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Full list:
Song Ceramics, M. Tregear (two copies)
Qingbai Ware: Chinese Porcelain of the Song and Yuan Dynasties
Song Through 21st century Eyes Yaozhou & Qingbai Ceramics, Meijering Art Books
T’ang Pottery & Porcelain, Medley
Pre-Tang Ceramics of China, W. Watson
Yüan Porcelain & Stoneware
The T’Ang Potter, M. Prodan, Thames & Hudson
The Quest for Eternity, Thames & Hudson
Grand View: Special Exhibition of Ju Ware from the Northern Sung Dynasty, National Palace Museum
The Museum of East Asian Art Inaugural Exhibition, Chinese Ceramics, Volume 1
The Museum of East Asian Art Inaugural Exhibition, Chinese metalwares and decorative arts, Volume 2
Dawn of the Yellow Earth: Ancient Chinese Ceramics from the Meiyintang Collection, China Institute
Colloquies on Art & Archaeology in Asia, n° 22, Percival David Foundation
Song Dynasty Ceramics, R. Kerr, V&A Museum, Far Eastern Series
Song Ceramics “The Great Ultimate”, Sotheby’s, London, 8 november 2006
Chinese ceramics from datable tombs, J.M. Addis, Sotheby Parke Bernet
A History of Song Dynasty Ceramics, S. Powell
Song, A Japanese Collection, Sotheby’s, London, 11 may 2011
Dated Qingbai Wares of the Song and Yuan Dynasties
The Discovery of Ru Kiln – A Famous Song-ware Kiln of China, W. Qing-zheng, F. Dong-qing, Z. Li-li
Song Ceramics: Objects of Admiration, Percival David Foundation of Chinese Art
The Early Ceramic Wares of China, Popular and Abridged Edition, Hetherington
Early Chinese Pottery & Porcelain, B. Gray, Faber
Pre-Historic Pottery in China, G.D. Wu, Kegan Paul
Treasures of the Tang, Christie’s Los Angeles, 4 december 1998
Echoes of the Ancient World Tang China Vision and Splendour of a Golden Age, Golden Press, Capon and Forman
Sung Porcelain & Stoneware, B. Gray
Important Chinese Ceramics, The Property of Mrs Alfred Clark, Sotheby & Co., 25 march 1975
The Art of the Chinese Potter – An illustrated Survey, Hobson & Hetherington, Dover
The Chinese Potter, A practical History of Chinese Ceramics, M. Medly
Scientific Research on historic asian Ceramics, Proceeding of the Fourth Forbes Symposium at the Freer Gallery of Art
Catalogue of Chinese Greenware in the Ashmolean Museum Oxford, M. Tregear
Tri color Pottery of the T’ang Dynasty, National Museum of History the Republic of China
Chinese ceramics from the Cottle collection, Eskenazi Oriental Art
Chinese Celadon Wares, G. St. G. M. Gompertz, Faber&Faber
Sung Ceramic Designs, J. Wirgin, Han-Shan Tang
Women of the Tang Dynasty, Close-up
The Tsui Museum of Art, Ceramics I, Neolithic to Liao
Kiln Sites of Ancient China, Recent finds of Pottery and Porcelain, P. Hughes-Stanton and R. Kerr
Of Earth and Fire, National Gallery of Australia
Tang and Liao Ceramics, W. Watson, Rizzoli New York
Dated Qingbai Wares of the Song and Yuan Dynasties