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A pair of Chinese export porcelain grisaille and gilt plates, Qianlong, 18th C.

This lot was sold on 2016-04-24 and is no longer available
Dia.: 22,5 cm

The plates are painted to the interior with scenes after "Les Oies de Frere Philippe" or "The Geese of Brother Philippe".
The engraving is after the painting "Les Oies de Frere Phillipe' (The Geese of Brother Philip) by Nicolas Lancret, and illustrates La Fontaine's fable, which was inspired by Boccaccio (following a theme on 'the Power of Nature').

See also:
David Howard "China for the West - Chinese Porcelain and other Decorative Arts for Export"


- One plate with a chip on the back of ca. 8mm x 6mm, not visible from the front.
- The second with a small chip on the rim, probably original as it is also gilt, of ca. 3mm x 1mm, and 2 superficial glaze lines of ca. 1cm at 8 o'clock.
- Both plates with slight rubbing in the decoration.

Price incl. premium: € 1.950