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Dia.: 37,5 cm - H.: 8,5 cm
- With an area of restoration on the rim of ca. 5 x 2 cm, around that area 5 hairlines are present of 4, 3, 4, 4 and 5 cm. On the back the restoration stays outside of the blue decoration, so stays within the first 1 cm.
Provenance: With an inventory N0.152 on the base refers to the Dresden collection of August the Strong, King of Poland and Elector of Saxony.
These marks are referred to as Johanneum Marks :
Inventory marks added to porcelain belonging to the collection of August the Strong.
The first inventory was made in 1721.
The inventory numbers were painted in black, or cut through the glaze with a glass cutter's wheel and blackened (as above).
In some cases the numbers have only been drawn in ink and have by natural causes been washed away.
The term "Johanneum" was taken from the building in Dresden to which the royal collection was moved 1875-76.
With a label for Vanderven, antiquairs, Den Bosch, The Netherlands.