Containing 132 photos of an interesting early trip to China, including Shanghai, Beijing, Hong Kong, Tientsin, Canton, Macau, Nanking, Outchang, Wouhou, Chienkiang, Mongolia, ... Given a few related remarks in the captions, the album possibly pertained to a Belgian official working for the railroad development team of the Beijing-Hankou Railroad, negotiated by the famous "Belgian Mandarin" Paul Splingaerd, a Belgian official in the late Qing government. One of the photos shown is a portrait of Liung Chang, vice king of China, with the caption (in French): Portrait of Liung Chang, vice king of China, with whom I've had diner on the 21st of May, 1897. Including many fresh albument prints of high quality, some hand-colored, including very graphic renderings of the everyday life in China at that time as well as portraits of important military officials, with hand-written captions in French. Also including a large tryptich of 82 x 20 cm with caption: Vue généralle de la ville d'Outchang sur le Yangtzé ou fleuve bleu de Chine. Another notable photograph is a self-portrait of the author, dressed as a Chinese.
103 large albumen photograps of ca. 27 x 20,5 cm, 20 mid-sized photographs and 9 small size (ca. 14 x 10 cm)
Adjudication frais incl.:
€ 28.050,00