
- Typical minor superficial wear.
Dia.: 10,5 cm (the saucers)
H.: 4 cm - Dia.: 6,5 cm (the cups)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The saucer with butterflies quasi excellent, with a 1 mm fleabite on the rim.
- One saucer from the pair with three 1 mm fleabites on the rim.
- Two saucers excellent.
- The pair of floral cups: one very good, with a few 1 mm fleabites on the rim. The other with two hairlines of ca. 15-20 mm each and a few fleabites on the rim.
- The pair of cups with boys on buffalos: one cup excellent, one with two small rim chips.
Dia.: 10,5 cm (the saucers)
Dia.: 6,5 cm - H.: 3,5 cm (the cups)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- One cup in excellent condition, one cup with a small flake to the rim and four cups with a hairline to the rim.
- Four saucers in excellent condition, two saucers with a hairline to the rim and one saucer with a break reglued to the rim.
- 一个杯子全品,一个杯子口小飞,四个杯子口冲。
- 四个碟子全品,两个碟子口冲,一碟子口坏。
L.: 15 cm - H.: 10,5 cm (the largest)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The left teapot in excellent condition.
- The middle teapot with a few touch-ups to the leaves.
- The right teapot with a few touch-ups to the leaves and some chips to the cover's rim and a circular hairline to the handle.
- 左侧茶壶全品。
- 中间的茶壶的叶子装饰物有几处修复痕迹。
- 右侧的茶壶的叶子装饰物有几处修复痕迹,盖子口沿几处飞皮,手柄有环形冲线。
L.: 18,5 cm - H.: 12 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In quasi excellent condition, with a small superficial chip to the spout and the foot rim of the cover.
- 近乎全品,盖子圈足和流都有小飞。
Dia.: 22,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- All in exellent condition, except the right plate with a small superficial chip under the rim, invisible on the front.
- 都是全品,右边的盘子口沿下一个飞皮,正面不可见。
L.: 5 cm - H.: 4 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The first cup excellent.
- The second cup in quasi excellent condition, with a glaze line on the inside.
- 一个全品,另一个近乎全品,口内一条惊釉,不透。
L.: 15,5 cm - H.: 9 cm (the teapot)
Dia.: 16 cm (the stand)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The teapot in quasi excellent condition, with a few flakes to the spout.
- The cover generally in good condition, with a few typical flakes and glaze loss to the rim and finial.
- The stand in very good condition with a chip and few glaze loss to the rim.
- 茶壶近乎全品,流几个小飞。
- 盖子品相良好,口沿和钮有飞皮和剥釉。
- 盘子品相良好,口沿一个磕崩和几处剥釉。
L.: 16,5 cm - H.: 11 cm (the teapot)
Dia.: 10 cm (the saucers)
Dia.: 6 cm - H.: 3,5 cm (the cups)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The teapot with the lid associated, with the spout damaged below the mount and a part of the branches lacking below.
- Two from the set of three cups excellent, one with a few very small chips. One saucer excellent, one saucer with a ca. 8 mm hairline and one with a hairline across the center.
- The single cup with a few small superficial rim chips.
Dia.: 40 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Two tight hairlines on the rim at ca. 6 and 7 o'clock of ca. 8 and 4 cm,
- Generally very well preserved and of attractive appearance.
Dia.: 11 cm (the saucers)
Dia.: 6,5 cm - H.: 4,5 cm (the cups)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- One saucer with two tight ca. 1 cm hairlines on the rim, one with just one tight ca. 1 cm hairline on the rim.
- One cup with a restored ca. 3 cm hairline, one cup in good condition.
Dia.: 28 cm - Dia.: 22,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The largest plate in excellent condition.
- The smallest plate with a short hairline of ca. 2 cm to the rim.
- 大盘子全品。
- 小盘子口冲 2 厘米。
Dia.: 12,5 cm (the saucers)
Dia.: 7 cm - H.: 5 cm (the cups)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The first cup in quasi excellent condition, with two chips to the lotus around the base.
- The second cup with a few typical touch-ups to the lotus around the base and a restored hairline to the rim.
- The first saucer in quasi excellent condition, with a tiny flake to the lotus on the base.
- The second saucer in quasi excellent condition, with two flakes to the lotus on the base, and some normal wear to the overglazed enamel on the base.
- 第一个杯子近乎全品,杯子底部的莲花瓣上有两个飞皮。
- 第二个杯子底部莲瓣几处典型补彩痕迹,口沿一条修复的冲线。
- 第一个碟子近乎全品,底下花瓣一个小飞皮。
- 第二个碟子近乎全品,底下花瓣两个飞皮,釉上彩部分磨损。
Dia.: 11,5 cm (the saucers)
Dia.: 7 cm - H.: 4 cm (the cups)
- An important French private collection.
- Acquired from Marc Michot, Bruges, in the 1990's or early 2000's.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The first cup in good condition, with a minor flake and a tight hairline of ca. 1 cm to the rim on the inside, partly visible on the outside.
- The second cup in good condition, with four glaze lines on the inside and two glaze lines on the outside to the rim.
- Both saucers in good condition, with two tight hairlines to the rim.
- 第一个杯子品相良好,口沿一个小飞皮和一条断冲线约 1 厘米。
- 第二个杯子品相良好,口沿内侧四条惊釉,外侧两条惊釉。
- 两个碟子品相均良好,口沿都有两条冲线。
H.: 23,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In quasi excellent condition, with some normal wear to the overglazed enamel design and a minor tight glaze line to the spout.
- 近乎全品,釉上彩轻微磨损,流上一条短小惊釉。
- S. Marchant & Son, London, 10 June 2009. Published in their catalogue 'Recent Acquisitions, 2009', p. 42, no. 24, and of course also exhibited at their premises. (see images no. 8 and 9)
Ref.: The figural scene faithfully depicts Act 15 - Changting Songbie (Farewell at the Pavilion) of Xi Xiang Ji (Romance of the Western Chamber) by the Yuan dynasty playwright Wang Shifu (1250-1337). In Act 15, the female protagonist Cui Yingying sends her newly wed husband Zhang Gong off to the capital for the civil examination.
Dia.: 17 cm - H.: 13,5 cm (incl. the cover)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The first bowl in excellent condition, and the cover in quasi excellent condition, with a few superficial chips to the rim.
- The second bowl with a hairline and a chip to the rim, the cover in quasi excellent condition, with a few superficial chips to the rim.
- 第一个碗全品,盖子口沿几处小飞皮。
- 第二个碗口一个磕崩和一条冲线,盖子口沿几处小飞皮。
L.: 23 cm - H.: 20 cm
Please note the mounts are silver and not silvered as mentioned in the title.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- A beautiful and exceptional set, presenting very attractively.
- The cover with the finial replaced and a small repaired rim chip, as well as a ca. 5 cm hairline visible on the inside, not showing on the exterior.
- The bowl in excellent condition. The silver marked .950 and illegibly signed.
Dia.: 35 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Broken and restored. The sound intact when tapped.
Dia.: 28,5 cm - H.: 6 cm (the largest dish)
Dia.: 14 cm - H.: 6,5 cm (the largest bowl)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The cup with a hairline.
- The bowl with two refilled chips.
- Five plates in excellent condition.
- Two plates with a few chips.
- One plate with a hairline to the rim.
- 杯子口冲。
- 碗口两个飞皮修。
- 五个盘子全品。
- 两个盘子口飞。
- 一个盘子口冲。
Dia.: 23,5 cm (the largest plate)
Dia.: 22,3 cm (the smallest plate)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- 1 plate in excellent condition.
- 6 plate with a small superficial chip to the rim.
- 6 plate with a hairline to the rim.
- 一个盘子全品。
- 六个盘子口沿小飞。
- 六个盘子口冲。
Dia.: 25,5 cm (the largest plate)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The plate with the horses in excellent condition.
- The plate with the fenghuang flying with two small rim chips, otherwise good.
- The 'rooster' dish in excellent condition.
Dia.: 23 cm (the largest plate)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The plate on the far left: excellent.
- The second plate: a hairline across the centre and a few small superficial rim chips.
- The middle plate: quasi excellent, with a 1 mm chip on the outer rim.
- The fourth plate: quasi excellent, with some wear to the enamels.
- The fifth plate: a hairline across the centre and a few small superficial rim chips.
Dia.: 35 cm - H.: 4,5 cm (the largest dish)
Dia.: 31,5 cm - H.: 4 cm (the smallest dish)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- One dish in excellent condition.
- Three dished with a hairline.
- 一个盘子全品。
- 三个盘子冲。
Dia.: 38 cm - H.: 6 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, except a section with scratches in the middle on the front.
- 全品,中间有一小块釉面磨损。
Dia.: 19,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Two rim sections broken out of the rim between 2:30 and 5:30 o'clock.
- A rim chip at ca. 9 o'clock with a related ca. 2 cm hairline.
Dia.: 35 cm - H.: 5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Perfect, no damage whatsoever.
Dia.: 34,5 cm - H.: 5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Perfect, no damage whatsoever.
Dia.: 28,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in good condition, with minor superficial wear.
- 近乎全品,正常磨损。
Dia.: 12 cm - H.: 5,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both with a tight hairline to the rim.
- 两个碗口沿都有冲线。
Dia.: 21 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The left plate in quasi excellent condition, with a tiny flake under the rim, invisible on the front.
- The right plate in excellent condition.
- 左侧的盘子近乎全品,口沿下一个小飞皮,正面不可见。
- 右侧的盘子全品。
Dia.: 26,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In quasi excellent condition, with a small flake under the rim.
- 近乎全品,口沿下一个小飞皮。
Dia.: 26 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
Dia.: 26,8 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Perfect, no damage whatsoever.
Ref.: Dr. Yibin Ni's research project Tutuhaoyi.com, has a page dedicated to the subject (link). Below is an excerpt of his findings:
Yingying receiving good news delivered by the pageboy - 泥金报捷
This is a story from the Romance of the Western Chamber, a famous Chinese play written by Wang Shifu (王实甫, 1260-1336) during the Yuan dynasty (1271-1368):
On his way to the capital to take civil-service exams, Scholar Zhang (张生) fell in love with the beautiful Cui Yingying (崔莺莺), who was stranded in a monastery. They had to be separated because Yingying’s mother only allowed Zhang to marry Yingying after he succeeded in his exams. Half a year passed and, when Zhang won the official honours, he sent the pageboy to tell Yingying the good news. Yingying was thrilled to receive the glad tidings.
Dia.: 13 cm - H.: 11 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with a few typical baking spots.
- 全品,几处缩釉。
Dia.: 21,5 cm - H.: 11 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with a few minor glaze loss to the rim.
- 全品,口沿几处小剥釉。
Dia.: 21 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- A ca. 5 x 2 cm rim section broken out and restuck, the breaks retouched. The repair invisible to the naked eye. Otherwise excellent.
Dia.: 6,5 cm - H.: 5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- A small superficial chip on the rim, otherwise in good condition.
H.: 22 cm (the tallest)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The first vase in very good condition, with a flake to the base rim, and some glaze loss to the lower rim above the base.
- The second vase with two hairlines to the rim and base rim. A few flakes and glaze loss to the base rim.
- 第一个花瓶品相非常良好,圈足一个飞皮,下次的边沿有几处剥釉。
- 第二个花瓶口冲,底冲,底边飞皮和剥釉。
H.: 21,2 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- A flake to the rim and with a related hairline.
- A circular impact line to the rim.
- A star-shaped hairline to the base.
- 口沿一处飞皮和相关联的冲线。
- 口沿一个重皮。
- 炸底。
Dia.: 27 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
Dia.: 11 cm - H.: 5,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, executed in a beautiful shade of cobalt blue. A small baking flaw to the cover.
Dia.: 29 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- One excellent, one with a shallow rim chip.
Dia.: 37,5 cm - H.: 8 cm (the largest dish)
Dia.: 32 cm (the pair)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The first smallest dish in quasi excellent condition, with a few superficial chips to the rim.
- The second smallest dish with four superficial chips and a related hairline of ca. 7 cm to the rim.
- The largest dish with three hairlines and some typical glaze loss to the rim, and a circular hairline under the inner rim, with related overspraying and overpainting.
- 第一个盘子近乎全品,口沿几处典型小飞皮。
- 第二个盘子口沿四个小飞皮和一条相关联的冲线。
- 最大的盘子口沿三条冲线,几处典型剥釉,一条环形冲线在盘子内侧,有相关联的喷漆和复绘痕迹。
Dia.: 26 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- All in excellent condition, with some typical glaze loss to the rim.
- 都是全品,口沿几处剥釉。
Dia.: 20 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Two plates excellent.
- One plate with a few typical flakes to the rim.
- 两个盘子全品。
- 一个盘子口沿几个小飞。
H.: 44,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The rim retouched, with related overpainting, the exact extent of the repair impossible to assess due to the nature of the restoration.
- A few small superficial bump marks throughout, and the inside completely oversprayed.
- The rim and foot rim retouched, with related overpainting, the exact extent of the repair impossible to assess due to the nature of the restoration.
- Two spots of glaze loss to the base rim.
- A few small star-shaped glaze lines on the inside, invisible on the outside.
- Some superficial crazing to the base on the inside, invisible on the outside.
- 蓋邊被修復,有復繪痕跡,由於修復材料的特性,具體修復尺寸在UV燈下不可測定。
- 蓋子上部分多處微小碰撞凹點,蓋子內完全噴漆。
- 罐的口沿和底邊被修復,有復繪痕跡,由於修復材料的特性,具體修復尺寸在UV燈下不可測定。
- 底邊兩個剝釉。
- 罐子內幾處小雞爪,不透。
- 罐子內底部有局部龜裂,不透。
L.: 19 cm - H.: 9,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The first bowl in excellent condition, with a star-shaped glaze line on the inside, invisible on the outside. And the cover with a small refilled flake to the rim.
- The second bowl in excellent condition. The cover with a chip to the rim.
- 第一个碗全品,内小鸡爪,不透。 盖子口沿一个小飞皮修复。
- 第二个碗全品。盖子口沿一个磕崩。
Dia.: 26 cm
- Christie's, New York, Jan. 23, 2019, lot 633, for a similar example. (sold USD 3.750) (link)
- David S. Howard, The Choice of the Private Trader, London, 1994, p. 46 pl. 13.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both plates in quasi excellent condition, with a few superficial flakes to the rim.
- 两个盘子近乎全品,口沿几个小飞皮。
L.: 11 cm (the largest octagonal saucer)
L.: 6,5 cm (the smallest octagonal saucer)
Dia.: 6,5 cm - H.: 3,5 cm (the biggest cup)
Dia.: 4,5 cm - H.: 3 cm (the smallest cup)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The flower shaped cup in quasi excellent condition, with a few typical glaze loss to the rim. The stand in quasi excellent condition, with a chip and a flake under the rim.
- The rond cup and saucer with a hairline.
- One hexagonal saucer with a small chip to the rim.
- The rest in excellent condition.
- 海棠口杯近乎全品,口沿几个剥釉,杯托口沿下两个飞皮。
- 圆形杯子和碟子都有冲线。
- 一个六边形的碟子口沿一个飞皮。
- 其余全品。
H.: 19,5 cm (total size, incl. the silver mounts)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both excellent, one vase with a small chip to the base rim.
- 一对全品,圈足一个飞皮。
H.: 8,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
H.: 16 cm (the tallest)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The tallest vase excellent.
- The second vase almost excellent, with a tight line across the base slightly extending upwards.
- The box and cover quasi excellent, with a chip to the unglazed inner rim of the cover.
H.: 11 cm (the tallest vase)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both excellent.
- The vase with a few burst glaze bubbles.
- 两个全品。
- 花瓶几处爆釉。
H.: 29 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- One in very good condition, with a baking flaw on the rim and normal minor superficial wear.
- One with a repaired section to the upper right corner, and normal minor superficial wear.
Dia.: 24,5 cm - H.: 11,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- With a number of restored breaks. The restoration executed to a high standard, quasi invisible to the naked eye but showing up under UV-light.
H.: 10,5 cm - Dia.: 16 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In quasi excellent condition, with a few small flakes and typical glaze loss to the rim.
- 近乎全品,口沿几处小飞皮和剥釉。
H.: 42 cm (incl. th cover)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The cover in quasi excellent condition, with a flake to the rim and glaze loss to the finial.
- The vase broken in multiple pieces, and reglued, with a refilled section to the rim.
- 盖子近乎全品,盖钮一个剥釉,边飞皮。
- 罐子裂多块,后粘合,口沿缺失一块。
H.: 46 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with some normal wear to the glaze and a burst glaze bubble in the middle.
- 全品,釉面轻微磨损,中间有一个爆釉。
Dia.: 15 cm - H.: 7,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Quasi excellent, with a small superficial chip on the rim.
Ref.: The Jan Menze van Diepenstichting, inv. no. JMD-P-1734. (link)
Dia.: 20,5 cm - H.: 18 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Broken and reglued.
Dia.: 20 cm - H.: 10 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- A restored rim chip with a related ca. 10 cm hairline.
- Otherwise in good condition.
H.: 46 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Presenting very well.
- The rim completely oversprayed, probably to cover a chip or a hairline.
- A drilled hole to the base.
- 口一圈喷漆,可能是飞皮或者冲线修复。
- 底打洞。
H.: 58 cm (the vase)
H.: 65 cm (incl. the stand)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The cover in excellent condition.
- The vase with a break restored and a hairline to the rim and some kiln dust to the lower part.
- 盖子全品。
- 罐子口修,口冲。
H.: 20 cm
Provenance: An old French private collection.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in good condition, with a break restored to the rim.
- Two baking spots to the shoulder.
- 整体品相良好,口沿一处破裂修复。
- 肩部两个爆釉。
H.: 34 cm (the porcelain)
H.: 92,5 cm (the lamp)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in good condition.
- Three hairlines to the rim.
- A spot of glaze loss (blue enamel) on the shoulder.
- A drilled hole to the base.
- 整体品相良好。
- 口沿三条冲线。
- 肩部一处蓝釉剥釉。
- 底打洞。
H.: 27 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, a chip to the rim and the rim polished.
- 整体品相非常良好,口沿一个飞皮,磨口。
H.: 30,5 cm (incl. the mount)
H.: 26,5 cm (the vase)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- A small rim chip reglued, with a related short hairline.
- Some crazing throughout.
- A Dutch private collection.
- With John Sparks Ltd., according to the label on the base.
H.: 24 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- A hairline extending downwards from the rim to just above the foot rim.
- A star-shaped hairline to the bottom.
- A few small superficial chips to the rim.
- 一条冲线从口沿一直延伸至圈足上方。
- 炸底。
- 口沿几处飞皮。
Dia.: 21,5 cm (the plate)
H.: 17 cm (the vase incl. the cover)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The vase with a reglued break to the upper part. The lid with a superficial chip.
- The plate with a number of small rim chips and a ca. 6 cm hairline.
Dia.: 37 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some normal wear to the overglazed enamel design on the front.
- A hairline restored of ca. 7 cm to the rim.
- 整体品相非常良好,正面釉上彩正常磨损。
- 口沿一条约 7 厘米的修复的冲线。
H.: 27 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The one on the right lacking the stem from the red flower, with some retouching to the upper part of the vase he's holding. A number of very small flakes to the glaze throughout.
- The one on the left with chips to the leaves, lacking the flower and with two small flakes to the hairdo.
Dim.: 29 x 17,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In quasi excellent condition, with a small minor superficial chip to the rim.
- 近乎全品,侧边沿一个小飞皮。
Dia.: 35,5 cm
- The collection of Tove and Karl Emil Strømstad (born 1936), Norway, with a label on the base inscribed 404.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The plate in quasi excellent condition, with a minor tiny superficial chip and a short glaze line of ca. 3 mm to the rim.
- 盘子近乎全品,口沿一个小飞皮和一条约 3 毫米的惊釉。
Dia.: 18 cm (the plate)
H.: 15 cm (the ewer)
L.: 15,5 cm - H.: 12,5 cm (the teapot)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The plate generally in good condition, with a chip and a hairline to the rim.
- The ewer generally in very good condition, with a few flakes and glaze loss to the spout and handle.
- The teapot with a chip and a short hairline to the rim, the spout brokend and reglued. The cover with the finial oversprayed.
- 盘子品相良好,口沿一个飞皮和一条冲线。
- 执壶品相非常良好,流和手柄处几个飞皮和剥釉。
- 茶壶口沿一个飞皮和一条短冲线,流断后修复。盖子盖钮有喷漆痕迹。
L.: 18 cm - H.: 15,5 cm (total size)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The bowl in quasi excellent condition with two drilled holes on the side due to bronze handle mount.
- The bronze mount in very good condition, with some normal wear.
- 碗品相非常良好,因為銅耳,兩個各打洞一個。
- 銅件品相良好,正常磨損痕跡。
L.: 13 cm - H.: 5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In quasi excellent condition, with a small chip under the rim of the box and some typical glaze loss to the cover and box.
- 近乎全品,盒子口沿下侧一个飞皮,盖子和盒子口沿几处剥釉。
Dia.: 23,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both with an engraved Chinese letter above the ladies' heads.
- Both with two or three small rim chips filled and retouched, the rim with a further number of small superficial chips.
- Minor superficial wear to the enamels.
H.: 12 cm - Dia.: 9 cm (the brush pot)
H.: 17 cm (incl. the cover)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in good condition, but with numerous touch-ups to the overglaze green enamels, invisible to the naked eye but showing up under UV-light.
- The silver lid in good condition with some minor bump marks.
L: 11,5 cm (the longest knife handle, excl. the blade)
The blades 19th C., with a Paris maker's mark.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Five knife handles in excellent condition, with some normal wear to the overglazed enamel design.
- One knife handle with a hairline.
- One knife handle with a refilled chip to the bottom.
- One knife handle with a break reglued on the top.
- 五个手柄全品,釉上彩轻微磨损。
- 一个手柄有冲线。
- 一个手柄底部有飞皮修补。
- 一个手柄前段破裂粘合。
H.: 56 cm (vase incl. the cover)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The first gu vase in very good condition, with some typical touch-ups to the rim and some overspraying in the middle, probably to cover a baking line.
- The second gu vase with three breaks restored to the rim, and some related overspraying and overpainting.
- The vase with a hairline restored to the rim. And the cover with some restored chips to the rim.
- 第一个花觚品相良好,外面中间有一圈喷漆痕迹,可能是遮盖窑线。
- 第二个花觚口沿三处破裂修复,周围有相关联的喷漆和复绘痕迹。
- 花瓶口沿一处冲线修复。盖子口沿几处修补的飞皮。
Dia.: 32 cm - Dia.: 22,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The first dish generally in very good condition, with a refilled chip of ca. 8 mm and a tiny flake of ca. 1 mm to the rim.
- The second dish in quasi excellent condition, with a tiny flake to the rim.
- The plate in excellent condition.
- 第一个大盘整体品相良好,盘子口沿一个修复的飞皮约 8 毫米,和一个极小飞皮。
- 第二个大盘近乎全品,口沿一个极小飞皮。
- 小盘子全品。
Dia.: 23,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both in very good condition with a few negligible small chips to the underside of the rim.
Dia.: 39 cm - H.: 5,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In excellent condition.
Dia.: 35 cm - H.: 5,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both with repaired small chips and fritting along the entire rim. Otherwise very attractive.
Dia.: 22 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Two plates good with typical small chips along the rim.
- One of the pair with a ca. 15 mm hairline on the rim and one small chipson the rim.
Dia.: 13,5 cm (the saucers)
Dia.: 8,5 cm - H.: 5 cm (the cups)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- 2 cups with a hairline to the rim.
- 1 cup in quasi excellent condition, with a flake to the rim.
- 1 cup with a few flakes to the rim.
- 4 saucers with a few flakes to the rim.
- 两个杯子口沿都有冲线。
- 一个杯子近乎全品,口沿一个飞皮。
- 一个杯子口沿几处飞皮。
- 四个碟子口沿都有飞皮或者磕崩。
Dim.: 31 x 25,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In good condition, with minor superficial wear to the overglaze enamels on the rim.
This exceptional Chinese dish for the English market combines the portrait of Queen Victoria and the British crown, with the date 1757 below the Queen's portrait.
In 1757, the East India Company took control of India. This dish likely commemorates this occasion, so it was probably ordered at a slightly later date, possibly in 1767. The enamelling on the piece is reminiscent of Canton enamels from the period.
Dia.: 14 cm (the saucers)
Dia.: 9,5 cm - H.: 5 cm (the cups)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The cups:
one excellent, one with a ca. 5 mm hairline.
- The saucers:
- 4 excellent.
- 2 with just one small chip.
- 1 with a few very small rim chips.
- 2 with a small rim chip with a short hairline.
Dia.: 23,5 cm (the largest plate)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The set of 7: all with small rim chips. One with a ca. 3 cm hairline, three with a ca.5-6 cm hairline.
- The plate with the ladies: a hairline of ca. 6 cm.
- The three plates on the bottom row, each with a hairline of ca. 4-6 cm each.
- The three plates with floral design, top row on the left, all with small chips on the rim.
H.: 25 cm (the tall jug)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The large ewer with the handle broken off and restuck, restored to the attachment points.
- The pair of ewers: both with some damage to the crown on the lids, one lid with a rim chip. One handle broken and reglued. Both with small chips to the spout and handle. One stand with two rim chips, one with two rim chips and a hairline across.
H.: 25,5 cm (the tallest vase)
Dia.: 13,5 cm (the saucers)
Dia.: 8 cm - H.: 5,5 cm (the cup)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The tallest vase in very good condition.
- The vase with the porcelain cover in excellent condition. A small chip to the lid's inner rim.
- The jar with the wooden cover with rim chips and a hairline.
- The cup with a few small rim chips. The saucers both excellent.
Dia.: 23,7 cm (the largest)
Condition: (UV-checked):
- 1 excellent.
- 7 with one or more small rim chips.
- 5 with at least one hairline.
Dia.: 38 cm (the large dish)
Dia.: 23,5 cm (the largest plate)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The large dish in excellent condition.
- 1 blue and white plate excellent.
- 14 in good condition with small rim chips.
- 9 with at least one small hairline.
- 2 plates restored.
Dia.: 28,5 cm (the pair of Imari-style dishes)
Dia.: 21,5 cm (the pair of blue and white plates)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The teapot in good condition, with small chips to the tip of the spout and minor superficial wear.
- The pair of Imari-style dishes in good condition, with a number of small rim chips.
- The warmer probably reformed from a coffee pot.
- The pair of blue and white plates: one excellent, one with three small superficial rim chips.
Dia.: 14 cm (the largest saucer)
H.: 11,5 cm (the mug)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Check the daylight photos.
- 如图。
H.: 26 cm (the talllest vase)
Dia.: 14 cm (the largest saucer)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The famille verte jar in very good condition, with some superficial wear to the green enamel, caused by the cover. The cover with a small superficial chip from the unglazed rim.
- The Mandarin famille rose teacaddy with a chip from the top rim and superficial wear to the gilding.
- The famille rose vase generally in very good condition, with normal superficial wear and superficial scuff marks.
- The left Nanking famille verte in excellent condition, with normal superficial wear.
- The right hand Nanking famille verte vase in very good condition, with a chip from the unglazed foot rim.
- The famille rose 'birds' saucer with enamel losses, small superficial rim chips and a hairline.
- The famille rose saucer with figural design with glued breaks.
- The small famille rose brush pot with wear to the enamels and baking flaws.
Dia.: 22,5 cm - H.: 4 cm (the plates)
Dia.: 14,5 cm - H.: 7 cm (the bowls)
Dia.: 11,5 cm - H.: 2 cm (the saucers)
Dia.: 8,5 cm - H.: 4,5 cm (the largest cup)
Provenance: Christie's, The Nanking Cargo, Amsterdam, April 28, 1986, lots 3143, 3153, 3755, 5200, 5708, according to the legible labels on the backs. (part lots)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- One bowl with some crazing and hairlines in the bottom.
- One bowl with three superficial chips from the brown glazed rim.
- One bowl with a small superficial chip from the brown glazed rim and a baking flaw in the foot rim.
- One bowl with a number of small superficial chips from the rim and minor crazing of the glaze.
- One plate in very good condition, with normal superficial wear.
- Two plates with some minor superficial chips from the rim.
- One plate with a number of chip from the brown glazed rim.
- All three saucers with some chips and hairlines.
- Three cups with chips and hairlines.
- The largest cup in very good condition, with a baking flaw on the foot rim.
- One cup with a glued break.
- One cup with a hairline.
Dia.: 32 cm (the dishes)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Four plates with glaze losses and small chips from the rim.
- One plate with glaze losses, small chips from the rim and one hairline.
- One plate with glaze losses, small chips from the rim and two hairlines.
- One charger in very good condition, with a number of negligible fleabites and one small superficial rim chip.
- The other charger with a number of negligible fleabites, three small superficial rim chips and a firing related glaze line, which is invisible on the backside.
L.: 507 cm - W..: 32 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in fair condition, with some typical age-related wear to the silk, such as mild creasing.
- 部分绢本老化痕迹,如折痕。
Dim.: 1004 x 39 cm (the scroll)
Dim.: 788 x 38,5 cm (the painting)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some typical age-related wear to the silk, such as mild creasing and some yellow spots.
- 整体品相非常良好,部分绢本老化痕迹,如折痕和黄斑。
Dim.: 135 x 97 cm
One of the most charming themes within the genre of Chinese figure painting is that of 'the knickknack peddler', an itinerant merchant surrounded by animated children that flank his cart, laden with toys, sweet treats, and household wares. Believed to have originated with the Southern Song dynasty (1127-1269) court painter Su Hanchen and taken up by Li Song (active 1190-1265), and Wang Zhenpeng (active early 14th c.), these compositions were further embraced by artists working under imperial patronage in the dynasties that followed the fall of the Song.
The merchant's cart and its contents are painstakingly detailed, and upon close inspection, one can see the speckled bamboo and elaborately wrought fittings upon which the merchant displays his wares. From the fabric canopy and bamboo poles are numerous hanging ornaments, and on one side fine porcelain and lacquer is displayed, the other an assortment of toys and sweets, the food protected from pests by a wire mesh covering. One can understand the children's excitement at the merchant's arrival, as we can all look in fascination at the array of products his cart holds.
The rich details of the merchant's cart are matched by the carefully rendered clothing and delicately drawn faces of those in attendance. The children's finely woven silk brocades and gilt earrings reveal their noble, if not imperial upbringing, and their enjoyment of the event is patent in their expressions of glee and wonderment as they discover the treasures the merchant carries with him, or play with their newly acquired novelties.
Although one would may expect to find an itinerant merchant within an urban environment, the elaborate rock and flowering plants indicate this is a garden setting. Likely within the walls of a family compound, the location of the painting is another indication of the wealth and prestigious status to which the children belong.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some typical age-related wear to the silk.
- Some water-stain around the board on the back and some traces of mildew on the lower part to the corner on the back.
- 整体品相非常良好,部分绢本老化痕迹, 画作边缘有水渍, 发霉
Dim.: 238 x 83 cm (the scroll)
Dim.: 166,5 x 69 cm (the work)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some typical age-related wear to the silk, such as mild creasing and some yellow spots.
- 整体品相非常良好,部分绢本老化痕迹,如折痕和黄斑。
Dim.: 134,5 x 80 cm (the largest)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some typical age-related wear to the silk.
- Some water-stain around the board on the back and some traces of mildew on the lower part to the corner on the back.
- 整体品相非常良好,部分绢本老化痕迹, 画作边缘有水渍, 发霉
Dim.: 118 x 28 cm (the scrolls)
Dim.: 37 x 22 cm (the works)
Condition: (UV-checked) (from left to right)
- All four scrolls with paper tape reinforcements in the top section.
- The first painting generally in very good condition with normal superficial wear. Some wear in the right top corner of the scroll.
- The second painting with a horizontal crack just under the horse head.
- The third painting with a reinforced tear in the left bottom corner and a small retouching in the bottom right corner. The thread in the top torn.
- The fourth painting with a horizontal crack located at the tree and minor discoloration. The thread in the top torn.
Dim.: 52 x 38,5 cm (the frames)
Dim.: 38 x 30 cm (the works)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some typical age-related wear to the paper.
- 整体品相非常良好,部分纸本老化痕迹。
Dim.: 144,5 x 48 cm (the scroll)
Dim.: 115,5 x 36 cm (the work)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some typical age-related wear to the silk, such as mild creasing and some yellow spots.
- 整体品相非常良好,部分绢本老化痕迹,如折痕和黄斑。
Dim.: 173 x 37,5 cm (each frame)
Dim.: 146,5 x 32,5 cm (each work)
Ref.: Christie's, New York, June 29, 2021, lot 138, for a related single work. (sold USD 1.375) (link)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some typical age-related wear to the silk, such as mild creasing and some yellow spots.
- 整体品相非常良好,部分绢本老化痕迹,如折痕和黄斑。
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some typical age-related wear to the silk, such as mild creasing and some yellow spots.
- 整体品相非常良好,部分绢本老化痕迹,如折痕和黄斑。
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some typical age-related wear to the silk, such as mild creasing and some yellow spots.
- 整体品相非常良好,部分绢本老化痕迹,如折痕和黄斑。
L.: 31 cm - W.: 46 cm (opened)
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The bamboo generally in good condition, with nice patination.
- The fold paper with some splits.
- 扇骨竹质部分品相良好,包浆自然。
- 扇面几处破损。
Dim.: 36 x 18,5 cm (each frame)
Dim.: 22,5 x 12,5 cm (each work)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both works showing water stain marks and age related wear such as horizontal cracking lines.
- Both frames and mounts with wear.
Dim.: 220 x 116 cm (the scroll)
Dim.: 118 x 96 cm (the work)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some typical age-related wear to the paper.
- 整体品相非常良好,部分纸本老化痕迹。
Dim.: 235,5 x 84 cm (the scroll)
Dim.: 118 x 70 cm (the work)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some typical age-related wear to the silk, such as mild creasing and some yellow spots.
- 整体品相非常良好,部分绢本老化痕迹,如折痕和黄斑。
Dim.: 28,5 x 22 cm (the album when closed)
Dim.: 19 x 16,5 cm (each drawing)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with normal superficial wear. The paper showing minor foxing.
- The last page with calligrapgy showing two holes in the left part of the silk.
Dim.: 179,5 x 42 cm (each scroll)
Dim.: 132,5 x 32 cm (each work)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some typical age-related wear to the paper, such as mild creasing and some yellow spots.
- 整体品相非常良好,部分纸本老化痕迹,如折痕和黄斑。
with mark
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some typical age-related wear to the paper, such as mild creasing and some yellow spots.
- 整体品相非常良好,部分纸本老化痕迹,如折痕和黄斑。
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some typical age-related wear to the paper, such as mild creasing and some yellow spots.
- 整体品相非常良好,部分纸本老化痕迹,如折痕和黄斑。
with mark
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some typical age-related wear to the paper, such as mild creasing and some yellow spots.
- 整体品相非常良好,部分纸本老化痕迹,如折痕和黄斑。
Dim.: 658 x 24,5 cm (the scroll)
Dim.: 189 x 24 cm (the landscape)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some typical age-related wear to the paper, such as mild creasing and some yellow spots.
- 整体品相非常良好,部分纸本老化痕迹,如折痕和黄斑。
Dim.: 28 x 18 cm (the album, closed)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, except a small break of ca. 25 x 6 mm to the corner of the wooden back cover.
- 整体品相非常良好,背面木质封面的角缺一块,尺寸约为 25 x 6 毫米。
Dim.: 263 x 77,5 cm (the scroll)
Dim.: 185 x 63,5 cm (the work)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some typical age-related wear to the silk, such as mild creasing and splits.
- 整体品相非常良好,部分绢本老化痕迹,如折痕和小的裂痕。
Dim.: 79 x 78 cm (the frame)
Dim.: 64,5 x 64 cm (the work)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in good condition, with some signs of aging to the silk, such as creases and cracks.
- 整體品相良好, 部分絹本老化痕跡,如折痕和開裂。
Dim.: 44 x 25 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The gilt silver guards and and sticks showing oxidation.
- The painted paper leaf with some wear and a few tears.
- One of the ribs loose from the pleat.
Dia.: 25 cm - H.: 12,5 cm
Weight: 920 grams
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with normal superficial wear, two small superficial dent marks and minor superficial scuff marks.
Dim.: 68 x 62 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some typical age-related wear to the silk, such as mild creasing and splits.
- 整体品相非常良好,部分绢本老化痕迹,如折痕和小的裂痕。
- An important Australian private collection.
- Rob Michiels Auctions, October 6, 2018, lot 616. (sold EUR 10.625) (link)
Dim.: 157 x 56 cm (the frame)
Dim.: 149,5 x 51 cm (the work)
Ref.: The Metropolitan Museum, New York, Accession Number: 62.97.44, for a nearly identical example. (link)
The collection entry states:
The length of this chair strip is divided into segments, with a different design for each part of the chair being covered - the front legs, seat, and back, and a short segment that hangs behind the chair. Elements of standard rebuses are present in the section with the elephant embroidery, where various treasures and auspicious objects crowd the vessel on the elephant's back. For example, the frequent pairing of a musical stone and a halberd occurs on one side of the vessel, representing a celebratory occasion. On the other side of the vessel, peaches, symbolising longevity, dangle from a branchlike decorative accessory (ruyi), which stands for wish fulfillment. The elephant is a rebus for a sign. Thus, the composite motif is read as 'signs of celebration and longevity.'
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition with minor superficial wear, some loose gold threads and age related discoloration.
Dia.: 19 cm - H.: ca. 12 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in good condition, with a few small holes due to wear on the outside.
- 整体品相非常良好,外侧几处因为磨损导致的小破损。
H.: 86 cm - Dia.: 37 cm
- An old Dutch private collection.
- Acquired in Indonesia (the Dutch East Indies) in the early 20th C. (by repute)
Ref.: Christie's, Hong Kong, Nov. 29, 2022, lot 2806, for a similar example. (sold HKD 71,327,500) (link)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in good condition, with very nice patination.
- A few natural cracks to the rim on the side, the connexion between the lower rim and the leg and the bottom plaque.
- The foot rim with age related wear as visible on the photos.
- 香几整体品相良好,包浆自然浑厚。
- 上沿的侧面,腿和侧边的连接处,以及底面的圆盘上都有多处自然裂痕,可能和保存状态有关。
- 圈足有年久腐朽痕迹,开裂,部分缺失的问题。
Dim.: 13 x 8 x 3 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with nice patination.
- 整体品相良好,包浆自然。
H.: 15 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with very nice patination.
- A few natural cracks on the side, and some superficiel chips to the base rim.
- 笔筒整体品相非常良好,包浆自然浑厚。
- 侧面多处自然裂痕,底边几处飞皮。
H.: 5 cm - Dia.: 5 cm (the tallest cup)
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Two cups in excellent condition, with some normal wear, the silver mount detached.
- Two cups in good condition, with two chips to the rim, the silver mount detached.
- 两个杯子全品,正常磨损,银口脱落。
- 两个杯子口沿有磕崩,银口脱落。
Dim.: 35,5 x 31 x 22 cm (closed)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in good condition, the left door with a small repair to the up corner.
- One drawer lacks the bronze handle.
- A chip on the back to the lower part.
- 整体品相良好,左侧门上侧有修复痕迹。
- 后面下侧有飞皮。
- 内一个抽屉缺失一个铜把手。
Dia.: 10 cm - H.: 5 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The first bowl generally in very good condition, with some normal wear and two tight tension lines under the rim.
- The second bowl with some nature crack lines and a few chips under the rim and above the base rim.
- 第一个碗品相非常良好,正常磨损,口沿下两条细小裂纹。
- 第二个碗口沿下和圈足上都有几处裂纹和飞皮。
L.: 8 cm (the saucer)
L.: 6 cm - H.: 2,5 cm (the box)
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The box and cover in excellent condition.
- The saucer in quasi excellent condition, with a flake to the rim.
- 盖盒全品。
- 小碟子近乎全品,口沿一个小飞皮。
Dim.: 41 x 26 x 13 cm
Both box and cover with the interior covered with a thick layer of red lacquer.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with very nice patination.
- Both cover and box with a few natural cracks on the side.
- 整体品相非常良好,包浆自然浑厚。
- 盖子和盒子外侧都有几条横向的自然裂痕,可能和保存方式有关。
H.: 14 cm (the tallest)
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The biggest brush pot generally in very good condition, with normal wear.
- The smallest brush pot with a crack line to the rim.
- 大号笔筒全品。
- 小号笔筒口沿开裂。
Dim.: 18,5 x 11,5 x 5,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with minor superficial wear to the gilding.
- The bottomside with some areas of irregularities.
H.: 24 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in good condition, some normal wear and superficial chips throughout.
- 整体品相良好,几处磨损痕迹和飞皮。
H.: 22,5 cm (the tallest)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The paktong vase with the top rim slightly deformed, minor superficial wear and some superficial dent marks.
- The blue and white vase with the footrim polished and the glaze slightly degraded.
- The paktong jar generally in very good condition, with normal superficial wear.
Dia.: 16 cm - H.: 8,5 cm (the bowl)
H.: 15 cm (the lime pot)
Provenance: The collection of Thomas Ulbrich, Studio Tho, Hanoi-Berlin.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The blue and white bowl in excellent conditon.
- The lime pot generally in very good condition, with a few superficial chips as shown in the photos.
- 青花碗全品。
- 石灰罐整体品相良好,几处典型飞皮,如图可见。
Dia.: 21 cm - H.: 12 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- With several reglued breaks and hairlines, with related overspraying.
Provenance: The collection of Thomas Ulbrich, Studio Tho, Hanoi-Berlin.
Vessels bearing the the word 阮 (Nguyễn) written in zhuanshu script, are produced during the Nguyễn lord’s era - late 18th century.
Dia.: 17 cm - H.: 7 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with a well-preserved glaze.
- The rim with a number of very small superficial chips and some discolouration.
- The base with a small superficial chip.
Provenance: The collection of Thomas Ulbrich, Studio Tho, Hanoi-Berlin.
This bowl was commissioned under emperor Minh Mang (1820 - 1841).
The 20-character poem 'Two close friends... / Hai gã bạn trí âm…' is not written in Chinese, but in Vietnamese Chữ Nôm character script.
The decoration on the bowl features the legend of Bo Ja & Zi Qi.
Ref.: DO SU KY KIEU THOI NGUYEN by Dr.Trần Đức Anh Sơn, pages 132,133, for illustrations of a similar bowl.
Dia.: 14 cm
Provenance: The collection of Thomas Ulbrich, Studio Tho, Hanoi-Berlin.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
Dia.: 14,5 cm
Provenance: The collection of Thomas Ulbrich, Studio Tho, Hanoi-Berlin.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with two superficial flakes and a baking line to the rim under the bronze mount, only visible on the inside.
- 整体品相非常良好,口沿下两个小飞和一条窑线,只在内侧可见。
Dia.: 16,5 cm - H.: 8,5 cm
Provenance: The collection of Thomas Ulbrich, Studio Tho, Hanoi-Berlin.
The mark reads 若深珍藏, which translates to: 'In the collection of Roushen', referring to a Chinese kiln for porcelain made for export (Đồ sứ ký kiểu) commissioned by the Vietnamese mandarins under the reign of king Tự Đức.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in good condition, with three small flakes and a hairline to the rim.
- 口小飞三个,一条冲线。
Dia.: 17 cm - H.: 7 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In quasi excellent condition, with a tight hairline of ca. 25 mm to the rim.
- 整体品相非常良好,口冲线约 25 毫米。
Provenance: The collection of Thomas Ulbrich, Studio Tho, Hanoi-Berlin.
This bowl was commissioned under emperor Tu Duc (1848 - 1883).
The 20-character poem 'Two close friends... / Hai gã bạn trí âm…' is not written in Chinese, but in Vietnamese Chữ Nôm character script.
The decoration on the bowl features the legend of Bo Ja & Zi Qi.
Dia.: 18,5 cm - H.: 7 cm
Provenance: The collection of Thomas Ulbrich, Studio Tho, Hanoi-Berlin.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Three hairlines to the rim, otherwise good.
- 口冲三条。
Dia.: 20 cm - H.: 3,5 cm (the largest)
Provenance: The collection of Thomas Ulbrich, Studio Tho, Hanoi-Berlin.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The smallest plate with a tight hairline to the rim.
- The largest plate with a restored chip to the rim.
- 小盘子口小冲。
- 大盘子口修一个飞皮。
Dia.: 36 cm - H.: 7,5 cm (the Vietnamese dish)
H.: 10,5 cm (the tallest figure)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both figures with the head broken and reglued, and some typical baking flaws.
- The largest plate with two restored hairlines, with some overspraying.
- The smallest plate in good condition, the glaze worn over quasi the entire surface, as if the bowl was exposed to sea water for a long time, possibly a shipwreck piece.
- 两个小人瓷塑头断,粘合。
- 大盘口冲两处。
- 小盘品相良好,典型海捞瓷,釉面腐蚀。
H.: 11 cm (the pipe, excl. the handle)
H.: 17 cm (incl. the handle)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with some wear to the glaze.
- 全品,釉面磨损。
H.: 12 cm (excl. the silvered copper handle)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The pipe in quasi excellent condition, with a short glaze line close to the small bronze mount on the top.
- The bronze mount with some normal wear.
- 水烟壶近乎全品,上面小铜口边上一条惊釉。
- 铜件正常磨损。
Dia.: 18 cm - H.: 8,5 cm
- A large rim section broken out and restuck, the breaks retouched and with related overspraying.
Provenance: The collection of Thomas Ulbrich, Studio Tho, Hanoi-Berlin.
H.: 20 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In quasi excellent condition, with a chip to the rim.
- 口飞。
Dia.: 15 cm (the largest plate)
Dia.: 11 cm - H.: 5 cm (the largest bowl)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The smallest saucer with a tight hairline to the rim and the smallest cover with a tiny flake to the rim.
- The rest in excellent condition.
- 小的碟子口沿一条冲线。最小的盖子口沿小飞。
- 其余都是全品。
L.: 56 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, a few pearls with natural cracks.
- 整体品相非常良好,个别珠子有自然开裂。
Jean Dinh Van was born in 1927 in Boulogne-Billancourt, France. His father, a Vietnamese married to a Breton woman, worked as a lacquer artisan. Dinh Van joined Cartier in 1946, where he learned the trade of jewelry craftsman in the great tradition during ten years.
In 1965, Jean Dinh Van opened his own jewelry workshop on the Place Gaillon in Paris. The stylistic themes of his jewelry radically set him apart from the traditional world of jewelry. In 1967, he created the square 2-pearl ring with Pierre Cardin, now exhibited at the Museum of Decorative Arts in Paris. In his desire to shake up the traditional codes of French jewelry, Jean Dinh Van chose to market his creations not at jewelery stores, but in the gift departments of the large retail chain, Publicis, in France.
L.: 7,3 cm - H.: 6 cm
Weight: 68 grams
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In quasi excellent condition, with a few superficial dents on the front and a irregularity on the back to the left lower corner.
- 近乎全品,正面几处轻微凹痕,背面左下角一处自然瑕疵。
Dim.: 7,5 x 6 x 4,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with nice patination and some minor superficial dents under the neck and right front leg.
- 整体品相非常良好,包浆自然,脖子下侧和右前腿上几处轻微凹痕。
Dia.: 7,5 cm - H.: 13,5 cm (the disc, incl. the stand)
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The celadon jade in excellent condition.
- The yellow jade in good condition, with some wear and superficial flakes to the rim.
- 青玉全品。
- 黄玉整体品相良好,轻微磨损和边沿上几个小飞皮。
H.: 9,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with nice patination and some superficial dents.
- 整体品相良好,包浆自然,几处轻微磕崩凹痕。
H.: 12,5 cm (the tallest incl. the stand)
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The smallest brush pot generally in quasi excellent condition, with a few flakes to the base rim.
- The biggest brush pot with a natural crack to the rim and a few superficial dents and irregularities to the base rim.
- 小号笔筒近乎全品,圈足几个小飞皮。
- 大号笔筒口沿一条自然裂纹,圈足几处瑕疵。
Dim.: 6,5 x 6,5 x 1 cm (the square plaque)
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The square jade plaque in excellent condition.
- The round jade plaque in quasi excellent condition, with a flake to the rim.
- 方形玉牌全品。
- 圆形玉牌近乎全品,口沿一处小飞。
L.: 8 cm (the largest pendant)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The double gourde pendant in excellent condition.
- The rectangular deer jade and the round pendants generally in very good condition, with nice patination and a few small nicks to the rim.
- 葫芦形玉佩全品,包浆自然。
- 长方形和圆形玉佩整体品相非常良好,包浆自然,口沿几处轻微碰撞凹痕。
Dim.: 6,7 x 3 x 2,1 cm (the carved jade eggplants)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The two double gourd jades and the eggplant jade with a chip to the leaf rim, the rest in excellent condition,
- 两个葫芦玉件和茄子玉件叶子边有飞皮,其余全品。
Circumference: ca. 36 cm
L.: ca. 2 cm (each bead)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- All excellent, except one piece with a small superficial dent to the right paw.
- 都是全品,其中一个熊的右爪有轻微碰撞痕迹。
Dim.: 3,5 x 3,5 x 2,5 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
H.: 4,5 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
Dim.: 5,3 x 3 x 3,2 cm (the grey-black horse)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- All in excellent condition, except the goat jade with a few minor superficial dents.
- 都是全品,除了山羊玉有几处轻微碰撞痕迹。
H.: 30,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In quasi excellent condition, with two chips to the base rim.
- 近乎全品,圈足两个磕崩。
Dim.: 5 x 3 x 2 cm (the frog)
Dim.: 5.5 x 3.5 x 1.7 cm (the frog)
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The frog with a chip to the base rim.
- The lion with a minor flake to the ribbon.
- The cat with a few natural irregularities.
- 青蛙形玉底边一个飞皮。
- 狮子形玉的飘带上一个小飞皮。
- 猫形玉有几处天然瑕疵。
H.: 8 cm (incl. glued stand)
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Ref.: Sotheby's, New York, Sep. 14, 2019, lot 1211, for a related example. (sold USD 2.750) (link)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with two flakes to the magnolia petal.
- 整体品相良好, 花瓣出有两个飞皮。
L.: 13 cm
Provenance: An old French private collection.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with nice patination.
- 全品,皮壳自然。
Dim.: 11,5 x 11,5 x 4,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some normal wear.
- The cover with a tiny bump mark to one corner and a natural imperfection of jade on the side.
- The box with a few tiny flakes and a natural imperfection of jade to the rim.
- 整体品相良好,表面正常磨损痕迹。
- 盖子的一个角有轻微碰撞痕迹,侧面有一条天然瑕疵。
- 盒子边沿几处小飞皮和一条天然瑕疵。
Dim.: 9,5 x 4,7 x 1,8 (the squirrel on grapevine on the far right)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- All in excellent condition, except the lotus jade with three superficial flakes to the rim.
- 都是全品,除了荷叶型玉件边沿有三个小飞皮。
Dia.: 10 cm - H.: 5,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both excellent.
- 一对全品。
H.: 12,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with nice patination.
- 全品,包浆自然。
Dim.: 8 x 5,5 x 2,5 cm (the goose)
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both jades generally in very good condition, with a few natural irregularities.
- 两个玉整体品相良好,几处天然瑕疵。
Dim.: 6,5 x 4 x 2,5 cm (the largest)
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The ram in excellent condition.
- The duck generally in very good condition, with a flake to the beak and lotus leaf.
- 羊形玉全品。
- 鸭形玉整体品相良好,喙和荷叶上都有飞皮。
H.: 7 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with nice patination.
- 全品,皮壳自然。
H.: 20 cm (incl. the cover)
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In quasi excellent condition, with a few natural irregularities.
- 近乎全品,几处天然瑕疵。
L.: 21,5 cm (the hairpin)
Dim.: 9 x 3 x 3 cm (the green seal)
Dim.: 7,4 x 3,7 x 3,7 cm (the white butterscotch stamp)
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The green jade in excellent condition with some normal wear.
- The yellow jade in good condition, with a chip to the rim.
- The grey jade hair-pin in quasi excellent condition, with a few flakes to the side edge.
- 绿色玉石品相完整,正常磨损痕迹。
- 黄玉印章品相良好,底边一个磕崩。
- 灰色玉簪品相良好,侧边几处小飞皮。
Dim.: 13 x 3 x 1,5 cm (the longest)
Dim.: 8 x 4,5 x 2 cm (the smaller)
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both in excellent condition.
- 两个皆是全品。
Dim.: 7,5 x 5 x 3 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some normal wear and superficial dents.
- 整体品相非常良好,正常磨损痕迹和一些轻微凹痕。
Dim.: 7 x 3 x 2,5 cm (the tallest)
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The flower-bird jade plaque in good condition, with a few minor flakes to the rim.
- The ruyi jade with a chip.
- The smallest buddha hand jade in excellent condition.
- The biggest buddha hand jade with a few superficial dents.
- 花鸟玉牌整体品相良好,边沿几处小的飞皮。
– 如意玉有一个飞皮。
- 最小的佛手玉全品。
- 最大的佛手玉有几处轻微碰撞凹痕。
Dim.: 9 x 5 x 3 cm (the largest piece)
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both jades generally in good condition, with a few superficial dents.
- 两个玉整体品相良好,几处轻微凹痕。
H.: 10,5 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
Dim.: 7 x 5 x 1,5 cm (the largest carving)
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The smallest rectangular jade in excellent condition.
- The other two jades in very good condition with a few superficial dents.
- 最小号方形玉全品。
- 另外两个整体品相良好,几处轻微碰撞凹痕。
Dim.: 10,5 x 5,5 x 0,5 cm (the butterfly carving)
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both in excellent condition.
- 两个皆是全品。
H.: 8,2 cm (the figure, incl. the stand)
H.: 7 cm (the figure, excl. the stand)
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The chilong water pot and celadon duck in excellent condition.
- The yellow white duck and shoulao with a chip.
- 螭龙水盂和鸭形青玉皆是全品。
- 鸭形黄玉和寿老都有飞皮。
Dim.: 5,5 x 4,5 x 1 cm (the 'twin fish' plaque in the middle)
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- All in excellent condition.
- 三个皆是全品。
H.: 12,5 cm (incl. stand) - 10,2 cm (excl. stand)
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some normal wear.
- 整体品相非常良好,正常磨损痕迹。
Dim.: 12 x 8,5 x 5 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
- With a label on the base for Nils Nessen Antiquities.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in good condition, with a few minor flakes to the rim, and the Chilong lacks a leg.
- 整体品相良好,口沿几处小飞皮,螭龙断一腿。
Dim.: 8 x 7 x 5 cm (the water pot)
H.: 7,5 cm (incl. the stand)
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with a tight natural crack to a chilong.
- The wooden stand in very good condition.
- 整体品相良好,一条螭龙上有自然裂纹。
- 木质地址品相非常良好。
H.: 19,5 cm (incl. stand)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In quasi excellent condition, with a flake to the leaf of the cover and outside of the box on the leftside.
- 近乎全品,盖子的叶片和容器侧边的叶子都有飞皮。
L.: 8 cm - H.: 5,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some natural cracks.
- 整体品相非常良好,一些自然开裂。
Dim.: 16 x 15 x 11,5 cm (the tallest censer)
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The Beijing glass censer in quasi excellent condition, with a few flakes to the rim and base rim, and the cover in excellent condition.
- The jade censer in quasi excellent condition, with a few flakes to the two handles, and the cover in excellent condition.
- 玻璃香炉近乎全品,口沿和圈足都有小飞皮,盖子全品。
- 玉质香炉近乎全品,双耳都有小飞皮,盖子全品。
H.: 19,5 cm (the tallest carving incl. stand)
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The lazurite sculpture in excellent condition.
- The two glass sculpture in very good condition, with a few flakes.
- 青金石雕塑全品。
- 两个玻璃雕塑品相良好,几处飞皮。
Dim.: 24,5 x 14,5 x 15 cm (the stone)
Dim.: 25,5 x 14,5 x 17 cm (incl. the stand)
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The stone in quasi excellent condition, with two small flakes to the rim.
- The wooden stand in good condition, with two cracks due to the aging of the glue.
- 赏石品相非常完好,边沿两处飞皮。
- 木质底座品相良好,由于胶水老化导致两处开裂。
H.: 18 cm (the sage, incl. the stand)
H.: 12,5 cm (the lion, incl. the stand)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The lion in excellent condition.
- The sage in quasi excellent condition, with a minor chip to the base rim.
- 瑞兽全品。
- 寿老近乎全品,底边一个小飞皮。
Dia.: 17,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
Dia.: 23,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
H.: 28,5 cm (incl. the cover)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both jars excellent.
- The cover with a reglued chip to the rim.
- 一对罐子全品。
- 盖子口沿有飞皮掉粘。
Dia.: 27 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally very good, with a few minor superficial baking flaws.
- The brown-dressed rim overpainted along the entire circumference, probably covering a number of small fleabites.
- Sotheby's, London, Nov. 6, 2018, lot 52, for a larger example. (sold GBP 8.750) (link)
- Christiaan J. A. Jorg, Fine and Curious: Japanese Export Porcelain in Dutch Collections, (Amsterdam, 2003), no. 159.
- John Ayers, Oliver Impey and J. V. G. Mallett, Porcelain for Palaces: the Fashion for Japan in Europe 1650-1750 (London, 1991), no.126.
Dia.: 20,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Two plates with a hairline to the rim.
- One plate with a reglued break to the rim.
- 两个盘子口沿有冲线。
- 一个盘子口沿一处破裂修复。
H.: 30,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
H.: 34 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both in excellent condition, with a baking flaw close to the shoulder.
- 一对全品,两个肩部都有窑伤。
Dia.: 15 cm - H.: 7 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with normal superficial wear on the inside.
- 全品,碗内轻微磨損。
Dia.: 26,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The first in good condition, with a rim chip at ca. 12 o'clock.
- The second with a rim chip on the back and a short tight ca. 15 mm glaze line on the front only, not showing on the back.
H.: 42 cm (the tallest)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The right figure generally in good condition, small losses to the tips of four fingers, a superficial chip under the lower cloud and a tight hairline to the foot rim only visible under the UV light.
- The left figure generally in good condition, small losses to the two decorations of the hat.
- 右侧塑像整體狀況良好,手指断四跟,下侧云朵边沿飞皮一个,圈足一条只能在紫光下可见的冲线。
- 左侧塑像整體狀況良好,头上帽子处缺两个装饰物。
H.: 28 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The first vase in excellent condition.
- The second vase with a restored break on the shoulder, and some related hairlines.
- 第一个瓶子全品。
- 第二个瓶子肩部有破损修复,和几条相关联的冲线。
H.: 26,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In quasi excellent condition, with a flake to the right lower boy's head.
- 近乎全品,左侧下方孩子的头顶一个飞皮。
H.: 11 cm
Provenance: A Belgian private collection.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In quasi excellent condition, with a few tiny minor superficial dents to the lower part.
- A tight glaze line of ca. 7 mm to the rim on the inside, invisible on the outside.
- 進乎全品,瓶身下部分釉面上有幾處微小的凹痕。
- 瓶子口沿內側一條約7毫米的驚釉,不透。
- Sotheby's, Hong Kong, October. 08, 2006, lot 1030. (link)
- The tenth photo shows a pair of quasi identical vases from the collection of the Tianjin museum.
H.: 14 cm
- An English private collection.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
H.: 20 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both in excellent condition.
- 一对全品。
H.: 30 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both in excellent condition.
- 一对全品。
H.: 25,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The left buddha with two boy's heads oversprayed.
- The right buddha in quasi excellent condition, with a baking line to the bottom.
- 左侧的弥勒两个男孩脑袋有喷漆痕迹。
- 右侧的弥勒底座一条窑线。
H.: 13,5 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
Dia.: 11 cm - H.: 6 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
Dia.: 23,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In very good condition, with a small superficial chip to the rim.
- 整体品相良好,口沿一个飞皮。
H.: 23 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both in excellent condition.
- 一对全品。
H.: 30,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- A large chip to the crown.
- Otherwise in good condition.
H.: 41 cm (the tallest vase)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The tallest in excellent condition.
- The smallest vase in excellent condition. The lid with a reglued rim chip and another small superficial rim
H.: 44,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both in excellent condition.
- 一顺全品。
H.: 35,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both with a tight hairline in the middle.
- 两个瓶子都炸肚。
H.: 23,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with some normal wear to the gilding.
- 全品,金彩正常磨損。
H.: 24,5 cm (the porcelain)
H.: 31,5 cm (incl. the stand)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In quasi excellent condition, with a few superficial flakes throughout.
- 近乎全品,几处轻微的小飞皮。
H.: 10,5 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both in excellent condition.
- 一对全品。
H.: 38,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in good condition, with minor superficial wear throughout.
- The base with a star-shaped glaze line, not visible on the interior.
L.: 6,5 cm - H.: 2,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with minor superficial wear to the red enamel.
H.: 44,5 cm (the pair of vases)
H.: 23,5 cm (the jar)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- All in excellent condition.
- 三个皆是全品。
Dia.: 33,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
H.: 44,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both in excellent condition.
- 一对全品。
H.: 28,5 cm (the tallest vase)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- All in excellent condition, except the fourth vase with a break restored to the rim.
- 都是全品,除了第四个花瓶口坏。
Dia.: 23 cm - H.: 9 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The first bowl in excellent condition.
- The second bowl in quasi excellent condition, with a small flake to the rim.
- 第一个碗全品。
- 第二个碗近乎全品,口沿一个小飞皮。
H.: 10 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
H.: 21,7 cm (the tallest vase)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both excellent.
- 两个全品。
H.: 33 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both excellent, some normal wear to the overglazed enamel design.
- 一对全品,釉上彩正常磨损。
H.: 79,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with a few tiny spots of typical glaze crawlings throughout.
- 全品,瓶身幾處典型的縮釉。
Dia.: 18,5 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In quasi excellent condition, with a flake to the rim.
- 近乎全品,口沿一处小飞皮。
Dia.: 24 cm (the largest plate)
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Two plates in excellent condition.
- One plate with a break and a hairline to the rim.
- 两个盘子全品。
- 一个盘子口沿一个磕崩和一条冲线。
Dia.: 15,5 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The first plate in excellent condition, the second plate with a hairline to the rim.
- 一个全品,一个口冲。
H.: 7,5 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both in excellent condition.
- 两个皆是全品。
Dia.: 22,5 cm - H.: 9,5 c
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The rim partly oversprayed and overpainted, but the exact extent of the repair impossible to assess due to the nature of the restoration.
- 碗口沿部分有喷漆和复绘痕迹,但是因为修复材料的特性,无法测定修复尺寸。
Dia.: 15 cm - H.: 6 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with a few burst glaze bubbles to the rim.
- 全品,口沿几处爆釉。
Dia.: 11 cm - H.: 5 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- A hairline to the rim, otherwise good.
- 口沿一条冲线。
Dia.: 14 cm - H.: 3,5 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both in excellent condition, with some normal wear to the gilding of the rim.
- 一对全品,口沿金彩磨损。
H.: 29 cm (incl. stand)
H.: 26 cm (the vase)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The vase in excellent condition, with negligible minor superficial wear throughout.
- The stand with typical superficial wear, the jade in good condition with some dirt adhered.
- 花瓶全品,釉面轻微磨损。
- 底座品相非常良好,正常使用痕迹,玉全品。
Dia.: 20 cm - H.: 6 cm (excl. the stand)
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The bowl in excellent condition, the wooden stand with a crack.
- 碗全品,木质底座一处开裂。
Dim.: 57 x 30,5 cm (the frame)
Dim.: 44 x 18 cm (the plaque)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, the wooden frame with some normal wear.
- 瓷板全品,木框正常磨损。
Dia.: 35 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
Dia.: 19 cm - H.: 3,5 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In quasi excellent condition, with a few flakes to the rim.
- 近乎全品,口沿几处小飞皮。
H.: 41 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
Dia.: 7,5 cm - H.: 4 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Three cups in excellent condition.
- One cup in quasi excellent condition, with a minor chip to the base rim.
- One cup with a hairline to the rim.
- 三个杯子全品。
- 一个杯子近乎全品,圈足一个飞皮。
- 一个杯子口沿一条冲线。
Dia.: 9 cm - H.: 6,5 (the censer)
H.: 13 cm (the censer, incl. stand and cover)
Dia.: 8,5 cm - H.: 3 cm (the small bowl)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- All in excellent condition.
- 两个皆是全品。
H.: 24,5 cm (the tallest)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The pair of blue and white vases in excellent condition.
- The first famille rose vase with a vertical hairline in the middle.
- The second famille rose vase with a hairline to the rim.
- 一对青花花瓶全品。
- 一个粉彩花瓶炸肚,另一个口冲。
H.: 42,5 cm (the vase and cover)
Dia.: 34 cm - H.: 11,5 cm (the bowl)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The bowl generally in good condition, with a impact line to the rim.
- The vase in quasi excellent condition, with some baking spots throughout, a few minor chips to the base rim and two star-shaped glaze lines on the inside, invisible on the outside. The cover with a few chips and glaze loss to the rim and finial.
- 脸盆整体品相良好,口沿一个重皮。
- 花瓶近乎全品,瓶身多处缩釉,圈足几个飞皮,内两鸡爪不透。盖子的盖钮和盖边都有几处飞皮和剥釉。
Dim.: 22 x 17 x 8 cm (the jardinière)
H.: 8,5 cm (the apples)
One signed Xu Yushu 徐玉書, and 19th C.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The largest bowl in excellent condition, the cover with a small flake to the rim.
- The middle bowl and cover in excellent condition.
- The smallest bowl with a chip to the foot rim, and the cover with a few glaze lines to the rim.
- The pair of apples with a few chips.
- The flower pot with a few chips to the rim.
- 最大的碗全品,盖子圈足飞皮。
- 中号的碗全品。
- 小号的碗的圈足一个磕崩,盖子顶部惊釉。
- 一对苹果有飞皮。
- 花盆口沿飞皮。
Dia.: 34 cm - H.: 6 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The plate with some normal wear to the overglazed enamel design and a hairline to the rim, otherwise good.
- 盘子釉上彩正常磨损,口沿一条冲线。
Dia.: 15,5 cm - H.: 9,5 cm (the largest bowl)
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both in excellent condition.
- 两个皆是全品。
Dia.: 25 cm - H.: 11,5 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with some normal wear.
- 全品,轻微磨損。
Dia.: 15,5 cm - H.: 6,5 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both in excellent condition.
- 一对全品。
Dia.: 47 cm - H.: 9 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
Dia.: 33,5 cm - H.: 6,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both excellent.
- 一对全品。
H.: 46 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
Dia.: 8 cm - H.: 3 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The box with a few flakes to the rim.
- The cover in excellent condition.
- 盒子外口沿几处小飞皮。
- 盖子全品。
H.: 23,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with a chip to the rim on the inside.
- 整体品相非常良好,口沿内侧一个磕崩。
Dia.: 13,5 cm - H.: 6,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both excellent, with some minor flakes to the foot rim.
- 一对全品,圈足上几处典型飞皮。
Dia.: 20 cm (the largest plate)
Dia.: 13,5 cm - H.: 6 cm (the largest bowl)
H.: 12 cm (the brush pot)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The bitong, iron-red bowl and 'bat' plate in excellent condition.
- The 'dragon' bowl with a hairline to the rim.
- The 'butterfly' plate in quasi excellent condition, with two small flakes to the rim.
- 笔筒,矾红碗和五福盘子都是全品。
- 龙纹碗口冲。
- 蝶恋花盘子口沿小飞两个。
H.: 19 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全美品。
Dim.: 36,5 x 29 x 8,5 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
Dia.: 11,5 cm - H.: 3 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The first saucer in quasi excellent condition, with a flake to the rim.
- The second saucer with two flakes and a hairline to the rim.
- 一个口沿小飞,另一个口沿两个飞皮和一条冲线。
Dia.: 30,5 cm - H.: 12 cm (the largest bowl)
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both bowls in excellent condition, with some normal wear and irregularities.
- 两个皆是全品,都有正常磨损痕迹和几处瑕疵。
H.: 27 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
Dia.: 34,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- A small superficial chip to the rim.
- Two breaks restored to the rim, with related overspraying and overpainting.
- 口沿一个小飞。
- 盘子口沿两处破裂修复,有相关联的喷漆和复绘痕迹。
Dia.: 16 cm - H.: 5,5 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with some normal wear.
- 全品,轻微磨損。
H.: 57 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Almost excellent, with one handle with three small superficial chips.
Dia.: 21 cm - H.: 9,5 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In quasi excellent condition, with a few small flakes and typical glaze loss to the rim.
- 近乎全品,口沿几处小飞皮和剥釉。
Dia.: 6,3 cm - H.: 4,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- One cup in excellent condition.
- Another one with a break reglued of ca. 6 x 5 cm.
- 一個杯子全品。
- 另一個杯子口破裂約6x5釐米,後粘合。
Dia.: 23,5 cm - H.: 4,5 cm (the pair of plates)
Dia.: 15 cm (the saucer)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- All excellent condition.
- 都是全品。
H.: 22 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in good condition, with one handle broken and then reglued.
- 整体品相良好,一只耳断,后粘合。
L.: 18 cm - H.: 10,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, a superficial chip to the cover's rim and spout.
- 整体品相良好,盖子边和流都有飞皮。
Dia.: 15 cm - H.: 7 cm (the largest bowl)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- All in excellent condition, except the blue ground famille rose bowl with a few hairlines to the rim.
- 都是全品,除了蓝地粉彩碗口多处冲线。
Dia.: 14,5 cm - H.: 6,5 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
Dia.: 14 cm - H.: 7 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
Dia.: 18 cm (the largest plate)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- All excellent.
- 都是全品。
Dim.: 41 x 28 cm (the plaque)
H.: 57 cm (incl. the stand)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The plaque in excellent condition.
- The wooden stand generally in good condition.
- 瓷板全品。
- 木质底座整体品相良好。
Dim.: 38 x 25 cm (the plaque)
H.: 47 cm (plaque incl. stand)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The plaque in excellent condition, with a small minor baking flaw to the left lower corner.
- The wooden stand generally in good condition.
- 瓷板全品,下左侧角一个小失釉。
- 木质底座整体品相良好。
Dia.: 27 cm (the qianjiang cai tray)
Dim.: 23,5 cm x 17,5 cm (the rectangular tray)
Dia.: 15 cm (the plate)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The Canton famille verte plate in very good condition.
- The qianjiang cai tray with rim chips.
- The blue and white tray in good condition with a few burst glaze bubbles.
H.: 21 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both in excellent condition.
- 一对全品。
H.: 22 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with some normal wear.
- 全品,轻微磨損。
H.: 28,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both excellent.
- 一对全品。
H.: 29 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in good condition, with some normal wear and some glaze lines throughout.
- 金彩正常磨损,多处惊釉。
H.: 12 cm (the tallest)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- All in excellent condition.
- 三个皆是全品。
H.: 30 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The vase generally in good condition, with a few glaze loss and a hairline to the rim.
- 整体品相良好,口沿一条冲线和几处剥釉。
Dia.: 26 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both excellent, with some normal wear to the gilt on the rim.
- 一对全品,口沿金彩有磨损。
H.: 18 cm (the tallest)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The smallest vase in excellent condition.
- The biggest vase with a star-shaped hairline in the middle.
- 小花瓶全品。
- 摇铃尊中间一个三角冲。
Dia.: 11,5 cm - H.: 5 cm (the largest bowl)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The smallest in excellent condition.
- The largest with a hairline to the rim.
- 最小的碗全品。
- 最大的碗口冲。
Dia.: 16,5 cm - H.: 6,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with a baking line to the rim.
- 全品,口沿有窑线。
H.: 30 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with a drilled hole just above the foot rim.
- 整体品相良好,圈足上侧一个打洞,以前做台灯使用。
H.: 43 cm (the tallest vase)
Dia.: 38 cm (the pair of dishes)
H.: 14,5 cm (the smallest vase)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The tallest vase excellent.
- The second tallest with a rim chip.
- The smallest vase with a few small chips on the base.
- The pair of dishes both in excellent condition.
Dia.: 40 cm - H.: 28,5 cm (the largest)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The largest excellent, with some normal wear.
- The smallesr with a hairline.
- 大号鱼缸全品,正常磨损。
- 小号鱼缸大冲。
H.: 17 cm (incl. the stand)
H.: 13,7 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The porcelain in excellent condition.
- The wooden stand with a chip.
- 瓷器全品。
- 木质底座一个磕崩。
H.: 40,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In very good condition, with a superficial 1 mm nick to the rim.
- A few minor superficial scratches to the blue-glazed surface.
H.: 12 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with some slight wear.
- 全品,轻微磨損。
Dia.: 9,5 cm - H.: 5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
H.: 40 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
H.: 24,5 cm (excl. the wooden stand)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with a baking line to the base.
- 全品,底上一条窑裂。
H.: 57,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- A large corner chip and a rim chip with some visible recolouring.
- A large vertical hairline to a calligraphic panel.
- A number of small superficial chips along the rims.
Dia.: 10,5 cm - H.: 4,5 cm (the largest bowl)
Dia.: 8 cm - H.: 7 cm (the tallest cup)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- 9 pieces in excellent condition.
- 3 pieces with a hairline.
- 1 piece with a chip.
- 9个全品。
- 3个带冲线。
- 1个有飞皮。(最后三张图片可见)
H.: 55 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In quasi excellent condition, with a baking flaw to the base and two related glaze lines.
- A section from the lowerpart to the foot rim is yellowish due to baking.
- 近乎全品,底面一个窑伤,有两条相关联的惊釉。
- 花瓶下侧到底边有一块区域泛黄,是烧窑瑕疵。
H.: 57,5 cm (the tallest vase)
H.: 28,5 cm - Dia.: 12,5 cm (the hat stand)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The hatstand with a star-shaped hairline.
- The smallest vase with a star-shaped glaze line to the bottom, invisible on the inside. And a spot of glaze loss to the rim.
- The right vase with a hairline to the rim.
- The left vase with a star-shaped glaze line to the bottom, invisible on the inside.
- 帽筒中间三角冲。
- 小花瓶炸底,不透。口沿一个剥釉。
- 右边花瓶口沿有冲线。
- 左边花瓶炸底,不透。
H.: 46 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in good condition, with three chips to the lower part.
- 整体品相良好,下侧三个飞皮。
L.: 16,5 cm - H.: 10 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
Dia.: 17,5 cm - H.: 8,5 cm
- A Belgian private collection, Brussels.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, the seal mark on the base is illegible due to scratches.
- 全品,底部印章因磨損而无法识别。
H.: 34,5 cm
Provenance: A Belgian private collection.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both in excellent condition.
- 一对全品。
Dia.: 6,5 cm (the largest)
Dia.: 4,5 cm (the porcelain pin)
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some normal wear.
- The porcelain badge in excellent condition.
- 都是全品,正常磨损。
Dim.: 115 x 63,5 cm (the frame)
Dim.: 96 x 41,5 cm (the work)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some typical age-related wear to the paper.
- 整体品相非常良好,部分纸本老化痕迹。
Dim.: 159 x 82 cm (the mount)
Dim.: 131,5 x 68,5 cm (the work)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some typical age-related wear to the paper.
- 整体品相非常良好,部分纸本老化痕迹。
H.: 35 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
H.: 31 cm (the figure)
H.: 25 cm (the vase)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both excellent.
H.: 10 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both in excellent condition.
- 一对全品。
Dia.: 40 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
Dia.: 16 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- One in excellent condition.
- The second almost excellent, with a small superficial chip to the rim.
- 一個盤子全品,另一個口沿小飛皮一個。
H.: 23,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The first vase in excellent condition, with a minor baking flaw on the inside of the rim.
- The second vase with a reglued break of ca. 3 x 2 cm to the rim and a small section of scratch in the middle, otherwise good.
- 一个胆瓶全品,口内一个小窑缝。
- 另一个胆瓶口破裂后粘合,尺寸约为 3 x 2 厘米,瓶子中间一处小的釉面磨损。
L.: 17,5 cm - H.: 6,5 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, a minor flake and a tight hairline to the rim.
- 整体品相良好,口沿一处小飞皮和一条冲线。
H.: 42,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- One vase in good condition, with a few typical supercial chips around the base rim, some baking flaws throughout and a few spots of glaze loss.
- The second vase was broken in two pieces and then reglued, a break line across the shoulder.
- 第一個花瓶圈足幾處典型小飛皮、瓶身幾處窯裂和幾處剝釉。
- 第二個花瓶從肩部上方破裂成兩半,後粘合。
H.: 40,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in good condition, with a reglued chip to the rim and a small flakes to the base rim.
- 整體品相良好,口沿一個飛皮粘合,圈足上一個小飛皮。
H.: 38,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with four spots of glaze loss to the neck.
- 全品,脖子上四处剥釉。
Dia.: 11,5 cm - H.: 6 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
H.: 22,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- A chip to the rim, with a related hairline.
- 口沿一个磕崩,有一条相关联的冲线。
H.: 59 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with some baking spots.
- 全品,几处缩釉和剥釉。
Dia.: 9,5 cm - H.: 7 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with normal superficial wear.
- 全品,釉面轻微磨损。
H.: 42 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The cover with a few chip to the rim.
- The vase with a small supercifial chip to the rim and some superficial crazing thoughout on the outside, invisible on the inside.
- 蓋子口沿飛皮。
- 罐子口小飛,外驚釉。
H.: 45 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both in quasi excellent condition, with a spot of glaze loss to the rim.
- 一对近乎全品,口沿一个剥釉。
H.: 44,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The first vase in excellent condition and the second vase with the rim broken and reglued.
- 第一个花瓶全品,第二个花瓶破裂粘合。
H.: 40 cm (the vase with the cover)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The first blue and white jar in excellent condition with a few minor glaze loss above the base rim.
- The second blue and white jar in excellent condition with a few minor glaze loss above the base rim, the cover in excellent condition.
- The famille rose jar in excellent condition, with a baking flaw in the middle.
- 第一个青花罐子全品,底边上几处剥釉。
- 第二个青花罐子全品,底边上几处剥釉。盖子全品。
- 粉彩罐子全品。
Dia.: 18 cm - H.: 9 cm (the bowl)
H.: 11,5 cm (incl. the stand)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
Dia.: 15,5 cm - H.: 6,5 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both in excellent condition.
- 一对全品。
Dia.: 18 cm - H.: 8,5 cm (the largest bowl)
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The wanli mark bowl in excellent condition, with a few minor baking spots to the rim.
- The jiaqing mark bowl with a few chips and hairlines to the rim.
- 万历款碗全品,碗口沿几处剥釉。
- 嘉庆款碗口沿几个飞皮和冲线。
L.: 17 cm - H.: 13 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
H.: 26 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both in excellent condition.
- 一对全品。
Dia.: 13,5 cm (the saucers)
Dia.: 9 cm - H.: 6 cm (the cups)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Two saucers with a faint glaze line to the base.
- Two saucers excellent.
- Four cups excellent.
Dia.: 46,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some baking flaw on the front.
- A superficial chip under the rim, invisible on the frontside.
- 整体品相非常良好,正面几处窑灰和缩釉,失釉。
- 口沿下侧一个飞皮,正面不可见。
H.: 26,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both in excellent condition.
- 一对全品。
H.: 61 cm (the tallest)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The largest vase with two star-shaped hairlines of ca. 7 cm to the bottom and in the middle. Two small superficial chips to the handles.
- The smallest vase with a star-shaped glaze line of ca. 7 cm to the bottom, invisible on the outside and a hairline of ca. 5 cm to the rim.
- 大號花瓶炸底約 7 釐米,肩上衝約 7 釐米,耳上典型小飛皮。
- 小號花瓶炸底約 7 釐米(不透),口沿上衝線約 5 釐米。
L.: 18 cm - H.: 8 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Some normal wear on the inside and a tight hairline to the rim.
- 盘内釉面正常磨损,口沿一条冲线。
H.: 41 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with some normal wear.
- 全品,正常磨損。
H.: 26 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
H.: 29 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In quasi excellent condition, with some normal wear and superficial crazing.
- A small flake and some glaze loss to the rim and the two handles.
- 近乎全品,正常磨损,几处龟裂。
- 口沿一处飞皮和几处剥釉,双耳剥釉。
Dia.: 15 cm - H.: 3 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both in excellent condition.
- 一对全品。
Dia.: 20,5 - H.: 8,5 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with some normal wear.
- 全品,正常磨損。
H.: 50 cm (the famille noire vase)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The famille verte vase with a few chips to the rim and foot rim.
- The famille noire in very good condition, with some normal wear and a glaze line to the bottom, invisible on the inside.
- 五彩花瓶口沿和圈足飞皮。
- 黑彩花觚品相良好,正常磨损,底有惊釉不透。
H.: 40,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- First vase and cover: All in excellent condition.
- Second vase and cover: The vase with a chip and a related hairline to the rim. The cover in quasi excellent condition, with two small chips to the base rim.
- 罐子和盖子皆是全品。
- 罐子口一个磕崩和一条相关联的冲线。盖子近乎全品,底边两个飞皮。
H.: 60 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Two restored chips and a superficial chip to the rim.
- A few restored chips to the edges.
- 口沿两个飞皮修补和一个飞皮。
- 侧边多处修补的飞皮。
H.: 60 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in good condition, a few hairlines around the rim, with related overspraying.
- 口沿几处冲线,有相应的喷漆痕迹。
H.: 30,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
H.: 29 cm (the tallest)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The 'figures' hat stand with a few flakes to the open-worked panels and a drilled hole to the base.
- The ’peacock‘ hat stand with two vertical hairlines in the middle and a drilled hole to the base.
- The 'coq' hat stand with three vertical restored hairlines in the middle and a drilled hole to the base.
- 人物帽筒开窗处几个飞皮,底打洞。
- 孔雀帽筒中间两条垂直的冲线,底打洞。
- 公鸡帽筒中间三条垂直的冲线,底打洞。
Dim.: 23,5 x 15,5 x 8,5 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some wear to the rim.
- 整体品相非常良好,口沿磨损。
H.: 47 cm (incl. the lid)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The vase excellent.
- The cover broken and then reglued.
- 罐子全品。
- 盖子破裂后粘合。
H.: 26,5 cm (incl. the stand and the cover)
H.: 21 cm (the vase)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The vase with a small superficial chip to the rim, and a tight hairline to the lower part.
- 口小飞,下侧冲线。
Dim.: 54 x 42 cm (the frame)
Dim.: 42 x 30 cm (the plaque)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Presenting very well.
- Two sections oversprayed to the left upper corner and the right lower corner, probably to cover a chip or hairline.
- 瓷板的左上角和右下侧有修复喷漆痕迹,可能是飞皮或者冲线修复。
H.: 14 cm - Dia.: 12 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In quasi excellent condition, with a small baking spot to the rim and a baking line to the bottom, invisible on the inside.
- 近乎全品,口上一個小爆釉,底上一條窯線,內不可見。
Dia.: 33,5 cm - H.: 6,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In excellent condition, with minor superficial wear.
Dia.: 23,5 cm - H.: 5,5 cm (the plates)
H.: 22,5 cm (the jar incl. the cover)
Provenance: An old Belgian private collection.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- One of the pair of footed dishes with a rim chip at ca. 3 o'clock and a number of small shattered chips around the rim.
- The second of the pair of the footed dishes with a reglued rim section and a number of small shattered chips around the rim.
- The jar in good condition. The cover with chips around the rim.
L.: 19 cm - H.: 13,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in good condition, the dragon's front paws oversrayed.
- 整体品相良好,龙两前腿喷漆。
H.: 22 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both excellent.
- 一对全品。
Dia.: 18 cm - H.: 7 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- A hairline to the rim, otherwise good.
- 口沿一条冲线。
H.: 59,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The first vase in excellent condition.
- The second vase in good condition, with a small break reglued of ca. 3 x 3 cm to the rim, with related overspraying and overpainting.
- 第一个花瓶全品。
- 第二个花瓶口沿一处破裂修复,尺寸约为 3 x 3 厘米。
H.: 37,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both excellent.
- 一对全品。
H.: 30 cm (the tallest hat stand)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The left hat stand in quasi excellent condition, with a glaze line on the inside, invisible on the outside.
- The right hat stand in quasi excellent condition, with a chip to the foot rim.
- 左侧帽筒近乎全品,内惊釉,不透。
- 右侧帽筒近乎全品,圈足崩。
Dia.: 12 cm - H.: 5,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with a small baking flaw to the rim.
- 全品,口沿一条窑伤。
- A British private collection.
- Christie's, London, June 9, 1997, lot 105. (part lot) (see added scans)
H.: 29 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The first hat stand in excellent condition.
- The second hat stand in quasi excellent condition, with a small baking spot to the rim and a glaze line to the bottom, invisible on the inside.
- 第一个帽筒全品。
- 第二个帽筒近乎全品,口小爆釉,底上惊釉不透。
H.: 58 cm (the vase)
H.: 37 cm (the jar, incl. the cover)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The famille verte jar in excellent condition.
- The famille rose vase in quasi excellent condition, with a baking line to the bottom.
- 五彩罐子全品。
- 粉彩花瓶近乎全品,底上窑伤,有相应的窑冲。
H.: 14,5 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
Dia.: 17,5 cm - H.: 8,5 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In quasi excellent condition, with a flake under the rim and on the outside.
- 近乎全品,外侧口沿下一个飞皮。
H.: 22,5 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The first vase in excellent condition.
- The second vase in good condition, with a chip to the base rim.
- 第一个瓶子全品。
- 第二个瓶子品相良好,圈足一个磕崩。
H.: 15 cm (incl. the lid)
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, the bottle with a irregularity to the rim on the inside.
- 全品,瓶子口沿内一个瑕疵凹陷。
Dia.: 34 cm - H.: 4,5 cm (the dish)
L.: 19 cm - H.: 17 cm (the bowl incl. the cover)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The bowl and the cover excellent, with some normal wear.
- The plate with a few superficial chips to the rim.
- 锅和盖子都是全品。
- 盘子口几处飞皮。
H.: 8 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In quasi excellent condition, with a small superficial chip to the bottom.
- 近乎全品,底面一个小飞皮。
H.: 60,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The first vase in excellent condition.
- The second vase with a hairline downwards from the rim to just above the foot rim.
- 第一个花瓶全品。
- 第二个花瓶口沿一条冲线延伸至圈足上方。
Dia.: 11 cm - H.: 6 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, except the cover with two minor baking lines to the rim.
- 全品,除了盖子底边两处小窑缝。
Dia.: 9 cm - H.: 4,5 cm (the largest bowl)
Dia.: 5 cm - H.: 2 cm (the smallest bowl)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- All in excellent condition, except the largest cup with a small superficial chip to the rim and a related tight hairline of ca. 4 mm.
- 都是全品,除了最大的杯子口沿一个飞皮和一条相关联的约 4 毫米的冲线。
Dia.: 40 cm - H.: 34,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with a few typical baking flaws.
- 全品。
H.: 63,5 cm (incl. stand and lamp)
H.: 21,5 cm approx. (the vase)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The gilt bronze pieces in excellent condition.
- Both vases with three drilled holes to the base and shoulder each.
- A few minor baking spots in the middle.
- 鎏金銅部件品相完好。
- 兩個瓶子底部和肩兩側都打洞。
- 瓶身幾處縮釉。
H.: 36 cm (the nine peaches vase)
H.: 28 cm (the hat stand, excl. the mount)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The nine peach vase excellent.
- The hat stand with a drilled hole to the bottom and two star-shaped glaze lines to the lower part.
- 九桃花觚全品。
- 帽筒底打洞,下侧两个鸡爪。
H.: 45,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- One excellent.
- The second quasi excellent, with a superficial chip to one of the shoulders.
Dia.: 9 cm - H.: 5,5 cm
Provenance: A Belgian private collection.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
H.: 10,5 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
H.: 20 cm – L.: 21 cm (the warmer)
Dia.: 12,5 cm – H.: 6 cm (the largest bowls)
Dia.: 9 cm – H.: 5 cm (the smaller bowls)
Dia.: 13,5 cm (the saucers)
Dia.: 6,5 cm – H.: 4 cm (the cups)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The tureen and the inner bowl in excellent condition, the cover with a small break to the rim, and with a related hairline.
- Seven saucers in excellent condition, and one saucer with a reglued chip to the rim and two related hairlines.
- Eight largest bowls in excellent condition, one largest bowl with two hairlines to the rim, and one largest bowl with a minor flake to the rim.
- Two smallest bowls in excellent condition, one smallest bowl with two hairlines to the rim.
- Ten cups in excellent condition, two cups with a hairline to the rim and one cup with a few minor flakes to the rim.
- 温锅全品,只有盖子口沿一处磕崩,和一条相关联的冲线。
- 七个碟子全品,一个碟子口崩,有相关联的冲线两条。
- 八个大号的碗全品,一个大号的碗口冲两条,一个大号的碗口小飞一个。
- 两个小号的碗全品,一个小号的碗口冲两条。
- 十个杯子全品,两个杯子口冲,一个杯子口小飞。
Dia.: 10,5 cm - H.: 8,5 cm (the covered bowl)
H.: 5,5 cm - Dia.: 5,3 cm (the cup)
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The cup with a restored hairline to the rim.
- The bowl with a hairline to the rim, and the cover in excellent condition.
- 杯子口沿一条修复的冲线。
- 盖碗口沿一条冲线,盖子全品。
Dia.: 22,5 cm (the peaches plate)
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The famille rose peach plate in excellent condition.
- The yellow ground phoenix plate with a chip and two hairlines to the rim.
- 粉彩寿桃盘子全品。
- 黄地褐彩盘子口沿一个飞皮和两条冲线。
Dia.: 18 cm - H.: 6 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品,正常磨损。
Dia.: 7,5 cm - H.: 4 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
Dia.: 13 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
Dia.: 13,5 cm - H.: 10 cm (the dark blue bowl)
Dia.: 12,5 cm (the saucer decorated with fish)
H.: 3,5 cm (the smallest bowl)
Including qingbai and black- and brown-glazed wares.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The largest qingbai bowl with a few hairlines and the white glaze bowl with bronze mount with a hairline to the rim.
- The rest all excellent, with some normal wear.
- 最大的青白瓷碗和白釉铜镶口碗有冲。
- 剩余皆是全品。
Dia.: 12 cm - H.: 6 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with some slight wear.
- 全品,轻微磨損。
H.: 31,5 cm (incl. stand)
H.: 22 cm (the head)
- A Belgian private collection.
- Acquired in Paris by the parents of the current owner, in the 1960's or 70's. (by repute)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with nice patination and some superficial dents.
- 整体品相良好,包浆自然,几处轻微磕崩凹痕。
H.: 35,5 cm (incl. the stand)
H.: 18 cm (the head)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in good condition, with some normal wear and superficial dents.
- A small section retouched to the nose and left eyebrow.
- 整体品相良好,正常磨损,几处轻微磕崩凹痕。
- 鼻尖和左侧眉毛都有修复痕迹。
H.: 36 cm (the tallest)
- An important Belgian private collection, displayed in Villa de Nachtegaal in Schilde near Antwerp.
- Acquired from Axel Vervoordt. (by repute)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The tallest figure generally in good condition, with a few small flakes. Two arms, the tassel on the right side of the crown and the tassel on the left side of the robe restored, with related overspraying.
- The smallest figure generally in very good condition, with a chip to the frontal decoration of the hat and the ribbon on the shoulder. A minor restoration to the left foot to cover a baking line.
- 最大的人物整体品相良好,几处小飞皮。两只手臂、右侧皇冠的流苏和左侧衣服的流苏都有修复痕迹。
- 小号的人物整体品相非常良好,帽子前方的装饰物磕崩,胸前的两飘带都有磕崩。左靴子有小的修复痕迹,为了覆盖窑缝。
H.: 15,5 cm (excl. the stand)
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The Buddha in good condition with a small break to the base rim on the front, the wooden stand in very good condition, with some normal wear.
- 弥勒佛前侧底边一个磕崩。
- 木质底座品相完好,包浆自然。
H.: 20 cm
Weight: 981 grams
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The Buddha generally in good condition, with normal superficial wear to the gilding, nice patination and superficial encrustation throughout.
- Lacking tips of three fingers and one finger broken.
- Lacking the ribbon of the left side.
- 佛像整體品相良好,鎏金局部磨損,包漿自然。
- 缺失三個手指,一個手指斷。
- 缺失左邊的飄帶。
H.: 35,5 cm (the tallest)
Provenance: A Dutch private collection.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The biggest bronze figure generally in very good condition, with nice patination.
- The medium bronze figure with a few casting holes and a break to the base rim on the back.
- The smallest bronze figure generally in very good condition, lacks a piece on the two hands.
- 观音整体品相非常良好,包浆自然。
- 中号佛像几处铸造失误造成的洞孔,后面底边一处破裂。
- 小号鎏金佛像品相非常良好,手上缺失一个物件。
H.: 9 cm
Weight: 76 grams
Provenance: An old Dutch private collection.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with some normal wear and nice patination.
- 全品,正常磨损,包浆自然。
H.: 20 cm (the Buddha)
L.: 15 cm - H.: 9,5 cm (the censer)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both generally in very good condition, with some normal wear.
- 整体品相良好,正常磨损。
H.: 33,5 cm
Provenance: An old Dutch private collection.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in good condition, with some normal wear, typical baking flaws and nice patination.
- The lotus stand with an old restoration on the inside.
- 整体品相非常良好,正常磨损,包浆浑厚,多处典型的铸造失误。
- 莲花底座内有老的修复。
Dim.: 23,5 x 13 x 39 cm (the bell)
H.: 17 cm (the tallest statue)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with nice patination.
- The tallest figure with a casting flaw to the stand.
- 整体品相良好,正常磨损,包浆自然。
- 最大造像底座有铸造失误。
H.: 22,5 cm - L.: 25 cm
Weight: 3237 g - 3289 g
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The left censer generally in very good condition, with normal wear and nice patination. The cover with a chip to the finial.
- The right censer generally in very good condition, with normal wear and nice patination. The cover with a few chips to the open-worked panels and a indentation to the base rim.
- 左侧的香炉整体品相非常良好,正常磨损,包浆自然。盖子盖钮旁边一个飘带飞皮。
- 右侧的香炉整体品相非常良好,正常磨损,包浆自然。盖子上镂空处几个飞皮,圈足碰撞凹陷。
L.: 13 cm
Inscribed 子孙万年 on the base, which translates to 'eternal longevity of generations'.
Ref.: The Metropolitan Museum, New York, Accession Number 2001.135.7, for an earlier example. (link) The catalogue entry states: Cast after an ancient Han or Six Dynasties (25-618) prototype, this scholar's water dropper is in the form of a tortoise holding a small cup in its mouth. The creature is surmounted by a snake inlaid with gold and silver strips. In combination, the snake and tortoise represent the north, or the 'dark warrior'. In spite of the patterned inlay, the animals are realistically cast. The tortoise is even correctly detailed with scales and plastron on the underside. A bronze tortoise-form water dropper was recently excavated from a third- or fourth-century tomb in Ch'ing-hai province. In keeping with scholar's taste for the ancient, this seventeenth-century writing utensil once used on a scholar's desk must have been based on an ancient prototype.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some normal wear.
- 整体品相非常良好,正常磨损痕迹。
L.: 18 cm
The cup in the beast's mouth bearing an inscription.
Ref.: Christie's, New York, March 18, 2021, lot 672, for another example. (sold USD 23.750) (link)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in good condition, with some normal wear and nice patination.
- Some typical casting flaws throughout.
- 整体品相非常良好,正常磨损,包浆浑厚。
- 几处典型的铸造失误造成的小瑕疵。
H.: 21,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The left censer generally in very good condition, with normal wear and nice patination, the qilin lacks one beard. The boy in very good condition.
- The right censer generally in very good condition, with normal wear and nice patination, qilin with a chip to his tail. The boy in very good condition.
- 左侧的香炉整体品相非常良好,正常磨损,包浆自然。麒麟缺一根胡须。童子品相良好。
- 右侧的香炉整体品相非常良好,正常磨损,包浆自然。麒麟尾巴一个飞皮。童子品相良好。
H.: 31,5 cm (incl. the stand)
H.: 21 cm (the guard)
- The collection of Mr. and Mrs. S., Gent, Belgium.
- Acquired from Patrick Dupont, Brussels, in April 2013, according to the owner's inventory notes.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some normal wear, nice patination and green corrosion.
- 整体品相非常良好,正常磨损痕迹,包浆自然,多处铜绿锈。
Dia.: 9,4 cm
- Christie's, New York, Sep. 20, 2013, lot 1481, for a similar example. (sold USD 12.500) (link)
- Christie's, New York, Mar. 24, 2011, lot 1269, for a similar example. (sold USD 12.500) (link)
- The collection of Mr. and Mrs. S., Gent, Belgium.
- Acquired from Marc Delorme, Saint-Ouen, Paris, in September 2002, according to the owner's inventory notes.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in good condition, with some normal wear, nice patination and green corrosion.
- A tight tension line on the front.
- 整体品相良好,正常磨损痕迹,包浆自然,多处铜绿锈。
- 正面有一处裂纹。
H.: 18 cm - L.: 14,5 cm
Ref.: Christie's, New York, Sep. 25, 2020, lot 1507, for a Mid-Western Zhou example with similar patination. (link)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some normal wear, nice patination and green corrosion.
- 整体品相非常良好,正常磨损,包浆浑厚,多处绿锈。
H.: 22 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in good condition, with some normal wear and nice patination.
- An old restoration to the rim.
- 整体品相非常良好,正常磨损,包浆浑厚。
- 口沿有老的修复。
H.: 26,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some normal wear and nice patination.
- A few minor superficial dents to the rim.
- 整体品相非常良好,正常磨损,包浆浑厚。
- 口沿几处小的凹痕。
L.: 30 cm - H.: 25,5 cm
Provenance: The collection of William Rogers, Australia.
Ref.: Sotheby's, London, Nov. 9, 2011, lot 387, for a comparable example. (sold GBP 30.000) (link)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in good condition, with some normal wear and green, blue corrosion.
- 整体品相非常良好,正常磨损,多处蓝绿锈。
L.: 22,5 cm - H.: 17,5 cm
Provenance: The private collection of Joseph Rondina (1927-2022), antiques dealer since 1957 in New York.
Don McNair writes (excerpt from The Private Collection of Joseph Rondina): 'Joseph Rondina was born into a first-generation Florentine American family in Auburn, upstate New York. He attended Auburn schools, graduated from Manlius Military Academy, and served in World War II with the U.S. Army Occupation Forces stationed in Berlin. Returning to the U.S. at the end of the war with a renewed appreciation of art and history, as well as a continental approach to decorating, he graduated from the Whitman School of Design in New York City. He opened Joseph Rondina Antiques in 1957 on East 62 Street at Madison Avenue, taking over the existing premises of Williams-Michelsen. With his instinctive eye for elegance and refinement, it was not long before his establishment was the go-to destination for European aristocracy, scions of industry, notables of the social register and café society from the U.S. and abroad. His interests focused primarily on European 18th century decorative arts and furniture, over time developing to include Chinese, Korean, Indian, Siamese, Cambodian, Persian and Japanese, bringing a more esoteric and exotic style to the market. With his sensitivity to changes in taste, he captured the mood of the period and knew exactly what was appropriate for the time. It would bring him enormous pleasure to see his collection enjoyed by the next set of owners. The selection of furniture and objects in this catalogue tell a story of an intensely private individual and give an insight into an extraordinary life well-lived.'
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some normal wear, nice patination and green corrosion.
- 整体品相非常良好,正常磨损,包浆浑厚,多处绿锈。
L.: 34 cm (ear to ear) - H.: 19 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in good condition, with nice patination and normal wear.
- The bottom with old restoration with tin.
- An indentation to the base rim due to a bump.
- 整体品相非常良好,正常磨损痕迹,包浆自然。
- 底有一圈老的锡修复痕迹。
- 圈足一处碰撞凹陷。
H.: 10 cm - 9 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The tallest in very good condition, with a few casting flaws throughout.
- The smallest in good condition, with a tight crack line to the rim.
- 较高的鼎品相非常良好,几处铸造失误。
- 较矮的鼎品相良好,口沿一处裂纹。
H.: 12 cm
Inscribed on the base inside the vessel '..父丁', the first two characters illegible.
The brownish patina (蜡茶色) on this vessel is rare. It is considered as the most desirable colour on archaic bronzes, by scholars of the Ming and Qing dynasties. For example, Ming scholar Gao Lian (高濂) in his book 遵生八笺, 卷十四, where he ranks the brownish patina the best among all archaic bronze colours, followed by silver or black, then green, etc. (…故古铜以褐色为上,水银黑漆鼎彝次之,青绿者又次之,…).
Ref.: Sotheby's, New York, Sep. 21, 2022, lot 256, for an earlier example. (link)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some normal wear and nice patination.
- Some minor casting holes througout.
- A superficial dent to the lower part due to a bump.
- 整体品相非常良好,正常磨损,包浆浑厚。
- 多处因为铸造失误造成的小凹孔。
- 肚子下侧一个小凹陷,可能由于碰撞导致。
H.: 51,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in good condition, with some normal wear, casting flaws and old restorations.
- 整体品相良好,包浆自然,几处铸造失误和老修复。
L.: 18,5 cm - H.: 14 cm
Ref.: Modelled after a Shang prototype, see for example one sold at Christie's, New York, Sep. 16, 2010, lot 830. (link)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some normal wear and nice patination.
- 整体品相非常良好,正常磨损,包浆浑厚。
H.: 22,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in good condition, with some normal wear and nice patination.
- A minor superficial dent to the rim.
- 整体品相非常良好,正常磨损,包浆浑厚。
- 口沿一处轻微凹痕。
H.: 29 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in good condition, with some normal wear and nice patination.
- A few typical casting flaws and old restorations to the cover and the vase.
- 整体品相非常良好,正常磨损,包浆浑厚。
- 盖子和瓶子几处典型的铸造瑕疵和老的修复痕迹。
H.: 23,5 cm
Ref.: Sotheby's, New York, Dec. 1, 2022, lot 694, for a similar example. (sold USD 37.800) (link)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some normal wear and nice patination.
- An old restoration under the rim and to the base.
- A few casting flaws to the handle.
- 整体品相非常良好,正常磨损,包浆浑厚。
- 口沿和底各有一个老的修复。
- 耳上口上几处铸造造成的小瑕疵。
Dia.: 12 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with nice patination and normal wear.
- 整体品相非常良好,正常磨损,包浆浑厚。
H.: 13 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some normal wear and nice patination.
- A few indentations to the foot rim.
- 整体品相良好,正常磨损,包浆自然。
- 圈足几处碰撞痕迹。
L.: 17 cm - H.: 6,7 cm
Weight: 2195 grams
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in good condition, with some normal wear and nice patination.
- Some typical superficial dents throughout and two indentations to the two legs's bottom due to a bump.
- 整体品相非常良好,正常磨损,包浆浑厚。
- 几处典型的轻微的凹痕。
- 两条腿的底部有碰撞凹陷痕迹。
L.: 19 cm - H.: 8,5 cm
Weight: 870 grams
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some normal wear and nice patination.
- 整体品相非常良好,正常磨损,包浆浑厚。
H.: 18 cm
Ref.: Christie's, London, Nov. 7, 2014, lot 446, for a related example. (sold GBP 10.000) (link)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The cover generally in good condition, with a few small deformations to the rim and a few minor breaks to the open worked panels.
- The censer generally in good condition, with normal wear to the gilding. One handle broken then restored.
- 盖子整体品相良好,口沿几处小的变形。开窗位置几处破裂。
- 香炉整体品相良好,鎏金磨损,一个耳断,后修复。
H.: 21,5 cm - L.: 17 cm (the largest)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both jues generally in very good condition, with some normal wear and nice patination.
- 两个爵杯整体品相非常良好,正常磨损,包浆浑厚。
H.: 26,5 cm - L.: 24,5 cm (the largest)
H.: 8,5 cm - L.:14,5 cm (the smallest)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some normal wear and nice patination.
- The 'gui' type censer with the bottom plaque restored.
- The 'dragon' censer with a small refilled chip to the rim.
- 整体品相非常良好,正常磨损。
- 簋式炉底修。
- 龙纹炉口沿老的修补。
H.: 9 cm (incl. handle)
The clock is an 8-day repeater, making a single chime at half hours and a full chime according the current hour at full hour.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with slight wear to the gilding.
- 整体品相良好,鎏金轻微磨损。
L.: 24,5 cm - H.: 22 cm (the largest teapot)
Weight: 523 g (the tallest teapot), 393 g (the smallest teapot), 163 g (the milk jug), 298 g (the sugar jar )
Condition: (UV-checked)
- All in excellent condition, with some normal wear.
- 都是全品,正常磨损痕迹。
L.: 25 cm
Weight: 58 grams
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
H.: 21,5 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with a few superficial dents and normal wear.
- 全品,正常磨損和几处典型的凹痕。
H.: 28 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
L.: 36 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both excellent.
- 一对全品。
H.: 20,5 cm (the vases, incl. the mounts)
H.: 15 cm (the vase)
H.: 15 cm - Dia.: 11,5 cm (the tankard)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The tankard with a circular hairline in the middle of the handle, and a circular impact line to the rim.
- The first vase in excellent condition, and the second vase with a short hairline to the rim.
- 把杯口沿一个重皮,手柄中间一条冲线。
- 一个花觚全品,另一个口短冲。
Dia.: 28 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Quasi excellent, with a ca. 3 cm hairline restored between 6 and 7 o'clock. The repair quasi invisible to the naked eye but showing up with a strong light
Dim.: 38 x 29 cm (the largest dish)
Dim.: 32 x 25 cm (the pair)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The largest with a small rim chip at ca. 12 o'clock and a larger at ca. 2 o'clock, otherwise in very good condition.
- The pair: one with a staple-repaired break, one with a staple-consolidated C-shaped hairline.
Dia.: 19 cm - H.: 9 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- A rim section broken out and restuck, with some old retouching visible.
- Two superficial chips to the inside of the rim.
Dia.: 22,5 cm (the plate)
L.: 22 cm - H.: 15,5 cm (the teapot)
H.: 14 cm (the milk jug)
Dia.: 10 cm - H.: 12,5 cm (the sugar pot, incl. the cover)
Dia.: 12,5 cm (the saucers)
L.: 9,5 cm (incl. the ear) - H.: 4,5 cm (the cups)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Six saucers, eight cups, milk jug and box and cover in excellent condition.
- The rest with chips or hairlines.
- 六个杯子,奶罐,盖盒和八个杯子全品。
- 其余都有飞皮和冲线。
L.: 36,5 cm (the stand)
L.: 34 cm - H.: 25 cm (the tureen and cover)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The cover generally in very good condition, with two spots of glaze loss to the finial handle.
- The tureen in quasi excellent condition, with two spots of glaze loss to the handle.
- The stand generally in very good condition, with a chip to the rim.
- 盖子整体品相良好,盖钮两处剥釉。
- 温锅近乎全品,耳上两个剥釉。
- 托盘整体品相良好,口沿一个飞皮。
Dim.: 37,5 x 30 cm (the dish)
Dim.: 33,5 x 23 x 21,5 cm (the tureen and cover)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The cover and stand in excellent condition.
- The tureen in quasi excellent condition, with a small flake to the inner rim.
- 近乎全品,温锅内口沿一个极小飞皮。
Dia.: 26 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- One plate in excellent condition.
- Four plates in quasi excellent condition, with a few typical minor flakes under the rim.
- One plate with a hairline to the rim.
- One plate with a glazeline to the rim.
- 一个盘子全品。
- 四个盘子近乎全品,口沿下侧有小飞皮,正面不可见。
- 一个盘子口冲。
- 一个盘子惊釉。
Dia.: 31 cm - H.: 5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- A faint ca. 5 cm hairline on the rim.
- A number of small superficial chips on the rim throughout.
- Minor superficial wear to the overglaze enamels.
- A Dutch private collection.
- On loan to the Princessehof Museum, Leeuwarden, The Netherlands, as indicated by the number on the back: BP3072BL, which means: 'Bruikleen Princessehof 3072 B(?)L(?)'.
- Later Ceramics in South-East Asia: Sixteenth to Twentieth Centuries (Oxford in Asia Studies in Ceramics), Barbara Harrisson (Author), 1996, no. 35 a, b (see added scans)
H.: 19 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
Dia.: 21 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both plates in quasi excellent condition, with a few small typical superficial chips on the rim and foot.
- 兩個盤子口沿和圈足都有幾處小飛皮。
Dia.: 23,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- One plate in excellent condition.
- Five plates in quasi excellent condition, with a few typical minor flakes under the rim.
- Three plates with a hairline to the rim.
- 一个盘子全品。
- 五个盘子近乎全品,口沿下侧有小飞皮,正面不可见。
- 三个盘子口冲。
Dia.: 23 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- All in quasi excellent condition, with a few typical superficial flakes to the rim.
- Two plates with a short glaze line on the front.
- 全部品相非常良好,口沿典型剥釉和小飞皮。
- 两个盘子正面有短小惊釉。
H.: 64 cm (incl. the cover)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The cover in quasi excellent condition, with a superficial flake to the finial and a baking flaw to the rim.
- The vase broken and then reglued.
- 盖子近乎全品,盖钮小飞,边沿一个窑粘。
- 罐子裂,后粘合。
Dia.: 18 cm - H.: 7 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
Dia.: 14,5 cm - H.: 6,5 cm
Ref.: The British Museum, Registration number Franks.70.a, for a similar bowl. (link)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- A triangular rim section of ca. 2 x 2 cm broken out and restuck, with related retouching.
- Otherwise in good condition.
- An English private collection.
- Palacio do Correio Velho, April 12, 2016, lot 25. (sold €32.844) (see added screenshot)
- The collection of Luís Pereira Ganhão.
H.: 20,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The rim polished.
- A hairline to the rim.
- 口磨。
- 口冲。
Dia.: 10 cm - H.: 5 cm
Provenance: An old Belgian collection.
Ref.: Christie's, New York, May 7, 2020, lot 200, for a slightly larger example. (sold USD 3.750) (link)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both in very good to excellent condition with a few negligible minor baking flaws throughout.
- 一对全品,几处窑伤。
Dia.: 50 cm - H.: 10 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Some glaze loss to the rim.
- A hairline to the rim.
- 口沿几处剥釉。
- 口沿一条冲线。
Dia.: 31 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- A hairline and some typical glaze loss to the rim.
- 口沿一条冲线,口沿多处剥釉。
H.: 38 cm
A Chinese famille name Zhou '周' in cobalt blue under the rim of the vase.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The cover in excellent condition, with a spot of glaze loss to the finial.
- The vase in very good condition, with a hairline restored to the rim, partly visible on the shoulder.
- 盖子全品,盖钮侧面一个剥釉。
- 罐子整体品相良好,口沿一条修复的冲线,肩部部分可见。
H.: 21,5 cm (incl. the wooden cover)
H.: 19 cm (the vase)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The jar with a vertical hairline of ca. 8 cm on the inside, partly visible on the outside.
- A hairline of ca. 3 cm and a section oversprayed to the rim, probably to cover a chip.
- The wooden cover with a reglued break.
- 罐子内一条冲线约 8 厘米,外侧部分可见。
- 罐口一条约 3 厘米的冲线和一处喷漆痕迹,可能是修补一个飞皮。
- 木质盖子一处破裂,后粘合。
H.: 33,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with a few minor baking flaws.
- 全品,几处典型窑伤瑕疵。
Dia.: 50 cm - H.: 9 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with a few typical glaze loss and a baking flaw to the rim.
- 全品,口沿几处典型小剥釉和一个窑伤。
H.: 37 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The cover in excellent condition, with a small superficial chip to the foot rim.
- The vase in very good condition, with a hairline restored to the rim, partly visible on the shoulder and a small superficial chip to the base rim.
- 盖子全品,圈足一个飞皮。
- 罐子整体品相良好,口沿一条修复的冲线,肩部部分可见。圈足一个飞皮。
H.: 25,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- A hairline runs through the entire jar on the inside, some related overpainting and overspraying on the outside.
- 罐子内侧一条冲线贯穿整个花瓶,外侧可见相关联的喷漆和复绘痕迹。
L.: 8 cm - H.: 4,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The box with a small flake to the rim, and glaze loss to the side edge.
- The cover in quasi excellent condition, with two spots of glaze loss to the corner.
- 盒子口沿一处小飞皮,侧边一处剥釉。
- 盖子近乎全品,两个角各有一处剥釉。
H.: 16,5 cm - 13,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The smallest in excellent condition.
- The biggest with a hairline and some superficial crazing throughout on the outside, invisible on the inside.
- 小号罐子全品。
- 大号罐子冲线,外侧多龟裂,不透。
H.: 26 cm - L.: 21 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The cover in quasi excellent condition, with a few minor chips to the base rim.
- The ewer with a restored baking-related hairline across the base and upwards on one side over ca. 6 cm, otherwise excellent.
- 盖子近乎全品,圈足上几处典型小飞皮。
- 茶壶内底一条窑冲,底部有相应的喷漆痕迹。一条约 6 厘米的垂直状冲线从圈足往上延伸。
Dia.: 36,5 cm - H.: 8,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In quasi excellent condition, with a few typical glaze loss and a refilled chip to the rim.
- 近乎全品,口沿几处典型剥釉和一个锡修的小飞皮。
H.: 25 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- A chip to the rim and three chips to the lower part of the knots on the shoulder.
- 整体品相良好,口沿一个飞皮,三个肩上丝带下方有飞皮。
Dia.: 36,5 cm - H.: 8 cm (the largest dish)
Dia.: 29 cm - H.: 7 cm (the smallest dish)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The first and third dish in very good condition, with a few typical flakes to the rim.
- The second dish with a few superficial chips and a hairline to the rim.
- 第一个和第三个盘子品相非常良好,口沿几个小飞皮。
- 第二个盘子口沿有飞皮和冲线。
Dia.: 22 cm - H.: 9,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Presenting very well.
- The bowl broken in two pieces and then reglued.
- 碗破裂成两半,后粘合。
Dia.: 20,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Presenting very well.
- Two short baking lines to the rim.
- Two hairlines restored and a break restored of ca. 6 x 3 cm to the rim, with related overspraying and overpainting around.
- 单纯视觉效果非常良好。
- 口沿两条短小的窑线。
- 盘子口沿两条冲线修复和一块破裂修复约 6 x 3 厘米,周围有相关联的喷漆和复绘痕迹。
Provenance: The collection of Dr. Oliver Impey (1936-2005), displayed in his historically important home Cumnor Place in Cumnor, Oxfordshire. He was Senior Curator in the Department of Eastern Art at the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, and Reader in Eastern Art at Oxford University. He published several important works on Japanese porcelain, such as 'Japanese export porcelain: catalogue of the collection of the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford', 'Chinoiserie: the impact of Oriental styles on Western art and decoration', 'Treasures of Imperial Japan from the Nasser D. Khalili collection of Japanese art' (as co-author), and more.
Dia.: 9,5 cm - H.: 3 cm
- An English private collection.
- Christie`s London, The Peony Pavilion Collection - Chinese Tea Ceramics for Japan (c.1580-1650), June 12, 1989, lot 346, part of a set of 10.
- S. Marchant & Son, June 1997, exhibition catalogue: Seventeenth-Century Blue and White and Copper-Red and their Predecessor, for a pair of very similar bowls, formerly in the collection of Eugene O' Perkins and exhibited at the Phoenix Art Museum, Arizona between 1983-1988.
- Woolley and Wallis, May 17, 2022, lot 547. (sold GBP 3.900) (link)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- One cup in quasi excellent condition, with two minor flakes and a glaze loss to the rim.
- One cup in good condition, with a hairline of ca. 4 cm to the rim.
- One cup in quasi excellent condition, with a minor superficial chip to the foot rim.
- One cup in quasi excellent condition, with a minor flake and a few glaze loss to the rim.
- One cup in quasi excellent condition, with a minor flake to the rim.
- 一个杯子近乎全品,口沿两个极小飞皮和一个剥釉。
- 一个杯子口冲约 4 厘米。
- 一个杯子近乎全品,圈足一个小飞皮。
- 一个杯子近乎全品,口沿一个极小飞皮和几个剥釉。
- 一个杯子近乎全品,口沿一个极小飞皮。
Dia.: 20 cm
- The collection of Sam & Myrna Myers, an American coupe in Paris, with a fascinating collection history. (link)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with some normal wear to the overglazed enamel design.
- 全品,釉上彩轻微磨损。
Dia.: 21 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with some typical baking flaws, some glaze loss to the rim.
- 全品,正常烧窑瑕疵和口沿多处剥釉。
Dia.: 20 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In quasi excellent condition with a few minor typical superficial chips and glaze loss to the rim.
- Some baking flaws throughout.
- 進乎全品,口沿上幾個極小飛皮。
- 盤子幾處典型窯粘,縮釉,盤底窯縫。
Dia.: 14,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally very good.
- Some typical baking flaws throughout.
- A hairline of ca. 1 cm to the rim.
- 盤子幾處典型窯粘,縮釉。
- 口沿處一條約1釐米的衝線。
Dia.: 21,5 cm
Presented with an old Japanese tomobako or conservation box.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in good condition.
- Some typical spots of glaze loss to the rim.
- A baking flaw to the rim.
- 盤子口沿幾處典型剝釉。
- 盤子口沿一處窯傷。
H.: 17 cm (incl. stand)
Weight: 92 grams (incl. stand)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
H.: 17,2 cm - L.: 8,5 cm (incl. stand)
Weight: 142 grams (incl. stand)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- A chip to the branch on the left side, some natural imperfections and normal wear throughout.
- 左侧树枝一个飞皮,几处自然瑕疵和正常磨损。
H.: 16,2 cm - L.: 6,3 cm (incl. the stand)
Weight: 118 grams (excl. the stand)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, a small chip to the ribbon in the hair.
- 整体品相非常良好,发髻飘带飞皮。
H.: 15 - W.: 4 cm (incl. stand)
Weight: 76 grams (incl. stand)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- A chip to the lotus petal hoding by the figure's left hand, some natural imperfections and normal wear throughout.
- 左侧荷花花瓣一个磕崩,几处自然瑕疵和正常磨损。
H.: 22 cm - W.: 7 cm (incl. stand)
Weight: 252 grams (incl. stand)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in good condition, a chip to the lower rose flower.
- 整体品相良好,下側玫瑰一個磕崩。
H.: 17,7 cm - W.: 8 cm (excl. stand)
Weight: 160 grams (excl. stand)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, two small chips to the extremities on the left side.
- 整体品相非常良好,左侧两个飞皮。
H.: 20 cm - W.: 7,5 cm (incl. stand)
Weight: 200 grams (incl. stand)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
H.: 24,5 cm - W.: 6,5 cm (incl. stand)
Weight: 345 grams (incl. stand)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
H.: 21,5 cm - W.: 9,5 cm (incl. stand)
Weight: 377 grams (incl. stand)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
H.: 20 cm - W.: 11,4 cm
Weight: 222 grams
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with two minor tension lines to the back.
- 整体品相良好,背部两条裂纹。
H.: 16,8 cm - W.: 8 cm (incl. stand)
Weight: 152 grams (incl. stand)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The peach branch broken and reglued, a small flake to the bird's beak.
- 桃枝断裂,后粘合。
- 鸟喙一个小飞皮。
H.: 14 cm - W.: 3,5 cm (excl. stand)
Weight: 92 grams (excl. stand)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in good condition, a flake to the ribbon on the lower part.
- 整体品相良好,下部分飘带一个飞皮。
H.: 16,5 cm - W.: 7 cm (excl. stand)
Weight: 160 grams (excl. stand)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with two chips to the ribbon and a natural imperfection of coral to the right shoulder.
- 整体品相非常良好,头部飘带和腰部飘带各有一个飞皮,右肩一个瑕疵凹陷。
H.: 13 cm (incl. the stand)
Weight: 102 grams (incl. the stand)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
H.: 9 cm - W.: 10,5 cm (incl. stand)
Weight: 227 grams (incl. stand)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in good condition, the rightmost figure is missing a head.
- 最右边的人物缺失头部。
H.: 13,2 cm - L.: 4,5 cm (excl. the stand)
Weight: 92 grams (excl. the stand)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, lacking a small part from the object holding by the right hand.
- 整体品相非常良好,右手持有物缺失一部分。
H.: 3,8 cm - L.: 5 cm (excl. the stand)
Weight: 24 grams (excl. the stand)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
H.: 10 cm - L.: 7,5 cm (the male immortal coral incl. the stand)
Weight: 96 grams (incl. the stand)
H.: 14 - L.: 3,5 cm (the coral of a lady holding a phoenix excl. stand)
Weight: 92 grams (excl. stand)
H.: 7,5 (the coral of a lady holding a fan excl. stand)
Weight: 37 grams (excl. stand)
H.: 11,2 - L.: 3,5 cm (the coral group of two ladies incl. stand)
Weight: 30 grams (incl. stand)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The lady with the fan in excellent condition.
- The one on the right generally in good condition, a chip to the butterfly.
H.: 12 cm (the lady holding a flower, excl. the stand)
Weight: 55 grams (excl. the stand)
H.: 11,7 cm (the lady holding a fan, incl. the stand)
Weight: 53 grams (incl. the stand)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The figure with the fan with a tension line to the base rim, and the head broken and reglued.
- The figure with a flower with two chips to the robe and the head broken and reglued.
H.: 3,7 cm - L.: 2,8 cm (excl. the stand)
Weight: 15 grams (excl. the stand)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
Dim.: 7 x 6,5 x 3,7 cm
Weight: 87 grams
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with some normal wear.
- 全品,正常磨損。
H.: 45 cm
- Presenting very well, an attractive pair.
- Both in good condition, with typical minor superficial wear and minor dents throughout.
- One with visible minor casting flaws to the upper part of the stem.
Dim.: 48 x 30 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in good condition. Minor losses along the edges.
- Inspection under UV-light revealed no major areas of inpainting.
- The frame overall reasonably well conserved.
- The painting slightly curvy.
Provenance: An old Dutch private collection.
Dim.: 84 x 68 cm (the frame)
Dim.: 62,5 x 46,5 cm (the work)
Reminiscent of earlier works of Guido Reni and Pietro Dufour, the work presents itself very attractively, with vivid colours and a well-balanced composition.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The reverse glass painting generally in very good condition. With normal superficial wear, minor very small losses and speckling.
- The frame with some losses, wear and regilded.
H.: 29 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Very good, with negligible minor superficial wear as to be expected.
- An oval roundel to one side, possibly a foundry mark, but illegible.
H.: 22 cm (the albarelli)
L.: 21 cm - H.: 19,5 cm (the syrup jar)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The pair: free of repairs, one in very good condition with a few small rim chips, one good but with a larger chip to the rim, which is in part due to a baking flaw.
- The syrup jar: generally good, crazing throughout, small chips along the top and spout rim as well as the base. A spot of glaze loss to the body.
H.: 13,7 cm (the tallest)
H.: 9,5 cm (the smallest)
Condition: (UV-checked) (from left to right)
- (1) In good condition, with superficial corrosion or patination.
- (2) In good condition, with superficial corrosion or patination and adhered soil.
- (3) In reasonable condition, with superficial corrosion or patination, a small rim chip reglued.
- (4) In good condition, with superficial corrosion or patination.
- (5) In good condition, with superficial corrosion or patination.
- The collection of Mr. and Mrs. S., Ghent, Belgium.
- Acquired in Brussels, from dealers Luc Vanonkelen, Christophe Varosi, Cecile Kerner and Le Caducée, according to the owner's inventory notes.
H.: 16,5 cm (the hanging double balsamarium, excl. stand)
H.: 12,5 cm (the double balsamarium with applied ribbed design, excl. stand)
H.: 7,3 cm (the flask)
Dia.: 9,5 cm - H.: 5,5 cm (the bowl)
- The collection of Mr. and Mrs. S., Ghent, Belgium.
- The hanging balsamarium acquired from Het Magazijn, Ghent, in January 2013, according to the owner's inventory notes.
- The second balsamarium acquired from Luc Vanonkelen, Brussels, in October 2007, according to the owner's inventory notes.
- The bowl acquired from Eslampanah, Brussels, in October 2015, according to the owner's inventory notes.
- The flask acquired from Christophe Varosi, Brussels, in October 2012, with his original certificate (see scan).
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The hanging double balsamarium with the bottom restored, with related retouching.
- The double balsamarium with applied ribbed design with one handle lacking. An impact with related cracks.
- The flask with a small star shaped crack.
- The bowl generally in good condition.
H.: 21 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Free of repairs, the glossy surface mostly well-preserved.
- Minor superficial wear and scuff marks as visible.
- A small chip to the base.
- The collection of Mr. and Mrs. S., Ghent, Belgium.
- Acquired from Le Caducée, Brussels, in April 2011, according to the owner's inventory notes.
H.: 26,5 cm (the head incl. stand)
H.: 18 cm (the head)
- The collection of Mr. and Mrs. S., Ghent, Belgium.
- Acquired from Christophe Varosi, Brussels, in May 2014, with a TL-test certificate confirming the date.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- A part of the nose and beard reconstructed, very well executed.
- An important crack running through the beard.
- The traces of engobe probably added later.
- The top and back of the head with lacking parts, as visible on the photos.
H.: 21 - 17,5 (the two vessels, dating to ca. 6th.5th C. b.C.)
H.: 11,7 cm (the olive press, dating to ca. 3rd C. b.C.)
- The collection of Mr. and Mrs. S., Ghent, Belgium.
- All three acquired from Christophe Varosi, Brussels, in 2010 and 2011, according to the owner's inventory notes.
Condition: (UV-checked) (from left to right)
- The vessel with the handle reattached and with some repairs.
- The olive press with some repairs and reconstuctions.
- The vessel with some touch ups and repairs.
- The exact extent of the repairs impossible to assess due to the nature of the restoration.
H.: 18,3 cm (the aryballos)
Dia.: 14 cm - H.: 5 cm (the patera)
- The collection of Mr. and Mrs. S., Ghent, Belgium.
- The patera acquired from Christophe Varosi, Brussels, in March 1999, with his certificate.
- The aryballos acquired from Van Elegem antiques, in March 2014, according to the owner's inventory notes. A 19th C. written paper label is adhered to the base.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The ewer with multiple glued breaks and lacking chips.
- The dish restored and reconstucted.The exact extent of the repairs impossible to assess due to the nature of the restoration.
H.: 18 cm
- The collection of Mr. and Mrs. S., Ghent, Belgium.
- Acquired from Christophe Varosi, Brussels, in November 2013, with a TL-test certificate confirming the date.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- With multiple touch ups throughout.
- Approximately 40% of the base reconstructed.
- The pigments retouched.
Dim.: 36 x 23,5 cm
Jean Baptiste Victor Barbizet (1808-1884), commonly known as Victor Barbizet, was a French ceramist. He is the founder of the 'Parisian School', which is part of the neo-Palissy movement of the 19th C.
A merchant from Dijon, he set up his workshop in Paris in 1850. In 1858, he obtained the gold medal for ceramics in Dijon. His productions are characterized by an intense blue background
Ref.: Christie's, New York, Oct. 21, 2008, for a similar yet somewhat larger example. (sold USD 5.625) (link)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The two upper fish with some retouching to the tales.
- The bottom fish, on the right, with some retouching to both the upper and lower side, possibly covering a baking flaw or a reglued break.
Dia.: 24,5 cm (the largest)
Dia.: 24 cm (the blue and white plate)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- All in very good condition, free of repairs, with visible negligible minor superficial wear.
Dim.: 13 x 8,5 x 7 cm
- Good, with normal superficial wear. The lock mechanism in working order.
Dia.: 7,5 cm - H.: 4,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In quasi excellent condition, with a small refilled flake to the rim.
- 近乎全品,口沿一处小的飞皮修复。
L.: 7,5 cm - H.: 4,5 cm
Ref.: Christie's, London, Dec. 16, 2021, for a related example. (sold GBP 10.000) (link)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The lid with a reglued and slightly retouched break at about 2 cm from the left side, quasi invisible to the naked eye but showing up under UV-light.
- The box with some overspraying to the right side, probably covering the repair of a small chip just below the mount.
- Minor wear along the base.
Provenance: A refined Belgian private collection, acquired in Brussels from a member of an aristocratic family in the 1990's. (by repute)
H.: 47,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The comb restored.
- Small chips to the leaves on the branch on which the bird is standing and to the flowers near the base.
- Otherwise in good condition with typical minor baking flaws.
L.: 13 cm - H.: 12 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in good condition with a fresh glaze.
- Typical small chips around the rim and foot and to the molded decoration.
- A tight circular hairline where the handle meets the body on the lower part, showing up under UV-light but quasi invisible to the naked eye.
H.: 12,5 cm - Dia.: 12,5 cm
- In good condition, presenting nicely.
- The base with a few typical minor bump marks and dents, very slightly deformed but still standing straight.
- An old, small, circular repair visible just below the dripping pan.
H.: 87 cm
Probably depicting Raymundus Nonnatus, a saint from Catalonia in Spain. His nickname (Latin: Nonnatus, 'not born') refers to his birth by Caesarean section, his mother having died while giving birth to him.
Raymond is the patron saint of childbirth, midwives, children, pregnant women, and priests defending the confidentiality of confession.
- The collection of Mr. and Mrs. S., Ghent, Belgium.
- Acquired from Luc Vanonkelen, Brussels, in February 2003, according to the owner's inventory notes.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Overall in good, stable condition, with traces of polychromy.
- Lacking his right hand.
- The miter fixed with glue but quasi certainly original, the patina of the head and the miter being identical.
- Typical superficial wear and small chips to the extremities throughout.
H.: 75 cm
- The collection of Mr. and Mrs. S., Ghent, Belgium.
- Acquired from Noël Francis, Gonzé-Sprimont, Belgium, in November 2004, according to the owner's inventory notes.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Overall in good, stable condition.
- Typical superficial wear and small chips to the extremities throughout. A few age-related tight splits to the wood, typical and not detracting of the overall appearance.
Dia.: 33 cm - H.: 6 cm (the stand)
Dia.: 27 cm - H.: 22,5 cm (the tureen incl. the cover)
Please note that this is an assembled set.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The set generally very nice, well preserved with a good, shiny glaze and an attractive overall appearance.
- The lid in very good condition, with some chips to the flower-shaped finial and a few negligible small spots of glaze loss.
- The tureen in very good condition, with a few superficial chips and spots of glaze loss to the extremities.
- Both the lid and tureen bear a mark, '6:B', probably for the Mombaers workshop.
- The dish in very good condition, with a few negligible small spots of superficial glaze loss.
H.: 25 cm
Provenance: A French private collection.
Each jar is marked BP on the base for the 'De Vergulde Blompot' workshop, Delft, active from 1616 to 1841.
They are numbered No. 17 and No. 18, below the Royal British coat of arms, inscribed HONY SOIT QUI MALY PENS (sic.), above the motto DIEU ET MON DROIT.
Armorial Delftware tobacco jars are rare.
Examples are known bearing the Great Seal of the United States (link), the arms of Philip II of Spain (link), the arms of the city of Amsterdam (link), Rotterdam (link) or of the province of Zeeland (link).
An example is also known bearing the Dutch royal coat of arms (link).
The present pair must have been commissioned by a British tobacco marchant, or a Dutch merchant with strong ties to Great-Britain.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both in very good condition.
- No. 17 with glaze loss along most of the rim and a few small sections along the base.
- No. 18 with very little glaze loss along the rim and the base, and a small spot of glaze loss to the back, just below the middle.
Dia.: 34,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Overall in very good condition.
- A number of glaze flakes to the rim retouched, mostly on the underside.
Dia.: 22,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The plate on the right in very good condition with typical minor superficial wear.
- The plate on the left with restoration along the rim between 1 and 3 o'clock.
H.: 23 cm
- A Dutch private collection.
- Acquired from Aronson Antiquairs, Amsterdam, at TEFAF Maastricht, 2008.
- A retouched superficial chip to the head of the Madonna, and another to a corner on the back of the base. Further minor superficial wear and small chips throughout.
H.: 25,5 cm (the tallest)
Condition (UV-checked)
- All three in good condition with typical small chips and superficial glaze loss to the rims.
H.: 35 cm (incl. the covers)
H.: 25 cm (the jar)
Each marked on the base for the 'De Drie Klokken' workshop, Delft, 2nd half 18th C.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both in good condition with typical glaze loss along the rim and base and minor superficial wear throughout.
H.: 23 cm
H.: 34,5 cm (incl. the cover)
Each marked on the base with three bells for the 'De Drie Klokken' workshop, Delft, ca. 1750.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In very good condition, with a few small spots of superficial glaze loss along the rim and some typical crazing throughout.
- The brass cover a little bit tight, i.e. just too small to be a perfect fit.
Dim.: ca. 44 x 32 cm (the plaque)
Dim.: 48,5 x 37 cm x 4 cm (the frame)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- With a restored vertical break situated through the tower, down to the swans. The repair very well executed, quasi invisible to the naked eye and not showing up under UV-light.
Dim.: ca. 13 x 13 cm (each)
- The collection of Ab Vrij.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The tile with the cleaning lady, on the left of the bottom row, with some retouching along the right edge, including the corner.
- The tile with the jester, third from the left on the bottom row, with a number of touch-ups to the top right, top left and bottom right corner. A horizontal superficial glaze crack visible through the lower part of the figure, otherwise the figure is untouched.
- The tile with the man on stilts, fifth from the left on the bottom row, with some retouching to the middle part of the upper rim, including the tip of the left stilt, and to the top right corner.
- The other tiles unrestored, with visible wear. The lumberjack cut on the right side.
Dim.: 13 x 13 cm (each)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- All tiles free of repairs. All with visible chips and wear, and reduced at one side at least.
Dim.: ca. 12,5 x 12,5 cm
This tile is supposedly unique, no second of this type is recorded.
- The collection of Ab Vrij.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- With a visible break to the lower left corner and a small touch-up to the cherub's wing just above it.
Dim.: ca. 13 x 13 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally good, with small rim chips, pitting and superficial glaze loss.
Dim.: ca. 13 x 13 cm (each)
- The collection of Ab Vrij.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Top row: each tile in very good condition, with visible minor superficial wear.
- Bottom row: the two left tiles and the tile on the far right all in very good condition, with visible minor superficial wear. The tile with the griffin, the third from the left, with the upper right corner missing and restored, as well as some repainting along the left edge and to the right part of the bottom edge.
Dim.: 54 x 45,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally of very good appearance, ready to hang.
- The panel still pretty straight, a slight degree of bending is to be noted, please refer to the additional images for a clear view. On the back of the panel, to one side, there is a small filled area visible.
- Examination under UV-light reveals no important restorations were executed. The outer border, ca. 6 mm on each side, may have been retouched all-over. Please refer to the UV-images for a clear view.
- There are a few superficial splits visible to the front, the most apparent are the two in the lower right corner and one through the bottom left panel of the central arrangement.
- There is some superficial paint loss throughout, mostly along the border.