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A Sino-Tibetan gilt bronze Tara, 17/18th C.

This lot was sold on 2023-02-22 and is no longer available

H.: 17 cm

Weight: 1518 grams

Condition: (UV-checked)
- The Buddha generally in very good condition, with superficial wear to the gilding and patination.
- A small minor superficial chip to one of the finials of the crown.
- Lacking a part resting on the arms, probably a ribbon.
- Two holes to the base rim probably due to the casting.

- 佛像整體狀況非常好,正常磨損痕跡,大部分鎏金磨損。
- 寶冠的一個尖角有飛皮。
- 手臂上缺失一個配件,可能是飄帶。
- 圈足上兩個可能由於鑄造失誤造成的洞孔。

Weight: 1525 grams

Price incl. premium: € 7.800