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A Chinese blue, white and copper-red square-sectioned vase with figural design, Kangxi


H.: 52,5 cm

Provenance: An American private collection. 

Ref.: Rob Michiels Auctions, June 25, 2016, lot 178, for a comparable vase. (sold EUR 29.325,00) (link). 

Condition report:
- The edges of the vase show typical glaze loss, as visible in the photos.
- One of the top rim corners has a 2 cm C-shaped hairline.
- There are two chips on the vertical relief edges, and a larger chip on the horizontal edge just below the shoulder.
- The bottom has a drilled hole.

- 花瓶的各個邊如照片所示有一些典型剝釉。
- 口沿的一個角上有一條約2釐米的C型衝線。
- 瓶身兩處豎向的邊上各有一個飛皮。肩膀下一條橫向的邊上有一個稍大的飛皮。
- 底打洞。
Estimate: € 10000 - € 20000