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A pair of polychrome Dutch Delft 'hare' tureens and covers, 18th C.

This lot was sold on 2023-10-12 and is no longer available

L.: 12 cm - H.: 10 cm

One lid and tureen inscribed with a numeral 5, the other set with a numeral 20. One tureen marked '3 astonne' on the base for Hendrik van Hoorn, the 'Drie Posteleyne Astonne' workshop, Delft, 1759-1804.

Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, presenting very well, with an attractive, bright and shiny glaze.
- Both hares with retouching and/or remodelling to the ears.
- One tureen with two restored rim chips, one just above the tail and one of the right side. The restoration executed to a very high standard, invisible to the naked eye but slighly showing up under UV-light.
- Typical small superficial chips.

Price incl. premium: € 15.600