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H.: 36 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, the upper part of the handle with a old silver mount.
- A tight glaze line of ca. 3 mm to the rim, invisible on the inside.
- Some typical glaze loss to the handle's edge.
- The spout and the connection between the spout and jug with a small section oversprayed, probably to cover a chip or glaze line.
- 整体品相非常良好,手柄的上端一个老的银配件。
- 口沿外侧一条小惊釉约 3 毫米,内侧不可见。
- 手柄两侧边都有几处典型剥釉。
- 流和流与壶身的衔接处都有喷漆痕迹,可能是覆盖飞皮或者冲线。