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Dia.: 11 cm (the saucers)
Dia.: 6,5 cm - H.: 4 cm (the cups)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- One dish with a superficial chip on the rim.
- One dish with a hairline of ca. 3 cm and a number of small superficial chips on the rim.
- One dish in excellent condition.
- Two cups in excellent condition.
- One cup with a hairline of ca. 4 cm.
- 一个碟子口沿上一个飞皮。
- 一个碟子口沿上多个小飞皮和一条3厘米冲线。
- 一个碟子全品。
- 两个茶杯全品。
- 一个茶杯口沿上有一条冲线约4厘米。