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Een polychrome Brussels aardewerken terrine met rupsen op onderschotel met decor van vlinders, 18e eeuw

Dit lot werd verkocht op 2023-12-14 en is niet meer beschikbaar

Dia.: 33 cm - H.: 6 cm (the stand)
Dia.: 27 cm - H.: 22,5 cm (the tureen incl. the cover)

Please note that this is an assembled set.

Condition: (UV-checked)
- The set generally very nice, well preserved with a good, shiny glaze and an attractive overall appearance.
- The lid in very good condition, with some chips to the flower-shaped finial and a few negligible small spots of glaze loss.
- The tureen in very good condition, with a few superficial chips and spots of glaze loss to the extremities.
- Both the lid and tureen bear a mark, '6:B', probably for the Mombaers workshop.
- The dish in very good condition, with a few negligible small spots of superficial glaze loss.

Geschat: € 600 - € 1200