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H.: 75 cm
Ref.: Christie's, New York, Sep. 13, 2019, lot 1098 for a similar example. (sold USD 125.000) (link)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- A horizontal baking line across all the circumference below the neck.
- A hairline extends downward from the shoulder rim, through the bottom, and then extends upward to the shoulder rim of the opposite side.
- A section of ca. 20 x 20 cm broken and then reglued, with related overspraying and overpainting.
- A few baking spots to the lower part.
- 脖子下側窯線一圈。
- 一條衝線從花瓶一側的肩部向下延伸,一直貫穿底部,再往上延伸直至另一側肩部。
- 肩部下側一處約 20 x 20 cm 的區域有破裂,後粘合,有相關聯的噴漆和復繪痕跡。
- 花瓶下側一些燒窯瑕疵。