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Dia.: 16,7 cm - H.: 7,5 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Ref.: Christie's, London, May 28, 2020, for a similar pair. (sold GBP 11.250) (link)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both in excellent condition.
- 一对全品。
Dia.: 14 cm - H.: 6,5 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Ref.: Christie's, London, May 28, 2020, for a similar but slightly larger pair. (sold GBP 11.250) (link)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The first bowl in quasi excellent condition, with a minor flake to the base rim.
- The second bowl with a chip and two hairlines to the rim.
- 第一个碗近乎全品,圈足外侧一个飞皮。
- 第二个碗口沿两条冲线和一个磕崩。
Dia.: 12,5 cm - H.: 6 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Ref.: Christie's, London, May 28, 2020, for a similar but larger pair. (sold GBP 11.250) (link)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- One bowl in quasi excellent condition with a small chip to the base rim.
- One bowl in quasi excellent condition with a circular impact line to the base rim on the inside.
- Two bowls with a hairline to the rim.
- 一个碗近乎全品,圈足一个飞皮。
- 一个碗近乎全品,圈足内侧一个重皮。
- 两个碗口沿有冲线。
Dia.: 10,5 cm - H.: 5 cm
Dia.: 9,4 cm - H.: 4,8 cm (the two smaller bowls)
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Ref.: Christie's, London, May 28, 2020, for a similar pair. (sold GBP 11.250) (link)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Two biggest bowls in excellent condition.
- One biggest bowl with a chip and a related hairline to the rim.
- One smallest bowl with two chips and a hairline to the rim.
- One smallest bowl with a reglued break and two hairlines to the rim.
- 两个大号的碗全品。
- 一个大号的碗口沿有飞皮和相应的冲线。
- 一个小号的碗口沿有两个飞皮和冲线。
- 一个小号的碗口沿的破损修复和冲线。
H.: 42 - 33 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
- Acquired ca. 2005.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The smallest vase genarally in very good condition, with a horizontal glaze line in the middle.
- The biggest vase in excellent condition, with some normal wear.
- 小号瓶子品相良好,中间一条横向的惊釉。
- 大号瓶子全品,釉面轻微磨损。
H.: 51 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both in excellent condition, one vase with a baking flaw to the base rim.
- 一对全品,一个花瓶的底边有一个窑伤。
H.: 11,5 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
- Acquired at a Belgian auction in the late 1990's to early 2000's.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
H.: 28,5 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with a baking flaw to the rim.
- 全品,口沿上一个窑伤。
H.: 28,5 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both in quasi excellent condition, with a few minor glaze loss to the rim and on the neck.
- 一对全品,口沿和脖子处都有一些小剥釉。
H.: 45 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with a few minor baking spots.
- 全品,几处缩釉。
H.: 38,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with a minor circular impact line to the base rim.
- 全品,圈足一处小裂纹。
H.: 33 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
- Sotheby's, Hong Kong, June 4, 2020, lot 612, for a similar example. (sold HKD 137.500) (link)
- Christie's, New York, Dec. 14, 2021, lot 87, for a similar example. (sold USD 25.000) (link)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In quasi excellent condition, with a few minor superficial chips to the base rim and a baking line to the base.
- 近乎全品,圈足上几处飞皮,底面一条窑缝。
H.: 22,5 cm - Dia. 18,5 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
H.: 25 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both in excellent condition, except one vase with a minor baking flaw under a handle.
- 一对全品,一个花瓶的一个耳下侧一个窑伤。
H.: 32 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The first vase generally in very good condition, with a few baking flaws to a handle and the base rim. A chip to the base rim as well.
- The second vase in excellent condition, with a minor baking spot to the side edge in the middle.
- 第一个花瓶整体品相非常良好,一个耳和底边有窑伤,底边还有一个飞皮。
- 第二个花瓶全品,侧边一处失釉。
H.: 30,5 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The first vase generally in good condition, with a flake to the rim, and a drilled hole to the base.
- The second vase generally in good condition, with a drilled hole to the base.
- 第一个花瓶口沿一个飞皮,底打洞。
- 第二个花瓶底打洞。
H.: 24 cm - L.: 23 cm (the censer)
H.: 23 cm (the tallest vase)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- All five pieces in excellent condition.
- 五个皆是全品。
H.: 21 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
- Christie's, Amsterdam, Dec. 5, 2000, lot 236. (sold NLG 4.447) (link)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with some slight wear.
- 全品,轻微磨损痕迹。
Dia.: 16,7 cm - H.: 3,4 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The first plate generally in good condition, with a few minor flakes, a restored circular impact line and a refilled chip (kintsugi) to the rim.
- The second plate with two refilled chips (kintsugi) and a hairline to the rim.
- 第一个盘子整体品相良好,口沿几处小飞皮,一个修补的重皮和一个金缮修复的飞皮。
- 第二个盘子口沿两个金缮修复的飞皮和一条冲线。
Dia.: 32,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In quasi excellent condition, with some normal wear to the glaze and some minor superficial chips to the foot rim.
- 近乎全品,釉面正常磨损痕迹,圈足上几处典型飞皮。
Dia.: 20,7 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
- Christie's, Hong Kong, Oct. 4, 2016, lot 65. (sold HKD 75.000) (link)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with two flakes to the rim and one to the base rim.
- 整体品相非常良好,口沿两处飞皮,圈足一个飞皮。
H.: 9 cm (the tallest bottle)
Provenance: A Dutch private collection.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Ten snuff bottles in excellent condition.
- The white ge-type glazed snuff bottle with a small superficial chip to the rim.
- The smallest pink ge-type glazed snuff bottle with a hairline in the middle.
- The other two pink ge-type glazed snuff bottles and the rust-glazed snuff meiping bottle in excellent condition, with a baking spot in the middle.
- The biggest green glazed snuff bottle with two superficial chip to the foot rim.
- 十个鼻烟壶全品。
- 白色哥釉鼻烟壶口沿一个小飞皮。
- 最小的粉色哥釉鼻烟壶炸肚。
- 另外两个粉色哥釉鼻烟壶和铁锈花釉鼻烟壶全品,中间一个爆釉。
- 最大的绿釉鼻烟壶圈足两个飞皮。
H.: 9,5 cm (the tallest bottle, incl. the stopper)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Three in excellent condition, except the 'fisherman' snuff bottle in quasi excellent condition, with an impact line to the base rim.
- 三个全品,除了'渔夫' 鼻烟壶圈足一个重皮。
H.: 8,5 cm (the tallest bottle)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- All in excellent condition, with some normal wear.
- 四个全品,釉面轻微磨损。
H.: 6,5 cm
H.: 8,2 cm (incl. the stand)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with some normal wear to the gilding and overglazed enamel.
- 全品,金彩和釉上彩轻微磨损痕迹。
H.: 8,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with a few minor baking spots around the rim.
- 全品,口沿周围几处缩釉。
H.: 7 cm
- An important Belgian private collection.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
Dim.: 9,5 x 7 x 5,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with some normal wear.
- 全品,正常磨损痕迹。
Dia.: 94 cm - H.: 43,5 cm (the table)
Dia.: 88 cm (the enamel set)
Dim.: 32 x 18 cm (the largest tray)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Presenting very well.
- The gilt-lacquered wooden table with some normal wear and a few small superficial chips to the rim and edges.
- One biggest plate in very good condition, the rest with some typical enamel loss.
- All medium plates with some typical enamel loss.
- Five smallest plates in very good condition, three with some typical enamel loss.
- The rond plate in very good condition.
- 整体品相非常完好。
- 一个最大的盘子品相非常良好,其余七个都有一些剥釉。
- 中号的盘子都有一些剥釉。
- 五个小号的盘子品相非常良好,三个有剥釉。
- 圆形的盘子品相非常良好。
Dim.: 45,5 x 21 cm (the plaque)
L.: 47 cm - H.: 22,5 cm (incl. stand)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The plaque generally in very good condition, with some touch-ups to the corners.
- 铜板整体品相非常良好,四个角落有复绘和喷漆痕迹。
Dia.: 34 cm - H.: 22 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The cover in very good condition with a small section overpainted.
- The hot pot in quasi excellent condition, with a small section oversprayed of ca. 3 cm under the rim on the inside, otherwise good.
- 盖子近乎全品,一处复绘痕迹。
- 火锅几乎全品,内侧口沿下一处约 3 厘米的喷漆痕迹。
Dia.: 34 cm - H.: 10 cm
- For a quasi identical example in Palace Museum in Taipei. (link)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Presenting very well.
- Some small typical touch-ups to the inner rim and the back to cover some typical enamel loss.
- Some typical tight crack lines throughout.
- A small chip and related bump marks located on the inner rim on the front.
- 单纯视觉效果,品相良好。
- 折沿盘内沿和背面几处典型的复绘补彩痕迹,应该是修复脱釉部分。
- 多处典型的裂纹。
- 正面内口沿有一个飞皮和相应的碰撞痕迹。
Dim.: 37 x 31,5 x 11 cm (the basin)
H.: 26 cm - L.: 24,5 cm (the ewer)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Presenting very well.
- Generally in good condition with a few touch-ups throughout.
- 整体品相良好,多处有小的补彩痕迹。
Dim.: 75 x 49 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in good condition, with some typical touch-ups to the rim and under the rim, and in the middle of the front.
- Some typical enamel loss around the rim, and two bump marks on the back.
- 整体品相良好,正反面口沿和中间都有几处典型的复绘补彩痕迹,应该是修复脱釉部分。
- 盘子口沿周围都有剥釉,背面两个碰撞痕迹。
Dia.: 64 cm - H.: 15 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The basin generally in very good condition, two sections of retouching of ca. 3 x 4 cm and 12 x 5 cm to the rim, probably to recover some spots of typical enamel loss.
- Some small minor touch-ups tp the inner rim and the flowers in the middle.
- Two dragon designs on the side with some touch-ups and related overspraying, probably to recover some spots of typical enamel loss.
- 盆整体品相非常良好,口沿有两处有补彩修复痕迹,尺寸约为 3 x 4 厘米和 12 x 5 厘米。
- 内边沿几处小的补彩痕迹。
- 正面中间的花卉有几处小的补彩痕迹。
- 侧面的两条螭龙有补彩很喷漆痕迹,可能是覆盖典型的剥釉和掉彩。
Dia.: 21,5 cm - H.: 3,6 cm
Provenance: An important Belgian private collection.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The first plate generally in good condition, with some normal wear and typical tension lines on the front. A small touch-up under the rim on the outside and to the base in the middle.
- The second plate generally in good condition, with some normal wear and typical tension lines on the front, a leave overpainted, the dragon on the base partly oversprayed and overpainted.
- 第一个盘子整体品相良好,正常磨损,几处裂纹。盘子外侧口沿下一个小补彩。底面龙也有补彩。
- 第二个盘子整体品相良好,正常磨损,几处裂纹。盘子内侧口沿下一片叶子有小补彩。底面龙也有补彩。
H.: 25 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both candlesticks in very good condition, with some spots of retouching, probably to recover the typical enamel loss.
- 一对烛台品相良好,几处典型的补彩小修复。
Dia.: 17 cm - H.: 7,5 cm (the bowl)
Dia.: 15,5 cm (the saucer)
L.: 6,5 cm - H.: 3,5 cm (the cup)
H.: 14 cm (the complete set)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The bowl in very good condition with some typical tension lines and some retouchings just above the base rim.
- The support in quasi excellent condition, with a few small spots of retouching.
- The cup with some overspraying around the rim and continue to the handle.
- The saucer in quasi excellent condition, with a few small spots of retouching to the rim.
- 碗品相非常好,几处典型的裂纹,圈足上部分一些补彩痕迹。
- 支撑架近乎全品,几处小的补彩修复。
- 杯子口沿一圈喷漆,一直延续到手柄处。
- 碟子近乎全品,口沿处几个小的补彩修复痕迹。
L.: 25 cm - H.: 16,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The bowl generally in very good condition, with a small section overprayed and overpainted above the foot rim.
- The inner bowl generally in very good condition, with a few minor touch-ups to the rim.
- The cover in quasi excellent condition, with some normal slight wear.
- 碗整体品相非常良好,圈足上侧一处小的区域有喷漆和复绘痕迹。
- 内碗整体品相非常良好,口沿几处小的补彩痕迹。
- 盖子近乎全品,轻微磨损。
Dia.: 21,5 cm
- An American private collection.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The first plate in excellent condition, with some normal wear, tension lines and a baking flaw.
- The second plate in quasi excellent condition, with some normal wear, tension lines and a section oversprayed to the rim on the outside.
- 第一个盘子全品,轻微磨损和几处典型裂纹,背面一条窑伤。
- 第二个盘近乎子全品,轻微磨损和几处典型裂纹,口沿外侧一处喷漆痕迹。
H.: 31 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both in quasi excellent condition, with some normal wear and a few minor baking spots.
- 一对近乎全品,表面轻微磨损,几处典型小的缩釉。
This superb mirror-pair of vases in the 'hundred flowers' style is a tour de force of the De Cheng (德成) cloisonné workshop. It would have been extremely time-consuming to produce, requiring a workshop with a set of exceptionally skilled draftsmen. Established between 1850 and 1860, the De Cheng workshop became renowned throughout Beijing over the course of the century for the superior quality of its cloisonné enamel wares, which were eagerly collected not only by members of the imperial court but also by the area’s foreign residents. Even with the resources available to the most sought-after cloisonné workshop of its time, it is not surprising that very few pieces decorated with this complex design were made, and only a handful survived.
Among the represented flower species may be distinguished peonies of several kinds, lotuses, chrysanthemums, magnolia, roses, hibiscus, orchids, iris, lilies, asters, hydrangea, wisteria, pomegranates, begonias, narcissuses, convolvuli, syringas, pyrus japonica (hai-t'ang) etc.
Both are marked with the stamp of the workshop, one of the vases still has part of the original workshop label.
- Cloisonné: Chinese Enamels from the Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, Béatrice Quette (ed.), Bard Graduate Center, New York, 2011, p. 28 for a reproduction of the label (see added image). Both Chinese and French texts inform prospective buyers of possible imitations (although put differently) and pinpoint the address of the workshop. In Chinese the text reads as follows: “Now some shameless people counterfeit the trademark of 德成; Nevertheless, our customers have our certificate, specifying exactly where we are located, it is at ‘Jingdu Jianmen wai Yangmeizhu xiejie zhongjian lubei’ [in Beijing outside Tsien-men gate toward the middle of the north side of Yangmeizhu xiejie street).
In French: “The one and only true cloisonné workshop of Teuo-Tcheng is located in Beijing outside the Tsien-men gate, around the middle of Yan-mei-tchou-sie-kiai street (north side)”.
As Quette suggests, these bilingual labels indicate a deep concern about quality and forgeries and it is possible these labels were made on the specific occasion of an international exhibition in Paris (1878 or 1889).
We would like to thank Mr Nicolas Belmans, expert on 19th century Chinese cloisonné, for providing information in the redaction of the catalogue note. Mr Belmans is currently preparing a first catalogue of the De Cheng workshop.
H.: 39 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The first vase generally in very good condition, with some normal wear and some superficial dents throughout. A section oversprayed and overpainted of ca. 5 x 7 cm under the shoulder.
- The second vase generally in good condition, with some normal wear and some superficial dents throughout. Two sections oversprayed and overpainted of ca. 5 x 7 cm under the shoulder.
- 第一个花瓶整体品相非常良好,釉面正常磨损,肩部在龙耳下侧有一处修复和喷漆痕迹。尺寸约 5 x 7 厘米。
- 第二个花瓶整体品相良好,釉面正常磨损,肩部在龙耳下侧有两处修复和喷漆痕迹。尺寸约 5 x 7 厘米。
H.: 28 cm
- A German private collection.
- Acquired from Nagel Auktionen, Stuttgart, May 6, 2011, lot 344. (sold EUR 8.500) (see added scan)
- A European private collection.
Estimate: € 8000 - € 12000
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The vase generally in very good condition to excellent condition, with some normal wear and some typical superficial baking spots throughout.
- 花瓶整体品相非常良好,近乎全品,釉面正常磨损,几处典型的小的缩釉。
L.: 43 cm - H.: 41,5 cm
Standing on a rectangular base, with an Arabic inscribed panel on the front which freely translates to 'The Sacrificial Lamb'.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The sheep sculpture generally in very good condition, with normal wear and some typical superficial dents. A glaze loss under the chin. Some minor touch-ups to the hind thighs and tail.
- The stand generally in good condition, with some normal wear and typical superfial dent throughout. Some tension lines and touch-ups to the lower rim and legs.
- 羊形景泰蓝整体品相非常良好,正常磨损和几处典型的轻微凹痕。下巴一处磕崩。羊的后大腿和尾巴处有小的修补痕迹。
- 底座整体品相良好,正常磨损和几处典型的轻微凹痕。底边和腿部有多处裂纹和修补痕迹。
H.: 78 cm (incl. stands) - L.: 41 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The deer on the left: The antlers have been detached and are loose. They were probably once soldered onto the head, with traces of solder still present. There is a split in the middle of the head, running down from between the ears, through the nose and also slightly visible beneath the chin. The nose with some enamel loss, the tip of the nose visibly dented. A few small spots with negligble superficial wear throughout. One of the rear legs with superficial losses of the enamels.
The deer on the right: In very good condition, apart from a small spot of enamel loss to the mouth. The antlers soldered back on, one detached again.
- The wooden stands overall in good condition with negligible minor wear.
- An important Belgian private collection.
- Acquired at a Brussels auction in 2016.
- The collection of a French family residing in Belgium.
- Compare with a pair of large models of elephants, originally from the Winston Churchill estate, sold at Christie's, Hong Kong, on May 30, 2012. (link)
- Compare with a large deer figure, originally from the collection of Alphonse de Rothschild (1827-1905). (link)
Dia.: 52 cm - H.: 10,5 cm
Provenance: A Dutch private collection.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition to excellent condition, with a reglued chip to the foot rim and some wear to two peaches on the back.
- A minor baking flaw across the two peached on the front.
- 整体品相非常良好,近乎全品。
- 正面一个窑伤穿过两个桃子。
H.: 133 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
The first vase
- In quasi excellent condition, with two breaks located to the legs of chilong in the middle.
The second vase
- A circular luting line on the inside, with related overpainting and a glaze line slightly visible on the outside.
- Otherwise good.
- 進乎全品,瓶身中間的一條螭龍腿上兩個磕崩。
- 花瓶內可見一圈接胎痕跡,瓶身外有相應的復繪痕跡和短小的驚釉。
H.: 38,5 cm - Dia.: 37 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition to excellent condition, with a few typical superficial chips to the bogu decorations on the outside. A small superficial chip to the foot rim.
- 整体品相非常良好,近乎全品。
- 外侧博古浮雕装饰有几处典型飞皮和圈足一个飞皮。
H.: 40,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both in excellent condition, except one vase with a small superficial chip to the inner rim and some kiln dust to the shoulder.
- 一对全品,除了一个罐子内口沿一个小飞皮,肩部有窑灰。
H.: 45,5 cm (the incense burner, incl. cover and stand)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The first vase in excellent condition and the second vase in quasi excellent condition, with some tight minor glaze lines.
- Both candlesticks in excellent condition, with a few burst glaze bubbles to the rim.
- The censer in excellent condition, except a baking line to a leg. The cover and the stand in excellent condition. Both handles broken and reglued, and with a few chips to the rim.
- 一个花觚全品。另一个近乎全品,几处惊釉。
- 两个烛台全品,口沿几处爆釉。
- 香炉全品,一只足有窑裂。盖子和底座都是全品。双耳都断裂,后粘合,边沿有飞皮。
H.: 60,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition to excellent condition, with a few superficial chips to the rim and burst glaze bubbles on the side.
- 整体品相非常良好,近乎全品。
- 口沿几处小飞皮,侧边一些剥釉。
H.: 33,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with a minor flake to the foot rim.
- 全品,圈足一处小飞皮。
H.: 63,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The first vase in excellent condition. The cover in quasi excellent condition, with two small superficial chips to the rim.
- The second vase in quasi excellent condition, with a few small superficial chips to the rim. The cover with two hairlines and a few superficial chips to the rim.
- 第一个罐子全品。盖子近乎全品,口沿两个小飞皮。
- 第二个罐子近乎全品,口沿几个小飞皮。盖子口沿几个飞皮和两条冲线。
H.: 29 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The first jar and cover in excellent condition.
- The second jar in excellent condition, the cover with a hairline to the rim.
- 第一个盖罐全品。
- 第二个罐子全品,盖子口沿冲线一条。
Dia.: 32 cm - H.: 21 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The cover in excellent condition, with some normal wear.
- The box in quasi excellent condition, with some normal wear and two small superficial chips to the outer rim and a small indentation to the rim due to baking.
- 盖子全品。
- 捧盒近乎全品,口沿两个小飞皮,下侧口沿一个窑伤造成的小凹陷。
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
- Christie's, London, Nov. 6, 2012, lot 266. (sold GBP 10.000) (link)
- (by repute) Acquired from Sydney L. Moss, London.
H.: 25 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In quasi excellent condition, with some superficial crazing to the bottom.
- 近乎全品,瓶底面一些惊釉。
H.: 60 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with a flake and a restored flake to the rim, and a baking flaw to the base rim.
- 整体品相非常良好,口沿一个小飞皮和一个修补的飞皮,圈足一个窑伤。
Dia.: 24,5 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- All in excellent condition.
- 三個都是全品。
Dim.: 38 x 25 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with some normal wear.
- 全品,正常磨损痕迹。
H.: 39 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with a few baking spots.
- 全品,几处缩釉。
H.: 60,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The first vase in quasi excellent condition, with a minor chip to the base rim.
- The second vase in excellent condition.
- 第一个花瓶近乎全品,圈足一个飞皮。
- 第二个花瓶全品。
Dia.: 47 cm - H.: 8 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Presenting very well.
- A hairline restored of ca. 10 cm to the rim, with related overpainting and overspraying.
- 单纯视觉效果,品相非常良好。
- 盘子口沿一条被修复的冲线,约 10 厘米,且有相应的喷漆和复绘痕迹。
H.: 13 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In quasi excellent condition with a small scratch to the black overglazed enamel on the left eye.
- 近乎全品,左眼黑彩被刮伤。
H.: 47,5 cm (incl. stand)
H.: 41 cm (the figure)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The base with irregularities all around where the glaze was broken off.
- Small spots of superfical wear throughout.
- Otherwise in excellent condition, a very impressive piece.
- 全品。
- 底边一圈因烧造工艺造成的瑕疵。
- 几处典型磨损痕迹。
H.: 83 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with some normal wear and a few minor baking lines to the base rim.
- 全品,釉上彩轻微磨损,底边几条小窑缝。
Dia.: 15,7 cm - H.: 3,7 cm (the largest)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- One plate in excellent condition.
- One plate in quasi excellent condition, with a flake to the rim and some kiln dust on the front.
- One plate with a hairline to the rim.
- 一个盘子全品。
- 一个盘子近乎全品,口沿小飞,正面一些窑粘。
- 一个盘子口沿一条冲线。
Dia.: 26 cm - H.: 16,5 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
- Artcurial, Paris, June 8, 2015, lot 147. (sold EUR 12.350) (link)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with some normal wear.
- 全品,正常磨损痕迹。
H.: 23 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In quasi excellent condition, with a minor superficial flake to the rim.
- 近乎全品,口沿一个小飞皮。
Dia.: 12,5 cm - H.: 6,5 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both in excellent condition.
- 一对全品。
H.: 39 cm
Provenance: A German private collection.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with some normal wear to the gilding and overglazed enamel.
- 全品,金彩和釉上彩轻微磨损痕迹。
Dim.: 64 x 40,5 x 8 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
- Bruun-Rasmussen, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 11, 2011, lot 1513. (sold DKK 12.000) (see added image)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with some normal wear to the gilding and a few minor kiln dust on the front.
- 全品,金彩轻微磨损痕迹,盘子正面几处小的窑伤和窑灰。
Dia.: 11,5 cm - H.: 6 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both in quasi excellent condition, with a few baking flaws in the middle on the inside, and two minor flakes to the rim.
- 一对近乎全品,口沿有两个小飞皮,碗心有缩釉和窑灰。
Dia.: 42 cm - H.: 40,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
Dia.: 6 cm - H.: 5 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.Condition: (UV-checked)
- 8 cups in excellent condition.
- 2 cups with a hairline to the rim.
- 1 cup with a restored hairlline to the rim.
- 1 cup with a restored break to the rim.
- 八个杯子全品。
- 两个杯子口沿有一条冲线。
- 一个杯子口沿冲修。
- 一个杯子口沿破裂修复。
Dia.: 13,5 cm - H.: 7 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both in quasi excellent condition, with a few minor glaze loss and flakes to the rim.
- 一对近乎全品,口沿有一些小剥釉和飞皮。
H.: 24 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Presenting very well.
- Both vases with the rim and base rim oversprayed, but the exact extent of the repair impossible to assess due to the nature of the restoration.
- 单纯视觉效果,品相非常良好。
- 两个瓶子的口沿和圈足都有喷漆痕迹,但是因为修复材料的特性,无法测定修复尺寸。
Dia.: 12 cm - H.: 2,8 cm (the saucers)
Dia.: 9,2 cm - H.: 6,5 cm (the cups incl. the lid)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Three cups and covers in excellent condition.
- Three saucers generally in very good condition, with a short tight hairline to the rim.
- 三套盖碗全品。
- 三个碟子口小冲。
H.: 30 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with two chips to the base rim.
- 整体品相非常良好,圈足有两个磕崩。
Dia.: 81 cm - H.: 15 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
- A French private collection.
H.: 82 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In quasi excellent condition, a tight glaze line of ca. 5 cm to the inner rim.
- 近乎全品,口沿内侧一条惊釉约 5 厘米,外侧不可见。
Dia.: 10,7 cm - H.: 6 cm (the largest bowl)
Dia.: 4,2 cm - H.: 1,4 cm (the smallest bowl)
Provenance: A Belgian private collection, acquired in the 1990's in France.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- All in excellent condition, except the biggest bowl and the sixth largest bowl with a short hairline to the rim.
- 都是全品,除了最大的和第六大的碗口沿有冲线。
Dia.: 13 cm (the saucers)
Dia.: 9 cm - H.: 6 cm (the cups)
- A Dutch private collection.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- All in excellent condition, except one cup with a few minor short glazelines.
- 都是全品,就一个杯子有几条小惊釉。
H.: 58,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both in excellent condition.
- 一对全品。
H.: 79 cm
H.: 128 cm (incl. the stand)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
H.: 44 cm
H.: 52,5 cm (incl. the stand)
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Presenting very well.
- A break reglued of ca. 12 x 5 cm to the rim, with related overpainting.
- A few glaze loss and flakes to the two handles, and a spot oversprayed on the top of one handle, probably to cover a chip or glaze loss.
- 单纯视觉效果,品相非常良好。
- 口沿一处破损,后粘合,尺寸约为 12 x 5 厘米,有相应的复绘痕迹。
- 双耳上有剥釉和飞皮,耳上有一处喷漆痕迹,可能是覆盖飞皮或者剥釉。
Dia.: 10,5 cm - H.: 6 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
- Lyon & Turnbull, London, Nov. 7, 2018, lot 263. (sold GBP 4.000) (link)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both in excellent condition.
- 一对全品。
Dim.: 100 x 95 cm (the frame)
Dim.: 78,5 x 73 cm (the work)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
- A German private collection.
- Acquired at Van Ham Auctions, Dusseldorf, May 31, 2011, lot 323. (link)
- China Guardian Auctions, Beijing, May 21, 2021, lot 1679, for a similar but larger work. (sold RMB 690.000)
- Christie's, New York, Sep. 11, 2018, lot 121, for a dyptich on the same subject. (sold USD 250.000) (link)
Born in Xi’an, Ma Xinle received extensive artistic training beginning at a young age, when he benefItted from opportunities to observe such masters as Li Keran, Lu Yanshao, and Cheng Shifa demonstrate painting at Diaoyutai State House. He received a Master’s degree in Chinese traditional painting from the Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts and studied with such modern masters as Cheng Shifa ,Liu Wenxi, and Huang Zhou, who exerted the strongest influence on the young artist. After he moved to the United States, Ma Xinle also studied connoisseurship with the artist-collector C.C. Wang (Wang Jiqian, 1907-2003). A very versatile artist, he also received an MFA in oil painting from Bowling Green State University in Ohio and taught watercolour and Chinese paintings for eight years. He now is active as an educator, art advisor, and cultural representative to such organizations as the Beijing Yanhuang Art Museum, the Rockefeller Art Foundation, and the Chinese Artists Association. Ma Xinle’s paintings have been widely exhibited in museums and galleries in China, the U. S. , Canada and other countries, and they can be found in museums, private and corporate collections, and government monumental buildings. In 2016 one of his paintings, The Nine Galloping Horses, was presented to Queen Elizabeth II on her 90th birthday as a state gift from the People’s Republic of China.
Dim.: 245 x 64,5 cm (the scroll)
Dim.: 135 x 45,5 cm (the work)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some typical age-related wear to the paper, such as some typical yellow spots.
- 整体品相非常良好,部分纸本老化痕迹,如典型黄斑。
Dim.: 195 x 49 cm (the scroll)
Dim.: 66,5 x 33 cm (the work)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some typical age-related wear to the paper, such as some typical yellow spots.
- 整体品相非常良好,部分纸本老化痕迹,如典型黄斑。
Dim.: 207 x 48 cm (the scroll)
Dim.: 112 x 33,5 cm (the work)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some typical age-related wear to the paper, such as some typical yellow spots.
- 整体品相非常良好,部分纸本老化痕迹,如典型黄斑。
Dim.: 156 x 46,5 cm (the scroll)
Dim.: 76 x 38,5 cm (the work)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some typical age-related wear to the paper, such as some typical yellow spots.
- Some water stains on the upper left side of the mount.
- 整体品相非常良好,部分纸本老化痕迹,如典型黄斑。
- 画裱左上侧有一些水渍痕迹。
Dim.: 142 x 38 cm (the frame)
Dim.: 121,5 x 25,5 cm (the work)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some typical age-related wear to the paper, such as mild creasing and some yellow spots.
- 整体品相非常良好,部分纸本老化痕迹,如折痕和黄斑。
Dim.: 93 x 36 cm (the frame)
Dim.: 67,5 x 16,5 cm (the work)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some typical age-related wear to the paper, such as some typical yellow spots.
- A small minor crack located on the upper right part.
- 整体品相非常良好,部分纸本老化痕迹,如典型黄斑。
- 画面右上部分有一处小破裂。
Dim.: 138 x 42 cm (each frame)
Dim.: 123 x 28 cm (each work)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both generally in very good condition, with some typical age-related wear to the silk, such as mild creasing, splits and colour fadings.
- 整体品相非常良好,部分绢本老化痕迹,如折痕, 褪色和小的裂痕。
Dim.: 224,5 x 65 cm (the scroll)
Dim.: 113,5 x 48 cm (the work)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some typical age-related wear to the silk, such as mild creasing and splits.
- 整体品相非常良好,部分绢本老化痕迹,如折痕和小的裂痕。
Dim.: 257 x 82,5 cm (the scroll)
Dim.: 168 x 67 cm (the work)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some typical age-related wear to the silk, such as mild creasing and splits.
- 整体品相非常良好,部分绢本老化痕迹,如折痕和小的裂痕。
Dim.: 1167 x 39,5 cm (including the mount)
Dim.: 333 x 34 cm (the painting)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some typical age-related wear to the paper, such as mild creasing and a yellow spot.
- Two cracks to the both sides of the connection between the painting and the silk mount.
- 整体品相非常良好,部分纸本老化痕迹,如折痕和一个黄斑。
- 画的左右两侧的丝质装裱有开裂。
- A South German private collection.
- Acquired at Koller, Zurich, June 04, 2019, lot 283. (Sold CHF 53.980) (link)
- The collection of Jurgen Fischer, Ascona, author of Chinesische Kunst - ein Überblick über die wichtigsten Sammelgebiete.
- Sold at Koller, Zurich, May 16, 1987, lot 484.
- Illustrated in J.L. Fischer, Chinesische Kunst - ein Überblick über die wichtigsten Sammelgebiete, 1997, p.42.
- Exhibited: Schätze für den Kaiser - Meisterwerke Chinesischer Kunst, Roemer und Pelizaeus-Museum Hildesheim, Germany, Nov. 2015-Dec. 2016.
- The slightly larger original scroll by Giuseppe Castiglione is in the collection of the Palace Museum, Taipei.
- A similar but also smaller scroll which refers to the original is by Ignatius Sichelbart (Ai Qimeng, 1708-1780), exhibited in the Tianjin Museum.
Dim.: 273,5 x 104 cm (the scroll)
Dim.: 144,5 x 89 cm (the work)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some typical age-related wear to the silk, such as mild creasing and splits.
- 整体品相非常良好,部分绢本老化痕迹,如折痕和小的裂痕。
Dim.: 260,5 x 81,5 cm (the scroll)
Dim.: 169,5 x 65 cm (the work)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in good condition, with some typical age-related wear to the silk, such as mild creasing and splits.
- A section with some stains to the upper part.
- 整体品相良好,部分绢本老化痕迹,如折痕和小的裂痕。
- 画作上方有一些污渍。
Dim.: 273 x 86 cm (the scroll)
Dim.: 181 x 68 cm (the work)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in good condition, with some typical age-related wear to the silk, such as mild creasing and splits.
- 整体品相良好,部分绢本老化痕迹,如折痕和小的裂痕。
Dim.: 269,5 x 111 cm (the scroll)
Dim.: 140 x 96 cm (the work)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in good condition, with some typical age-related wear to the silk, such as mild creasing and splits.
- 整体品相良好,部分绢本老化痕迹,如折痕和小的裂痕。
Dim.: 200,5 x 104 cm (outer dimension)
Dim.: 178,5 x 101 cm (inner dimension)
Ref.: Library of Congress, no. G7820 1722, for a woodblock on paper version (link), also available online at the Digital Atlas project from the Academia Sinica in Taipei (link).
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some typical age-related wear to the silk, such as mild creasing and splits.
- 整体品相非常良好,正常绢本老化痕迹,如折痕和小的破裂。
Dim.: 68 x 62 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some typical age-related wear to the silk, such as mild creasing and splits.
- 整体品相非常良好,部分绢本老化痕迹,如折痕和小的裂痕。
- An important Australian private collection.
- Rob Michiels Auctions, October 6, 2018, lot 616. (sold EUR 10.625) (link)
Dim.: 227 x 224 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in good condition, with some typical age-related wear to the silk, such as mild creasing and splits.
- 整体品相良好,部分绢本老化痕迹,如折痕和小的裂痕。
- The private collection of one of the most important dealers in Chinese art in Europe in the second half of the 20th C.
- By descent to the current owner.
Dim.: 112,5 x 74,5 cm (the mount)
Dim.: 70 x 42 cm (the central panel)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good to excellent condition, with some minor splits to the rim.
- 近乎全品,边沿几处轻微脱线。
At the lower rim there is an inscription in Tibetan and Chinese: 'Made by Hangzhou Dujinsheng weaving factory'.
- A South-German private collection.
- Acquired at Koller, Zurich, Switzerland, June 4, 2019, lot 150. (Sold CHF 16.160) (link)
- The Rubin Museum and the Norbulingka Palace in Lhasa have the same thangka in their collections.
Dim.: 112 x 93 cm
Provenance: A Danish private collection.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
Dim.: 167 x 127 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some typical age-related wear to the silk, such as mild creasing and splits.
- 整体品相非常良好,部分绢本老化痕迹,如折痕和小的裂痕。
- A South-German private collection.
- Acquired at Koller, Zurich, Switzerland, June 4, 2019, lot 272. (Sold CHF 24.700) (link)
Dim.: 110 x 84,5 cm
- A French private collection.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
Dim.: 67 x 38,5 x 4 cm (the tray)
L.: 23 cm - H.: 21 cm (the teapot incl. the handle)
H.: 13,5 cm (the caddy)
H.: 9,5 cm (the milk jug)
H.: 9,5 cm (the sugar bowl)
Weight: 4,5 kilograms (the whole set)
2,9 kilograms (the tray)
834 grams (the teapot)
340 grams (the teacaddy)
309 grams (the sugarpot)
180 grams (the milkjug)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The sugar bowl in quasi excellent condition, with a few minor superficial bump marks around the base rim.
- The milk jug generally in good condition, with two bump mark to the base rim and shoulder.
- The tea caddy with a few bump mark to the base rim, and the cover in excellent condition.
- The teapot with a bump mark to the base rim, and the cover with a minor bump mark to the base rim.
- The tray in excellent condition, with some superficial wear.
- 糖罐近乎全品,圈足几处轻微碰撞痕迹。
- 奶壶品相良好,圈足和肩上一个碰撞痕迹。
- 茶叶罐的圈足几处碰撞痕迹,盖子全品。
- 茶壶圈足一个碰撞痕迹,盖子圈足一个碰撞痕迹。
- 托盘近乎全品,几处轻微磨损。
Provenance: A Belgian private collection.
Above the Tu Mao Xing 涂茂興 mark, we encounter the Jiujiang city mark (九江). Jiujang, or Gaogong as it was known in the Cantonese dialect means “Nine Rivers”. Foshan is the area where the vast majority of Chinese silversmiths who were working in Canton originated from, making Foshan one of the most significant silver-making areas of China. A good number of the merchant families who became retailers of Chinese silver wares in the 19th century also hailed from the same area; the Lo family, who owned Wang Hing & Company originated from this area.
We would like to thank Prof. Adrien von Ferscht for his assistance in describing this lot.
H.: 54 cm
H.: 60 cm (incl. the stand)
Weight: 2525 g - 2314 g
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, both vases with some typical superficial bump marks to the lower part, above the foot rim.
- 整体品相非常良好,两个花瓶下侧,圈足上方都有轻微碰撞凹痕。
- The collection of a Portuguese ambassador in China.
Two inscriptions on the panels held by the boys read ‘聖旨’ and ‘全家福’, which translate to: 'Happy family blessing from the imperial edict'
H.: 68 cm (the censer excl. the stand)
H.: 74,5 cm (the censer incl. the stand)
Weight: 3,88 kg (the censer excl. the wooden stand)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In quasi excellent condition, the cover with two superficial bump marks to the boy's head.
- 近乎全品,盖子顶部的小男孩头顶有两处碰撞凹痕。
- The collection of a Portuguese ambassador in China.
The main inscription in the middle of the censer reads Ding Sheng Qian Qiu 鼎盛千秋, which translates to: 'Everlasting prosperity'.
The inscription on the right side reads 柏芮多總領事惠存, which translates to: 'The Portuguese Consul General accepted this incense burner as a valuable gift.'
The inscription on the left side: 湯賡敬贈 西曆一九二五年十二月吉日, which translates to: 'This incense burner respectfully presented by Tang Geng on the auspicious day of December 1925.'
Dim.: 25 x 15,5 x 11 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some normal wear to the gilding.
- Lacking some inlaid demi-precious stones.
- 整体品相非常良好,鎏金正常磨损。
- 镶嵌的宝石多处遗失。
- Sotheby's, Hong Kong, Nov. 25, 2013, lot 16, for a related snuff bottle. (sold HKD 187.500) (link)
- Bonhams, London, May 17, 2012, lot 124, for a related snuff box was taken by General John Hart Dunne from the Summer Palace in Beijing in 1860. The provenance from the Summer Palace is particularly interesting in this respect, since it suggests that such boxes were not made solely for export but were also appreciated in Imperial China. (link)
- Two related silver filigree boxes from the Main Hermitage Collection in St Petersburg were included in the exhibition Treasures of Catherine the Great, held at Somerset House, London, 2001-2001, Catalogue, no.364.
- A somewhat related reticulated basket is with Pushkin Antiques, London. (link)
- A Belgian private collection of repute.
Dim.: 190 x 77 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in good condition, with normal wear, typical lacquer loss, cracks and some small superficial chips.
- 整体品相非常良好,典型磨损,漆面开裂,小飞皮等。
Dim.: 83,5 x 65,5 x 33 cm
Ref.: C.L. Ma collection, Traditional Chinese furniture from the greater Shanxi region, no. 143, for a similar example.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in good condition, with normal wear, typical lacquer loss, tight cracks and some small superficial chips.
- 整体品相非常良好,典型磨损,漆面开裂,小飞皮等。
H.: 60,5 cm (incl. stand)
H.: 55,5 cm (the figure)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with normal wear, typical lacquer loss, tight cracks and some small superficial chips.
- The face, hands and feet overpainted.
- 整体品相非常良好,典型磨损,漆面开裂,小飞皮等。
- 脸,双手和双脚都有复绘痕迹。
- The collection of Mr. and Mrs. S., Ghent, Belgium.
- Acquired from Ilunga, Ghent, Belgium, in August 2011, with their certificate of authenticity.
- Previously in a collection in Northern Thailand, according to the certificate.
H.: 42,5 cm (incl. stand)
H.: 39,5 cm (the figure)
Condition: (UV-checked) (from top to bottom)
- Generally in good, stable and decorative condition.
- Numerous small losses, reglued breaks and old repairs throughout.
- A small break to the right foot and lacks a piece from the left hand.
- 整体品相非常良好,整体漆面非常亮丽。
- 多处典型的年久而导致的漆面开裂,小的修复等。
- 右足磕崩,左手里缺失一个配件。
- The collection of Mr. and Mrs. S., Ghent, Belgium.
- Acquired from Belgantiques in September 2003, with their certificate of authenticity.
Please note this lot is subject to and in compliance with CITES-regulations. Available for sale in the European Union only. Exporting outside of the European Union is not possible.
L.: 18 cm - H.: 13,5 cm
Weight: 1061 grams
- An important European private collection.
- Rob Michiels Auctions, April 24, 2016, lot 886. (sold EUR 105.000) (link)
- Acquired in Belgian Congo, before 1936, when it was brought to Belgium by a family member of the present owner. Accompanied by a digital copy of a photograph made in Kilo, Congo, ca. 1930.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition to excellent condition, with two minor impurities to the base rim on the back.
- A minor superficial scratch to the forehead.
Click here to download a short video.
- 整体品相非常良好,近乎全品。
- 底边有两个天然瑕疵和额头有一处轻微的刮痕。
H.: 112 cm (total height)
Condition: (UV-checked) (from top to bottom)
- Generally in very good, stable and decorative condition.
- Numerous small losses, reglued breaks and old repairs throughout.
- A number of loose parts conserved.
- 整体品相非常良好,整体漆面非常亮丽。
- 多处典型的年久而导致的漆面开裂,小的修复等。
- 保留了许多松散的零件。
Dia.: 42 cm
- The collection of Sam & Myrna Myers, an American couple in Paris, with a fascinating collection history. (link)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In excellent condition, with normal superficial wear.
- 全品,正面局部一些磨损。
H.: 55 cm (incl. mount and base)
H.: 44 cm (the porcelain)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The first vase in quasi excellent condition, a small superficial chip under the handle.
- The second vase with a superficial chip under the handle, and two tight vertical hairlines in the middle, and some minor superficial crazing.
- 第一个花瓶近乎全品,铜鎏金耳下一个飞皮。
- 第二个花瓶铜鎏金耳下一个飞皮,瓶身两条垂直状冲线,几处细小龟裂。
L.: 37 cm - H.: 36 cm (incl. mount and base)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with some minor baking spots.
- 全品,几处典型缩釉。
The porcelain probably 18th C., the refined gilt bronze mounts early 19th C. in Régence-style and of French origin.
The interior is equipped with a 19th C. zinc inner jardinière.
The neck is decorated with a frieze of laurel leaves. On each side, we find a stylized clasp in the shape of a chicory leaf supported by two windings on lion's muzzles, the manes with two acanthus leaves. The rings are enclosed in their mouths and take the form of a wreath of laurel leaves. A lambrequin motif ending in a lion's paw surmounts a row of pearls. The base is punctuated by four dice-shaped feet offering a plant motif alternating with guilloche friezes.
The base of the vase unglazed.
Provenance: A French private collection.
- Sotheby's, Paris, Nov. 17, 2021, for a Kangxi famille verte vase with a related gilt bronze mount. (link)
- Sotheby's, Paris, Oct. 2, 2008, for a pair of blue and white Kangxi jars with related gilt bronze mounts. (link)
Dia.: 24 cm - H.: 11,5 cm (incl. the mounts)
Dia.: 22 cm - H.: 5,5 cm (excl. the mounts)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The water pot in quasi excellent condition, with two tiny superficial flakes to the rim on the inside.
- The bronze mount generally in very good condition, with some normal wear.
- 水盂近乎全品,口沿内侧两个极小飞皮。
- 铜镶口品相非常良好,正常磨损。
Dim.: 24 x 20 x 13 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The lacquer work and bronze mount in quasi excellent condition, with some normal wear, and some green corrosion to the bronze mount.
- The celadon sculpture in quasi excellent condition, with a small break to the flute.
- 漆器和铜件近乎全品,正常磨损,铜件上几处绿锈。
- 青瓷瓷塑近乎全品,笛子末端一个磕崩。
L.: 11,6 cm - H.: 10,5 cm (incl. stand)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with a few burst glaze bubbles.
- A chip to the horn.
- 整体品相良好,几处爆釉。
- 角磕崩。
H.: 29 cm (total height) - Dia.: 20 cm
H.: 22 cm (excl. the mount)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The cover broken in two pieces and then reglued and restored, with related overpainting.
- The jar in excellent condition.
- 盖子破裂两半,后粘合修复,有相应的喷漆和复绘痕迹。
- 罐子全品。
At least two enamelled services and a blue and white service with this pattern are known. These have traditionally been thought to have been made for Madame de Pompadour (1721-64) based on the fish vignettes, which appear related to her maiden name of Poisson (fish), and the eagle vignettes representing her husband, King Louis XV. However, there is no evidence that this is so, and indeed it is thought unlikely that Madame de Pompadour would have drawn attention to her bourgeois family name in this way.
- Christie's, London, May 12, 2009, for another 'Pompadour' pot-pourri jar and cover. (sold GBP 20.000) (link)
- Louis Mézin, Cargoes from China, Porcelain from the Compagnie des Indes in the Musée de Lorient, Lorient, 2004, exhibition catalogue, p. 65 for a further discussion on these services, where the author explains that no mention of such services was discovered in any of the family inventories.
- David S. Howard, Choice of the Private Trader, London, 1994, for an example of each of the two enamelled services: no. 271, p. 229, for a bourdaloue of the famille rose service primarily in shades of blue, red and green enamels, and no. 77, p. 89, for a saucer-shaped dish in the palette which is primarily iron-red and green enamels combined with gilt; both pieces were in the Hodroff Collection.
- Howard and Ayers, China for the West, vol. II, London and New York, 1978, p. 443, for a further discussion on the pattern, and no. 449, for a plate from the Mottahedeh Collection. The palettes used in both the enamelled services were particularly popular in France during this time, suggesting that it was a French order; judging by the extensive range of rare and lavish forms in addition to those normally found in services, they were probably private orders of considerable importance for persons of considerable wealth. Examples from the services are in the Musée Guimet, Paris, the Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Bordeaux, the Musée de Saint-Omer (from the Dupuis Bequest), and the Musée Grobet Labadit, Marseilles.
Dim.: 37,5 x 29 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both generally in good condition, with a hairline to the rim.
- 一对整体品相良好,口沿都有一条冲线。
L.: 23 cm - H.: 17 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The first wine cooler generally in very good condition, with a small flake to the rim, a few small flakes to the two handles and a reglued chip to the base rim.
- The second wine cooler generally in very good condition, with a small flake to the rim, a few small flakes to the two handles.
- 第一个冰镇红酒桶整体品相良好,口沿一个飞皮,双耳都有几处飞皮,圈足一个粘合的飞皮。
- 第二个冰镇红酒桶整体品相良好,口沿一个飞皮和双耳都有几处飞皮。
Dia.: 21 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with a small superficial flake to the rim, and the rim slightly polished.
- A minor superficial chip to the inner base rim.
- 整体品相非常良好,口沿小飞,口沿轻微磨口。
- 圈足内侧一个飞皮。
- Francois et Nicole Hervouet: La Porcelaine Des Compagnies Des Indes A Decor Occidental,1986, pages 216 and 217, for a complete set of six Chinese export plates of this group, Série 'B', the rarest set without inscriptions.
- The collection of a Belgian industralist family.
- Rob Michiels Auctions, May 26, 2020, lot 510. (sold EUR 3.825) (link)
- A Portuguese private collection.
Dia.: 21 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both plates in quasi excellent condition, the first one with a small superficial chip to the rim, and the second one with two small superficial chips under the rim.
- 两个盘子都近乎全品,第一个口沿一个小飞皮,第二个口沿下侧两个小飞皮。
Both painted with a Commedia dell'Arte figure, the one on the left bearing the inscription 'Schÿt Actien en wind-handel' (Crap shares and swindle), the one on the right 'Weg Gekke Actionisten' (Away with the crazy speculants).
- D. Howard and J. Ayers, China for the West, London 1978, Vol. I, pp. 234-235, for a discussion of this type of plates. The pattern and inscription satirize the financial speculation disaster in 1720 which started in England with the South Sea Company, and spread to France and Holland. The economic bubble is described and illustrated in the contemporary source 'Het groote tafereel der dwaasheid, vertoonende de opkomst, voortgang en ondergang der actie, bubbel en windnegotie, in Vrankryk, Engeland en de Nederlanden, gepleegt in den jaar MDCCXX' (The great scene of madness, ....) of 1720.
- Sotheby's, Amsterdam, March 14, 2011, for a set of four from the collection of Queen Juliana of The Netherlands. (sold EUR 35.550) (link)
- Christie's, Amsterdam, April 16, 2002, for a complete set of six plates. (sold EUR 111.250) (link)
H.: 24,5 cm
Provenance: A French aristocratic collection.
- The Metropolitan Museum, New York, Accession Number: 1982.27, for a single example. (link) It was one of the highlights in the exposition 'Chinese Export Porcelain at The Metropolitan Museum of Art', which ran from January 14 to July 27, 2003, and is also published in the museum's publications: 'Notable Acquisitions, 1981–1982' (link) and 'Chinese Export Porcelain': The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin, v. 60, no. 3 (Winter, 2003). (link)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The first vase in quasi excellent condition, with a minor impact line to the base rim.
- The second vase with a chip and related hairline to the rim.
- 第一个花瓶近乎全品,圈足一条轻微裂痕。
- 第二个花瓶口沿一个磕崩和一条相关联的冲线一条。
H.: 30,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Presenting very well.
- Two breaks restored to the rim, and with related overpainting.
- 单纯视觉效果非常良好。
- 口沿两处破裂后修复,有相应的喷漆和复绘痕迹。
Provenance: The collection of Dr. Oliver Impey (1936-2005), displayed in his historically important home Cumnor Place in Cumnor, Oxfordshire. He was Senior Curator in the Department of Eastern Art at the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, and Reader in Eastern Art at Oxford University. He published several important works on Japanese porcelain, such as 'Japanese export porcelain: catalogue of the collection of the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford', 'Chinoiserie: the impact of Oriental styles on Western art and decoration', 'Treasures of Imperial Japan from the Nasser D. Khalili collection of Japanese art' (as co-author), and more.
H.: 42 cm
- The Collection of Dr Wou Kiuan (1910-1997).
- The Wou Lien-Pai Museum, coll. no. Q.5.24.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In quasi excellent condition with a short tight glaze line to the rim on the outside, invisible on the inside.
- 近乎全品,口沿外侧短小惊釉,不透。
Dia.: 17,5 cm
Each presented on a turquoise-inlaid gilt copper stand.
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
- Acquired from Auktionhaus Caselton (now Merry Old England), Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, in the early 2000's.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The first plate with a star-shaped hairline to the base, partly visible on the front. And a hairline restored of ca. 4 cm to the rim, with related overspraying.
- The second plate with a chip and a break restored to the rim, with related overspraying and overpainting.
- The bronze mount generally in very good condition, with some normal wear.
- 第一个盘子炸底,正面部分可见。口沿一处修复的冲线,长约 4 厘米,有相应的喷漆痕迹。
- 第二个盘子口沿一处飞皮,和一处破损修复,有相应的喷漆和复绘痕迹。
- 铜底座品相非常良好,正常磨损痕迹。
Dia.: 25 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
- Acquired in a Brussels antiques shop, ca. 2000. (by repute)
- Christie's, New York, Sep. 14, 2012, lot 1489, for a similar example. (sold USD 56.250) (link)
- Sotheby's, Hong Kong, April 8, 2011, lot 3142, for a similar example. (sold HKD 1.220.000) (link)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Some glaze loss throughout.
- The plate with two refilled chips to the rim, and a related tight hairline of ca. 4 cm just below one chip, with related overspraying and overpainting around.
- 多处剥釉。
- 盘口沿两处修补的飞皮,其中一个飞皮下侧连接一条冲线,长约 4 厘米。周围一些喷漆和复绘痕迹。
Dia.: 20 cm - H.: 4,5 cm
- A German private collection.
- Nagel, Stuttgart, Germany, Nov. 11, 2011, lot 216.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
H.: 48 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in good condition, with a chip, a few burst glaze bubbles and a section of ca. 4 cm slightly polished to the rim on the inside.
- A small break restored to the foot rim, with related overpainting.
- 整体品相良好,口沿内侧一个飞皮,几处爆釉和一处约 4 厘米的打磨痕迹。
- 圈足上一个磕崩,后修复。
Dia.: 60,5 cm - H.: 48 cm
The present fish bowl is unique. There appears to be no record of another example combining the vivid 'Master of the Rocks'-style panels with magnificently painted arrangements of scholar's objects. The landscape panels are captured in leaf-shaped medallions, while the arrangements of scholar's objects are left unframed, yet remain in perfect balance with the leaves. The upper band is decorated with underglaze blue and copper-red peony scrolls. The lower band features five kui dragons surrounded by lotus scrolls, where the lotus flowers stand out as executed in a vibrant shade of copper-red. The copper-red is fired to perfection throughout, an impressive realisation on such a grand scale piece.
Click here to download a short video presentation as well as additional images for this lot.
- An important Belgian private collection.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good to excellent condition, without repairs or significant damage
- The glaze very well-preserved, with a shiny and glossy outlook on the exterior.
- Along the rim, numerous short brown-stained scratches are visible, probably due to having been metal-mounted at some point in the past.
- There are a number of superficial scratches to the glaze throughout, commensurate with the age.
- There are a number of baking flaws throughout: a diagonal line is visible to one of the landscape panels, where the glaze has slightly pulled away, there is a baking-related bulge on the upper rim and there are a few small spots where the glaze has burst.
- There is normal minor superficial wear throughout.
- 整体品相非常良好,近乎全品,没有破损,亦没有修复。
- 釉面保存非常完好,尤其鱼缸外侧的釉光清晰、油润。
- 缸口外侧唇沿多处偏棕黄色的刮痕,很可能是以往有过铜镶口的原因而导致。
- 釉面有一些因为岁月而产生的浅显的磨痕。
- 缸有几处窑伤 - 1: 侧面一处开窗风景的下侧有一条制造时产生的凹痕,因釉被刮去而呈现出胎的火石红色;2: 口沿上的一处窑粘; 3: 缸口沿几处爆釉。
H.: 23 cm
- A Dutch private collection.
- Christie's, New York, Sep. 17, 2019, lot 2, for a slightly smaller example. (sold USD 32.500) (link)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with a few baking spots.
- 全品,几处爆釉。
Dia.: 41,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Two dishes in excellent condition, with some typical minor superifial flakes to the foot rim.
- A dish in quasi excellent condition, with a tiny superficial flake to the rim and some typical minor superifial flakes to the foot rim.
- 两个盘子全品,圈足典型小飞皮。
- 一个盘子近乎全品,圈足典型小飞皮,口沿一个极小飞皮。
H.: 46 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Presenting very well.
- A hairline of ca. 35 cm extending downwards from the rim, with related overpainting and overspraying.
- 单纯视觉效果,品相非常良好。
- 一条冲线约 35 厘米从口沿向下延伸,周围有相应的喷漆和复绘痕迹。
H.: 53,5 cm
- Christie's, London, May 15, 2018, lot 207, for a closely related example. (sold GBP 87.500) (link)
- Wannenes, Genua, Italy, June 14, 2017, for another closely related example. (sold for EUR 167.700) (link)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- A tight hairline of ca. 3 cm on the top rim (only visible under UV light) and a one rust spot on the neck.
- A tight hairline of ca. 8 cm extending downwards from the middle of vase (only visible under UV light), with a related star-shaped hairline on the inside.
- 瓶口上一条垂直的大约3厘米的冲线(仅在UV光下可见)和脖子上一个铁锈斑。
- 瓶内一个鸡爪连着一条冲线,对应的瓶外侧的冲线约为8厘米(仅在UV光下可见)。
Dia.: 35 cm
- Sotheby's, The Jie Rui Tang collection, New York, March 20, 2018, lot 381. (sold USD 68.750) (link)
- The aforementioned example, published in Marchant, 'Qing Porcelain from Three Private Collections', Oct. 2019.
- The collection of a Frenchman initialled R.S.P., named Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur. He was in Beijing from 1910 to 1918 where he assisted in the founding of the Banque de l'Indochine. He meticulously annotated his purchases. This particular piece was acquired in Beijing in March 1913. (see images 3, 4 and 5)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally of very attractive appearance, executed in fine shades of blue and attractive copper red. The sound of the dish intact when tapped.
- A faintly visible ca. 5 cm hairline between 3 and 4 o'clock, showing over ca. 7 cm under UV-light, with another ca. 15 mm hairline showing under UV-light, extending diagonally upwards from the same point on the rim. The rim with a small touch-up, possibly covering a small superficial flake. Some overspraying visible under UV-light on the back, disguising the aforementioned hairline.
- On the underside of the rim, two negligible superficial 1-2 mm spots of roughness to the glaze, hardly worth mentioning.
- The surface with a few minor baking flaws and typical negligible minor superficial wear.
- 青花和釉里红的发色十分艳丽。
- 在盘子的 3 到 4 点钟方向有一条细微的冲线约 7 厘米和一条约 15 毫米的冲线,周围有相应的喷漆痕迹。
- 口沿下两个极小飞皮。
- 盘子正面几处典型爆釉。
H.: 42 cm
- An American private collection.
- Acquired from Ralph M. Chait Galleries, New York, in the 1990's, with a label on the base.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
H.: 13,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
H.: 34 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Presenting very well.
- One handle and one leg are probably broken off and reglued, with related overpainting.
- The other two legs with some small sections restored, with related overpainting.
- A C-shaped section retouched on the underside of the censer, partly touching the unglazed part, across ca. 40% of the circumference, probably covering a baking flaw.
- 單純視覺狀態非常良好。
- 一個朝天耳和一隻足可能斷裂後重新黏合,並且有複繪。
- 另外兩隻足都有部分修復和複繪痕跡。
- 香爐底部,靠近底胎處,整圈的40%有復繪修復,可能是為了覆蓋窯傷。
Dia.: 60,5 cm - H.: 25,5 cm
Provenance: An English private collection.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In quasi excellent condition, some minor burst glaze bubbles to the outer rim and inner rim, a superficial chip just above the foot rim and a minor baking line on the inside, invisible on the outside.
- 近乎全品,缸口内外沿都有几处小爆釉,圈足上一个小飞皮,缸内一条窑缝,不透。
Dia.: 50 cm - H.: 11 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some typical kiln dust in the middle.
- A small refilled chip to the rim, with related overspraying.
- 整体品相非常良好,盘子正面几处典型窑灰。
- 口沿一处小飞皮修复,有相应的喷漆痕迹。
H.: 20 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with some normal wear to the gilding decoration.
- 全品,金彩轻微磨损痕迹。
H.: 62,5 cm (incl. cover)
H.: 51 cm (the vase)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The vase with the rim reduced and some normal wear to the gilding, otherwise good.
- 花觚断口,金彩轻微磨损。
H.: 29 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In quasi excellent condition, with a glaze line to the bottom and extending above the foot rim, invisible on the inside.
- 近乎全品,花瓶底边一条惊釉,一直延伸至圈足上侧,不透。
H.: 18,5 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with a chip to the rim and a few superficial dents and irregularities.
- 整体品相非常良好,花瓶口沿一个飞皮,瓶身几处轻微凹痕和洞眼。
H.: 19,5 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
- Bonhams, San Francisco, Dec. 10, 2012, lot 5184. (sold USD 3.750) (link)
- The Ina and Sandford Gadient Collection, USA.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In quasi excellent condition, with a few superficial dents and irregularities.
- 近乎全品,花瓶几处轻微凹痕和洞眼。
H.: 21 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with some normal wear.
- 全品,正常磨损痕迹。
H.: 19,5 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
- Bonhams, London, Nov. 10, 2011, lot 396. (sold GBP 5.750) (link)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
H.: 27,5 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
- Bonhams, London, Nov. 11, 2010, lot 113. (sold GBP 3.600) (link)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In quasi excellent condition, with normal wear and a few superficial dents.
- 近乎全品,瓶身正常磨损和几处小的碰撞凹痕。
H.: 20 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
- Bonhams, London, Nov. 10, 2011, lot 393. (sold GBP 4.375) (link)
- An English private collection.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with a chip to the rim and a few superficial dents and irregularities.
- 整体品相非常良好,花瓶口沿一个飞皮,瓶身几处轻微凹痕和洞眼。
H.: 10,3 cm - Dia.: 10,1 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
- Hindman Auctions, Chicago, USA, Sep. 24, 2019, lot 296. (sold USD 32.500) (link)
- Bonhams, San Francisco, USA, June 24, 2013, lot 1143. (sold USD 47.500) (link)
- The estate of George H. Taber, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, by descent.
- Exhibited on loan at the Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, from the early 1930's until 1940.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The bowl in excellent condition.
- The cover in quasi excellent condition, with a minor flake to a lotus petal.
- 盖碗全品。
- 盖子近乎全品,莲花叶子一个小飞皮。
H.: 14 cm - Dia.: 7 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in good condition, with a chip to the rim and a star-shaped hairline to the base.
- 口沿一个磕崩,炸底。
H.: 32 cm (incl. the stand)
H.: 27 cm (the crystal sculpture)
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
H.: 25,5 cm
For a short video presentation, please click here.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In quasi excellent condition, with a minor flake to the foot rim of the cover and a few minor flakes to the rim of the vase.
- 近乎全品,盖子圈足一处小飞皮,花瓶口沿几处小飞皮。
- The private collection of a retired Dutch antiques dealer.
- (by repute) Acquired in London from the heirs of an English noble family in the 1980's.
Ref.: Sotheby's, Paris, June 15, 2023, lot 14, for a smaller and somewhat less elaborate vase. (sold EUR 24.130) (link)
H.: 11 cm (incl. the cover) - L.: 16 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with some minor irregularities to the base rim of the cover and foot rim of the vessel.
- A mark removed from the base.
- 全品,盖底边和盒子底边都有瑕疵凹痕。
- 底款被磨除。
Dim.: 8,5 x 5 x 2 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The jade generally in good condition, with a chip to the upper rim.
- The wooden stand in good condition, with some normal wear.
- 玉件整体品相良好,上沿一处磕崩。
- 木质底座品相良好。
L.: 13,5 cm (the largest)
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both in excellent condition.
- 两个全品。
L.: 9,5 cm (the largest)
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The first jade in excellent condition, with some normal wear.
- The second jade in quasi excellent condition, with a chip to the dragon's horn.
- 一个玉带钩全品。
- 另一个在龙角上一个飞皮。
Dim.: 7,2 x 5 x 2 cm (the mounted piece)
Dim.: 8 x 5 x 2 cm (the mounted piece with dragonhead)
Dim.: 9,5 x 6,5 x 1 cm
Dim.: 10,5 x 9 x 1,5 cm
Dim.: 11 x 9,5 x 1,5 cm (the tallest)
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- All in excellent condition, with some normal wear.
- The bronze mount with some wear to the gilding and lacks 6 bronze screws on the back.
- 铜的鎏金有磨损,背面缺失六颗铜质螺丝。
L.: 11,5 cm - H.: 9,3 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
- Acquired from an Antwerp private collection, ca. 2021.
Ref.: Bonhams, San Francisco, USA, June 29, 2009, lot 8043, for a closely related example. (sold USD 61.000) (link)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The teapot lacks a decorative part close to the spout, a chip and a tension line to the rim. Two tension lines to the spout. A few chips to the handle.
- The cover with the finial brokend and reglued, and a few small flakes to the lotus petal of the finial.
- 茶壶的流和手柄周围的装饰物都有一些缺失和飞皮。口沿一块磕崩和一条冲线。流上两条冲线。
- 盖子的盖钮断,后粘合。盖钮的荷叶上几处飞皮。
H.: 8,5 cm (the tallest figure)
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both in quasi excellent condition, with a few flakes to the lower rim of the robe.
- 两个近乎全品,袍子下侧沿边都有几处小飞皮。
H.: 16,5 cm (total height)
- A Dutch private collection.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with some normal wear.
- 全品,正常磨损痕迹。
Dim.: 4 x 2,7 x 2,7 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both in excellent condition.
Click here to download a short video.
- 一对全品。
- The Palace Museum, Beijing, no. 00165513, for a similar Wen Yuan Ge Bao 文渊阁寳 celadon jade seal. (link)
- The Palace Museum, Beijing, no. 00166456, for a similar Wen Hua Dian Bao 文華殿寶 celadon jade seal. (link)
Dim.: 8 x 6 cm
Provenance: A fine Belgian private collection.
The plaque inscribed Fu Zi Tian Lai 福自天來 (Fortune comes from above).
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In excellent condition, with some slight wear and nice patination.
Click here to download a short video.
- 全品,包浆自然
Dim.: 13 x 8,5 x 3,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In quasi excellent condition, with some normal wear and tension lines throughout.
- 近乎全品,几处轻微磨损和天然裂纹。
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
L.: 32 cm - H.: 5,3 cm (the largest pendant)
- A Belgian private collection.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with a few minor flakes to the edge of the side.
- 整体品相非常良好,两侧边都有一些飞皮。
L.: 31,5 cm
H.: 34 cm (incl. the stand)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with a small superficial chip to the animal's ear and a small section refilled to the jade grip.
- 整体品相非常良好,动物耳一个飞皮,手柄一个小填补。
Dim.: 21,5 x 12,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The first one in very good condition, with a hairline to the left upper corner and a few small minor chips to the rim on the back.
- The second one in good condition with a reglued break to the right upper corner, a tight hairline to the left upper corner and a few small minor chips to the rim on the back.
- 第一块瓷板品相非常良好,左上角一条冲线,瓷板背面几处小飞皮。
- 第二块瓷板品相良好,左上角一条短冲线,右上角一块磕崩,后粘合,瓷板背面几处小飞皮。
Dia.: 34,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both in excellent condition with negligible normal superficial wear.
- 一对全品。
- By repute, from the Collection of Duchess Isabella Lubomirska (née Czartoryska) (1736-1816), Lancut Castle, Poland.
- The Counts Potocki, Lancut Castle, Poland, until circa 1944.
- Paul-Louis Weiller (1893-1993), and thence by descent.
- An important European private collection.
- Jeffrey P. Stamen and Cynthia Volk with Yibin Ni (2017), A Culture Revealed: Kangxi-Era Chinese Porcelain from the Jie Rui Tang Collection, pp. 30-33.
- Emperor Yang of the Sui dynasty (隋炀帝, r. 606-18) is known for many achievements, such as linking the Yellow and Yangzi Rivers with the man-made Grand Canal, leading successful military campaigns expanding the Sui territory, and being accomplished in the arts. Despite those, Emperor Yang is also considered to have brought disaster to the country and misery to the people late in his life with his unwise rule and decadent and debauched lifestyle with his concubines. In the West Park, outside Luoyang, his consorts (wives who ranked lower than his primary wife, the empress) often organised his concubines to do equestrian performances and variety shows to entertain the emperor and please his inflated ego.
One of the best known of these vignettes was the procession of Lady Wang Zhaojun (王昭君, c. 52 – c. 15 BCE) in a moonlit night. (Lady Wang Zhaojun was one of the legendary Four Beauties of Ancient China. She had been in the harem of Emperor Yuan of the Western Han dynasty [汉元帝, 206 BCE – 8 CE]. He eventually sent her off by horseback in a procession to marry a Central Asian tribal chieftain.) The elderly Emperor Yang is often depicted enthusiastically observing his elegant court ladies showing off their riding skills in the spirit of Lady Wang, while anticipating further antics to follow.
This scene has often been mistaken as ‘female generals of the Yang family’(杨门女将) by many art historians. However, Dr Yibin Ni has found that historical woodblock illustrations such as that of the novel Romance of Sui and Tang (隋唐演义), and New-Year prints such as Wang Zhaojun’s Galloping Horses (新彩昭君跑马) bear similar scenes with clear written titles which reveal that the scene is actually meant to be a cautionary tale for rulers. Chu Renhuo (褚人获)’s Romance of Sui and Tang fictionalises the historical events leading to the fall of the Sui dynasty and the subsequent rise of the Tang. (source: tutuhaoyi.com)
H.: 64 cm
- With a label for Pietro Acorsi, antiques dealer, Milan, Italy, in one of the covers.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- One cover in very good condition, the second as well but with a chip to the rim. Both with minor superficial wear.
- One vase with a number of restored breaks throughout, invisibly restored on the exterior but visible on the inside. Minor superficial touch-ups to the overglaze enamels throughout. The rim with typical fritting all around. Some typical superficial touch-ups to the overglaze blue enamels throughout.
- The second vase with a C-shaped hairline running downwards from the neck of ca. 15 cm, partially retouched, invisible on the inside. A related retouched ca. 6 cm horizontal hairline along the neck. Some typical superficial touch-ups to the overglaze blue enamels throughout.
- 两个盖子都有轻微磨损。
- 一个盖子全品,一个盖子口沿一个飞皮。
- 第一个罐子破裂,后粘合修复,内部可见破裂痕迹,外部不可见。几处釉上彩补彩痕迹。罐口沿几处剥釉和小飞皮。罐子的蓝釉有几处典型的补彩痕迹。
- 第二个罐子肩部一条长约 15 厘米的惊釉,有相应的复绘和喷漆痕迹,外侧部分可见,内部不可见。罐子脖子上一条横向的冲线长约 6 厘米。罐子的蓝釉有几处典型的补彩痕迹。
H.: 43,5 cm
Provenance: An important English private collection.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- With two filled and retouched sections on the upper rim of ca. 3 and ca. 2 cm long.
- The neck with restored breaks along the circumference, starting and ending on the aforementioned sections.
- Just above the foot, a superficial retouched ca. 3 x 1 cm chip.
- The restoration very well executed and quasi invisible to the naked eye.
- 口沿两处修补的磕崩,尺寸约为 3 厘米和 2 厘米。
- 脖子断裂修复。
- 圈足一处修补的磕崩,尺寸约为 3 x 1 厘米。
- 非常专业的修复,肉眼几乎不可见。
H.: 28,5 cm (excl. the lids)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The first one in excellent condition, with some normal wear.
- The second one with a vertical hairline of ca. 17 cm extending from the shoulder.
- 第一个罐子全品,釉上彩轻微磨损。
- 第二个罐子炸肚从肩部开始向下延伸,长约 17 厘米。
Dia.: 34,5 cm - H.: 6 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Presenting very well.
- A hairline restored of ca. 4 cm to the rim.
- A long hairline restored of ca. 18 cm extending from the rim to the middl.
- A spot of glaze loss and a small chip to the rim.
- 口沿一条被修复的冲线,长约 3 厘米。
- 口沿一条被修复的冲线,长约 18 厘米,从口沿一直延伸至盘心。
- 口沿几处典型剥釉和一个飞皮。
H.: 35,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The first vase in quasi excellent condition, with some minor superficial wear, a few star-shaped glaze lines on the inside, invisible on the outside, overglazed blue enamel partly retouched, and some typical enamel loss throughout.
- The second vase in good condition, with some minor superficial wear, a few star-shaped glaze lines on the inside, invisible on the outside, overglazed blue enamel partly retouched, and some typical enamel loss throughout. And a few section oversprayed on the outside, probably to cover a hairline.
- 第一个罐子近乎全品,釉面正常磨损,部分蓝釉补彩,几处掉彩。
- 第二个罐子全品良好,釉面正常磨损,部分蓝釉补彩,几处掉彩。肩部到罐中部几处复绘痕迹,可能是冲线修复,UV光下无法测定。
H.: 22,5 cm (incl. stand)
H.: 17 cm (each vase)
- Edgar Gorer and J.F. Blacker, Chinese Porcelain and Hard Stones, vols I-II, London, 1911, Bernard Quaritch, plate 82, where this exact pair is shown. (see added images)
- Christie's, New York, Jan. 24, 2005, for a similar pair. (sold USD 13.200) (link)
- The collection of G.R. Davies, England, before 1913.
- Acquired by Edgar Gorer, as part of the collection purchase as described in The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs, Vol. 23, No. 123 (Jun., 1913), pp. 162. (see added images) (link)
For more information on Edgar Gorer and his importance as a dealer, please refer to the Liverpool Museums' essay. (link)
- With Ralph M. Chait Galleries, New York. (each with a label on the base)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The green lion with the neck of the vase broken then reglued, two canine tooth oversprayed, and a few small superficial chips to the base rim.
- The purple lion with the connexion between the vase and lion oversprayed, probably to cover a glaze line, two canine tooth oversprayed, and a superficial chip to the base rim.
- 绿色狮子的瓶子颈部一圈喷漆,可能曾经断裂后修复,两个犬牙修复,底边几处小飞皮。
- 紫色狮子在瓶子底部和背的交界处喷漆,可能断裂或者惊釉修复,两个犬牙修复,底边一处飞皮。
H.: 31,3 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with some normal wear.
- 全品,正常磨损痕迹。
H.: 49 cm (incl. stand and cover)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The jar generally in good condition, with three star-shaped galze lines on the inside, invisible on the outside.
- A small star-shaped hairline of ca. 2 cm located on the shoulder, probably due to a bump.
- The wooden cover and stand in very good condition, with some normal wear.
- 罐子整体品相良好,罐内两处冲线和鸡爪,都不透。
- 罐外侧肩部一个三角冲,约 2 厘米,可能是由于撞击导致。
- 木质底座和盖子品相非常良好,正常磨损。
Dia.: 27,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some minor typical chips to the base rim.
- A small superficial chip of ca. 4 mm and a refilled chip of ca. 5 mm to the rim.
- 罐子整体品相良好,圈足几处典型飞皮。
- 盘子口沿一个飞皮和一个修补的飞皮。
H.: 41,5 cm
Provenance: An English private collection.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Presenting very well.
- Generally in good condition, with two breaks restored to the rim with related overpainting and overspraying.
- A star-shaped hairline to the base.
- 整体品相良好,花瓶口沿两处破裂修复,外侧有相应的喷漆和复绘。
- 炸底。
L.: 38 cm - H.: 18,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The upper rim with a superficial ca. 15 mm chip.
- A reglued superficial chip to the lower section and two further small superficial chips.
- Two feet each with a superficial chip.
- In the unglazed base, two tight tension lines visible from the side towards the central hole.
- Negligible superficial wear and minor baking flaws throughout, but overall in good condition.
- 花盆口沿一个飞皮,约15毫米。
- 下侧沿有一个粘合的飞皮和两个小飞皮。
- 两条腿都有一个飞皮。
- 内底两条窑线,外底不可见。
- 花盆内口沿一些磨损。
- A Belgian private collection.
- Rob Michiels Auctions, Oct. 31, 2020, lot 218. (sold EUR 57.500) (link)
- The collection of a Dutch nobleman.
- Christie's, Hong Kong, May 30, 2012, lot 4101, for a related quatrefoil example with ruyi head-shaped feet. (link) (sold: HKD 1.220.000)
- Sotheby's, Hong Kong, June 2015, lot 683, for a slightly larger octagonal example. (link) (sold: HKD 2.360.000)
- Sotheby's, New York, September 2012, lot 626, for a large octagonal example. (link) (sold: USD 410.500)
Only a small number of jardinières bearing Kangxi marks are known, mostly in famille verte and doucai palettes. The present piece is striking for its delicately painted motif of birds and flowering trees in the famille verte palette and belongs to a distinct group of sturdily potted Kangxi mark and period jardinières. Peter Y.K. Lam, in ‘Lang Tingji and the Porcelain of the Late Kangxi Period’, Transactions of the Oriental Ceramic Society, vol. 68, 2003-2004, p. 44, suggests that these jardinières were produced in the latter years of the Kangxi reign, possibly commissioned for the Emperor’s 70th birthday, which would have occurred in 1723. A related design from the Qing Court Collection, is illustrated in The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum, Porcelain in Polychrome and Contrasting Colours, vol. 38, Hong Kong, 1999, cat. no. 95.
H.: 49,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
The left vase
- In excellent condition.
- The rim with a few negligible small burst glaze bubbles.
- The tail of the yellow beast with a minor glaze retraction.
The right vase
- Generally in very good condition to excellent condition.
- A small superficial chip on the outer upper rim and another on the inner rim.
- A small superficial chip just above the foot.
- 全品,口沿几处缩釉,黄色麒麟尾巴一些失釉。
- 近乎全品,口沿两个飞皮,圈足上一个小飞皮。
- The collection of Henry Ford II, bearing the Ford Inventory Nos. D-14-a and D-14-b on the base. Henry Ford II (September 4, 1917 – September 29, 1987), sometimes known as 'Hank the Deuce' or simply 'the Deuce', was an American businessman in the automotive industry. He was the oldest son of Edsel Ford I and oldest grandson of Henry Ford. He was president of the Ford Motor Company from 1945 to 1960, Chief executive officer (CEO) from 1947 to 1979, and chairman of the board of directors from 1960 to 1980. The vases were on display in his English residences at Eaton Square and Turville Grange.
- With Chait galleries, New York (each with their label on the base).
- Christie's, New York, Sep. 15, 2016, lot 872, for a similar example. (sold USD 341.000) (link)
- Christie's, New York, Sep. 15, 2016, lot 873, for a similar but damaged example. (sold USD 137.000) (link)
Dia.: 38 cm - H.: 5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In good condition, with a hairline of ca. 6 cm and a few typical glaze loss to the rim.
- 口冲 6 厘米,口沿几处典型剥釉。
The center painted in tones of iron-red and gilt with two westerners riding in a Chinese chariot pulled by spotted ponies, an attendant shielding them with a parasol and a lattice-fence in the foreground, all within a petal-molded border reserved on a verte cell-diaper ground.
- A Belgian private collection.
- Acquired from Jacques Van Goidsenhoven, Brussels.
Ref.: Christie's, New York, Jan. 22, 2002, lot 68, for a similar example. (sold USD 9.400) (link)
H.: 45 cm
Provenance: An English private collection.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- A C-shaped hairline of ca. 20 cm on the inside, partly visible on the outside
- A star-shaped hairline of ca. 8 cm on the inside, invisible on the outside.
- Some retouching around the neck.
- 花瓶內一個炸肚,尺寸約20釐米,外面部分可見。
- 花瓶內一個雞爪,尺寸約8釐米,不透。
- 花瓶頸部部分復繪修復痕跡。
Dia.: 31,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The rim with a number of typical superficial glaze loss.
- A tight hairline of ca. 10 cm in the middle of the plate, on the front side, slightly visible on the back.
- A number of small chips around the foot rim.
- 盘口沿一圈剥釉。
- 盘正面中间一条细微的冲线,长约10厘米,后面部分隐约可见。
- 足底一圈小飞皮。
Dia.: 32 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In excellent condition, with a baking line to the base.
- The silver mount generallly in very good condition, with normal wear.
- 全品,底面一条窑缝。
- 银质镶口正常使用痕迹。
Dia.: 22 cm - H.: 9 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with a few flakes to the rim and some typical glaze loss to the rim.
- A few typical baking spots in the middle on the inside and to the base.
- 整体品相非常良好,口沿几处小飞皮,一圈多处剥釉。
- 碗内中心和底面几处爆釉。
H.: 16 cm - L.: 12,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The cover in excellent condition.
- The teapot generally in very good condition, with a flake to the spout, and a star-shaped hairline to the base.
- 盖子全品。
- 茶壶整体品相非常良好,流小飞,炸底。
H.: 21 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with two typical star-shaped glaze lines on the inside, invisible on the outside.
- 全品,罐内两个鸡爪,不透。
Dia.: 16 cm
Provenance: An English private collection.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with a superficial chip, a related hairline of ca. 3 cm and three minor flakes to the rim.
- The foot rim with two minor drilled holes and a hairline of ca. 1 cm.
- 整体品相非常良好,盘口沿处有一个飞皮和一条相关联的约 3 厘米的冲线,三个极小飞皮。
- 圈足侧面两个小钻孔和一条约 1 厘米的冲线。
Dia.: 16 cm
Provenance: An English private collection.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In quasi excellent condition, with a tight hairline of ca. 4 cm to the rim.
- The foot rim with two small minor drilled holes.
- 整体品相非常良好,盘口沿一条冲线约 4 厘米。
- 圈足侧面两个小钻孔。
Dia.: 55,5 cm - H.: 5,5 cm
Ref.: Christie's, New York, Sep. 13, 2019, lot 1102, for a similar pair. (sold USD 15.000) (link)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with a hairline restored to the rim, with related overspainting.
- 整体品相非常良好,口沿一条冲线修复,有相应的复绘痕迹。
Dia.: 9 - H.: 8,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The first one in excellent condition.
- The second one in quasi excellent condition with a chip to the base rim.
- 一个马蹄尊水盂全品。
- 另一个近乎全品,圈足一个磕崩。
H.: 28 cm (incl. the lid)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Presenting very well.
- The cover generally in very good condition, with two small tight glaze lines on the inside, invisible on the outside. And a small section oversprayed to the rim, probably to cover a chip.
- The vase with a break and a hairline restored to the rim, and a tight hairline in the middle, with related overspraying and overpainting.
- 盖子内两处小惊釉,不透。口沿一处小的喷漆痕迹,可能是飞皮修复。
- 罐子口沿一个破损和冲线修复,有相应的喷漆和复绘痕迹,罐子中间一条细微的冲线。
H.: 23 cm
- A Belgian private collection.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The cover in quasi excellent condition, with a small superficial chip to the finial rim and foot rim.
- The kendi in excellent condition, with a few minor baking spots and two small glaze loss to the rim.
- 盖子近乎全品,盖钮边和圈足各有一个小飞皮。
- 执壶全品,几处缩釉,口沿两个小剥釉。
H.: 22,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In quasi excellent condition, with a few superficial flakes, two impact lines to the base rim and a chip on the inside of the base rim.
Dia.: 20,5 cm - H.: 14,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
Dim.: ca. 12,5 x 12,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The left one with two small breaks to the left lower corner and right upper coner, and some typical glaze loss to the rim.
- The right one with a break to the right lower corner and a few superficial chips to the rim.
- 左边的瓷砖右上角和左下角都有一个磕崩,口沿多处典型剥釉。
- 右边的瓷砖右下角一个磕崩,口沿几处飞皮。
- A French private collection.
Ref.: The Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, has 5 such tiles, of which three are on display. (Object numbers AK-RBK-1974-19-A, -B, -C, AK-RBK-1976-58-A and -B. (link)
Dim.: ca. 12,5 x 12,5 cm
- A French private collection.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The left one with a few small superficial chips and a chip to the rim, and some kiln dust to the left upper corner.
- The right one with a few small superficial chips and a break of ca. 4 cm to the right upper rim.
- 左边的瓷砖口沿几处飞皮和一个磕崩,左上角有窑灰。
- 右边的瓷砖口沿几处飞皮和一个大磕崩约 4 厘米。
H.: 26 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The rim oversprayed and overpainted, probably to cover the chip or hairline.
- 口沿喷漆和复绘,可能是遮盖飞皮和冲线。
Dia.: 20,5 cm
Provenance: A Dutch private collection.
Ref.: Sotheby's, Hong Kong, April 5, 2016, lot 52, for a similar example. (sold HKD 812.500) (link)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In quasi excellent condition, with some scratchs to the glaze.
- 進乎全品,釉面部分刮痕。
Dia.: 15,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Presenting very well.
- A hairline of ca. 3 cm to the rim.
- The plate broken in two and restored.
- 口沿一条冲线约 3 厘米。
- 盘子裂两半,后粘合修复。
Dia.: 16 cm - H. 3,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
H.: 38,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in good condition, with a restored hairline of ca. 20 cm extending downwards from the rim to the lower part, with related overspraying and overpainting.
- 整体品相良好,口沿一条约 20 厘米的冲线修复,从口沿一直到瓶身下侧,有相应的喷漆和复绘痕迹。
H.: 50 cm
Provenance: A Danish private collection.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The cover with some glaze loss around the rim, and three glazelines on the inside, one slightly visible on the outside(only visible under the UV light). And a small section overpainted close to a boy's hand, probably to cover a glazeline.
- The vase generally in very good condition, with some overpainting on the shoulder (on the red door), probably to cover a glaze line or glaze loss and a few glaze loss to the inner rim.
- 盖子口沿一圈典型剥釉,内侧三处惊釉,一条在外侧仅在UV光下可见。男孩手侧边有复绘痕迹,可能是覆盖惊釉。
- 罐子品相非常良好,肩上一些复绘痕迹,可能是覆盖惊釉或者剥釉。罐子口沿内侧几处小剥釉。
Dia.: 21,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both in quasi excellent condition, with some typical glaze loss and small superficial flakes to the rim.
- 一对整体品相都非常良好,口沿几处典型剥釉和小飞皮。
The coat of arms belongs to the De Pinto family. It has five crescents (two-one-two) and the crest of a plume of three ostrich feathers. The arms on several examples differ from the original with inverted crescents and once ovals. The De Pinto family of Portugal bore a white shield with five red crescents, and in blue this should have been painted as blue crescents on a white ground. (Howard & Ayers, 1978, p.63), (Kroes 2007, p.107)
The De Pinto family were Jewish and came from Spain and Portugal, arriving in Rotterdam and Amsterdam about the middle of the 17th century. Later, in the third quarter of that century, they also settled in The Hague. The De Pintos became very wealthy and lived in grand style in patrician homes and landed estates. Several members of this family could have commissioned this porcelain, such as David Emanuel (1652-1712) or one of his three cousins: Mozes (c.1654-1729), Aron (died 1718) and Joseph (died 1740). Mozes and Aron lived in The Hague and the famous philosopher Isaac de Pinto (1717-1787) was Aron's grandson. David Emanuel and Joseph both lived in the Sint Antoniesbreestraat in the Jewish quarter of Amsterdam. David Emanuel, the wealthiest member of his family, probably commissioned this armorial service.
David Emanuel de Pinto (born Rotterdam, 1652; died Amsterdam, 27 October 1712) inherited his patrician house in Sint Antoniesbreestraat, no.69, from his father Isaac who had bought it in 1651 for fl.30,000. (Kroes 2007, p.107)
Dia.: 25 cm
Ref.: The Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, obj. no. AK-RBK-15918-B, for an almost identical example, where the decoration is indicated to likely be of a later date. (link)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In good condition, with a hairline of ca. 4 cm and a few tiny flakes to the rim.
- 口冲 4 厘米,口沿几处极小飞皮。
Dia.: 21 cm
- A French private collection.
- With a label for Eugène Van Herck, antiques dealer, Antwerp.
Ref.: The source for this exceptional work was probably the engraving by Crispijn Van de Passe (link) after the original work by Rembrandt (link). See images 4 and 5.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Presenting very well.
- Two restored breaks of ca. 5 x 2 cm and one restored hairline of ca. 5 cm to the rim, and with related overspraying.
- One tight hairline of ca. 3 cm to the rim.
- 单纯视觉观看品相非常完好。
- 盘子口沿两处约 5 x 2 厘米的破裂和一条约 5 厘米的冲线,都已经被修复,有相关联的喷漆痕迹。
- 盘口沿一条约 3 厘米的细微冲线。
L.: 19 cm - H.: 12,5 cm
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
- Rob Michiels Auctions, Oct. 28, 2017, lot 223. (sold EUR 6.375) (link)
- The Van Herck collection.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The cover with some retouching to the finial and to the rim, as well as with three small superficial chips on the rim.
- The teapot with a restored Y-shaped hairline on the base, extending upwards on each end for ca. 1 cm on each side.
- The spout slightly irregular from baking.
- A small section oversprayed of ca. 15 x 5 mm to the rim, probably to cover a chip.
- The upper part of the handle oversprayed, but the exact extent of the repair impossible to assess due to the nature of the restoration.
- 盖钮和盖边喷漆,盖边有几个剥釉和小飞皮。
- 茶壶炸底,有相应的喷漆痕迹。
- 流小飞。
- 壶口沿一处小的喷漆痕迹,可能是飞皮修复。
- 壶手柄上部分也有喷漆痕迹,但是因为修复材料的特性,无法测定修复尺寸。
Dia.: 15,5 cm - H.: 4 cm (the largest saucer)
Dia.: 8,5 cm - H.: 7,5 (the largest cup)
H.: 9 cm - L.: 8,5 cm (the jugs)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The first milk jug in quasi excellent condition, with a small flake to the rim and lower part(bleu enamel branch).
- The second milk jug with the lower lotus flower and the connection between the handle and jug oversprayed. Two restored hairlines to the rim, with related overpainting and overspraying.
- The cup with handle with three superficial flakes and two tension lines to the rim. The saucer in excellent condition.
- The cup with a small break to the rim and two flakes to the lower gilt flower. The saucer in very good condition, with two chips to the flowers to the rim.
- 一个奶罐近乎全品,口沿一个小飞皮,下侧蓝釉纸条一个小飞皮。
- 另一个奶罐口沿两条冲线修复,下侧一朵莲花,手柄和罐身连接处都有喷漆痕迹。
- 有手柄的杯子口沿三个飞皮和两条冲线。碟子全品。
- 杯子口沿一个破裂,下侧金彩的花有飞皮。碟子品相良好,口沿两朵花各有一个飞皮。
Dia.: 13,5 - H.: 3,5 (the saucer)
Dia.: 8,5 cm - H.: 8 cm (the cup)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The cup in excellent condition.
- The saucer with a star-shaped glazeline in the middle on the front.
- 杯子全品。
- 碟子正面三角冲。
Provenance: A French private collection.
Dia.: 15 cm (the stands)
Dia.: 9,7 cm - H.: 9 cm (the lidded bowls)
Condition: (UV-checked)
First set
- The bowl in good condition, with a chip to the rim. The cover with three small chips to the leaves on the top.
- The saucer with a few small superficial chips to the rim and a leaf restored on the side.
Second set
- The bowl in good condition, with a few typical small chips to the leaves on the outside. The cover with two restored chips to the leaves on the top.
- The saucer with a few small superficial chips to the rim.
- 碗口沿一个崩,盖子顶部三处飞皮。
- 碟子口沿几处典型小飞皮,侧面一片叶子修复。
- 碗侧面几处飞皮,盖子顶部两处磕崩修复。
- 碟子口沿几处典型小飞皮。
H.: 45 cm
- An American private collection.
- Acquired from Cohen & Cohen, London, in the early 2000's.
Condition: (UV-checked)
The first jar and cover
- The cover with the upper part and the inside oversprayed, but the exact extent of the repair impossible to assess due to the nature of the restoration.
- The jar in excellent condition, with some superficial crazing on the inside and a minor horizontal glaze line of ca. 15 mm in the middle on the outside, invisible on the inside.
The second jar and cover
- The cover with the upper part and the inside oversprayed, but the exact extent of the repair impossible to assess due to the nature of the restoration.
- The jar in excellent condition, with some superficial crazing and star-shaped glaze lines on the inside, invisible on the inside.
- 盖子品相良好,上部分和内部喷漆,但是因为修复材料的特性,无法测定修复尺寸。
- 罐子全品,内部多处龟裂,外侧中间一条横向的惊釉,长约 15 毫米,不透。
- 盖子品相良好,上部分和内部喷漆,但是因为修复材料的特性,无法测定修复尺寸。
- 罐子全品,内部多处龟裂和鸡爪,不透。
L.: 14 cm - H.: 12 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
- Rob Michiels Auctions, Oct. 31, 2020, lot 442. (sold EUR 7.650) (link)
- Howard and Ayers, China For the West, vol.1, p. 305, where the authors suggest that the figures are wearing Ottoman costumes, that this was undoubtedly a specially commissioned design since the shapes of the pieces are those of tea-services used in England and the Continent c.1740, and that it illustrates music played 'eastward of the Levant'. They also discuss the possibility that the design may have been by Cornelis Pronk.
- Christie's, New York, Jan. 21, 2016, lot 60, for a plate from this service. (sold USD 30.000) (link)
H.: 10,5 cm (incl. the lid)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with some small typical enamel loss.
- 全品,几处典型剥釉。
Dia.: 20 cm - H.: 3,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In quasi excellent condition, with a tight glazeline of ca. 2 mm to the rim on the front, invisible on the back.
- 近乎全品,口沿正面一条短小惊釉约 2 毫米,不透。
H.: 7 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both in excellent condition.
- 一对全品。
Dia.: 12,5 cm - H.: 3 cm (the saucers)
Dia.: 7 cm - H.: 4,5 cm (the cups)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Two cups in quasi excellent condition, with one or two small minor flakes to the lower part(flowers).
- One cup with a small refilled chip to the rim.
- One saucer in very good condition, with a hairline between the boy and sage.
- One saucer with a short hairline restored to the rim and two leaves oversprayed.
- One saucer in excellent condition, with two minor glaze line on the back and a baking flaw on the front.
- 两个杯子近乎全品,下侧花瓣装饰处一两个小飞皮。
- 一个杯子口沿一个飞皮修补。
- 一个碟子有一条小冲线,在侍童和老者之间。
- 一个碟子口沿一条小冲线修复,底上一叶子和一花喷漆。
- 一个碟子近乎全品,正面窑伤,背面两条小惊釉。
H.: 23,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with some normal wear to the overglazed enamel design.
- 全品,釉上彩轻微磨损。
- S. Marchant & Son, London, 10 June 2009. Published in their catalogue 'Recent Acquisitions, 2009', p. 42, no. 24, and of course also exhibited at their premises. (see images no. 8 and 9)
Ref.: The figural scene faithfully depicts Act 15 - Changting Songbie (Farewell at the Pavilion) of Xi Xiang Ji (Romance of the Western Chamber) by the Yuan dynasty playwright Wang Shifu (1250-1337). In Act 15, the female protagonist Cui Yingying sends her newly wed husband Zhang Gong off to the capital for the civil examination.
Dia.: 11,5 cm (the saucer)
Dia.: 7 cm - H.: 4 cm (the cup)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The saucer in excellent condition.
- The cup with a reglued break and a hairline to the rim, only visible under the UV light.
- 碟子全品。
- 杯子口沿一个破裂修复和一条冲线,但是只有在UV灯下可见。
A composite motif of a cockerel and peony represents wealth and success. The first character of the term cockerel in Chinese gong ji is a homophone of the first character of gong ming (official position), and the peony has long been associated with nobleness since the Tang dynasty.
- An important American private collection.
- The British Museum, inv. no. PDF A.835, for a set of twelve tea cups and saucers of the same design and measurements and with the same seals, where they are on display. (link)
- The Victoria & Albert Museum, accession no. C.1071 & A-1917, for a set which also bears a cyclical date Jiazhen corresponding to 1724, where it is on display. (link)
The artist name 'Baiyun Shanren' (Hermit of the White Cloud Mountain) was however mistaken by both museums as 'Baishi Shanren' (Hermit of the White Stone Mountain). Although the aliases 'Baishi' and 'Baiyun Jushi' are both related to one of the earliest and most famous Cantonese enamellers, Tang Jintang (active in the first half of the 18th C.), they can also have been produced by Tang Jintang's studio. For more about the career and style of Tang Jintang, see Gao Yang: 'A Pair of Canton Enamel Porcelain Masterpieces in the Rijksmuseum,' in Aziatische Kunst, October 2018, Vol. 48, No. 2, pp. 54-59.
- A. Varela Santos, Uma Coleccao Particular, Yongzheng, A Private Collection, Estoril, Portugal, 2005, pp.16-17, no. 2, for an example which was formerly in the W. Martin-Hurst Collection.
- Honey, A Guide to the Pottery and Porcelain of the Far East, Oxford, 1924, p. 90, fig. 128, illustrates a ruby-back saucer painted with a basket of flowers and fruit also in the British Museum. It is signed by the same artist and inscribed 'a Canton picture', indicating that indeed he was working in Guangzhou (Canton).
Dia.: 16 cm - H.: 3,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in good condition, a break restored to the rim, with related overpainting.
- 整体品相良好,口沿一个磕崩修复,有相应的复绘痕迹。
H.: 58 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The Luohan in excellent condition, with some baking spots.
- The monk generally in very good condition, with two flakes to the tip of two fingers, a chip and a flake to the lower part of the robe, lacks the finial of the crown, a small chip to the base rim and a few minor baking flaws throughout.
- 罗汉全品,几处缩釉和小窑缝。
- 僧人整体品相非常良好,两个手指尖有小飞皮,衣袍下部有两个飞皮,圈足一个飞皮,帽子顶部缺失,圈足一个飞皮。
Dia.: 10,8 cm - H.: 7 cm
A refined example of its type, with an attractive creamy white glaze all-over.
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with some normal wear.
- 全品,正常磨损痕迹。
H.: 27,5 cm (incl. the lids)
Condition: (UV-checked)
The first bottle and cover
- The cover in very good condition, with a chip to the base inner rim.
- The bottle in excellent condition, with some minor baking spots.
The second bottle and cover
- The cover broken in two, then reglued, and with a reglued chip to the rim.
- The bottle with a hairline of ca. 12 cm to one side. Some glaze loss and minor baking flaws throughout.
- 盖子品相良好,底边内侧一个飞皮。
- 瓶子全品,几处缩釉和剥釉。
- 盖子裂两半,口沿一个粘合的飞皮。
- 瓶子一侧冲线约 12 厘米,多处典型剥釉和小的烧窑失误。
H.: 8 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In quasi excellent condition, with two minor small burst glaze bubbles to the rim.
- 全品,口沿两个小爆釉。
Dia.: 23 cm
Ref.: Christie's, New York, Jan. 18, 2017, lot 414, for a single example. (sold USD 8.750) (link)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The first plate in quasi excellent condition, with a small superficial flake to the rim, and a star-shaped glazeline to the bottom, invisible on the front.
- The seconde plate with a C-shaped hairline to the lower part.
- 第一个盘子近乎全品,口沿一个极小飞皮,底上一个惊釉,不透。
- 第二个盘子画片下侧一个C型冲线。
Dia.: 38,5 - H.: 16,5 cm
The design of the bowl is based on a set of four engravings entitled by Thomas Burford (1710-ca. 1774) after James Seymour (1702-1752) titled:
1: Going to cover (link)
2: The Chace (link)
3: Making a cast at a fault (link)
4: The death of the fox (link)
Added images courtesy of the Yale Center for British Art.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in good condition, with a refilled flake and a hairline of ca. 8 cm to the rim.
- A section oversprayed to the foot rim, probably to recover a chip or a hairline.
- 整体品相良好,口沿一条冲线约 8 厘米和一个修补的小飞皮。
- 圈足一处喷漆,可能是覆盖飞皮或者冲线。
H.: 43 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The first vase in quasi excellent condition, with a minor glaze loss to the rim and some normal wear.
- The second vase in very good condition, with some minor superficial crazing throughout on the outside.
- 第一个花瓶近乎全品,口沿一个剥釉。
- 第二个花瓶整体品相非常良好,外侧几处细小惊釉。
Dia.: 22,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In very good condition. Two glaze lines visible on the back, as well as superficial crazing.
- 整体品相非常良好,盘子后背两条惊釉,不透。还有一些龟裂。
Dia.: 55,5 cm
- Castle Blunden, Kilkenny, Ireland.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In quasi excellent condition, with a small minor flake under the rim, a superficial chip and a baking line to the foot rim.
- 近乎全品,盘子口沿下一个小飞皮,圈足一个飞皮和窑伤。
Dia.: 20 cm - H.: 13,7 cm (incl. the cover)
Provenance: The collection of Thomas Ulbrich, Studio Tho, Hanoi-Berlin.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Presenting very well.
- The bowl with a hairline and two breaks restored to the rim, and with related overspraying and overpainting. The base rim with a circular baking line and some minor superficial dents.
- The cover generally in good condition, with a oversprayed hairline of ca. 3 cm to the rim. And a reglued break and a related hairline of ca. 3 cm to the rim as well.
- 单纯视觉效果,品相非常良好。
- 碗口沿一条修复的冲线和两处修复的破裂,周围有相应的喷漆和复绘痕迹。圈足上一条环形的轻微窑裂和几处轻微凹陷。
- 盖子口沿一个磕崩修复,和一条相关联的冲线约 3 厘米。另外还有一条修复的约 3 厘米的冲线。
Dia.: 15 cm
This type of small tea plate was made by special order, in a very small number, for the office of the royal doctor within the Vietnamese Royal Palace of Hue, in the middle of the 19th C.
The base bears a mark in zhuanshu script: 御醫正記, which translates to 'Made as commissioned by the royal doctor' or 'Ngự y chính ký'.
Provenance: - The collection of Thomas Ulbrich, Studio Tho, Hanoi-Berlin.
Reference: Published in: DO SU KY KIEU THOI NGUYEN by Dr. Tran Duc Anh Son (2016), page 210: 'The turtle is the third of the tứ linh (four supernatural creatures) and symbol of longevity, energy and endurance. It is the first of all the creatures that have shells. The carapace on the back of the turtle symbolizes the heavens (the vaulted upper part) and the earth (the flat part below). The turtle appears in various art forms of the Nguyễn period, but its image is rarely seen on the porcelain of this period. In the collection of Thomas Ulbrich, there is a tea-saucer marked 御醫正記 (Made as commissioned by the Royal Doctor) in the form of zhuanshu script, with a painting depicting a fairy turtle offering the Luoshu (雒書: rolled letter) in a bookcase to King Wenwang with a poem in Han script.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in good condition, with some normal wear to the bronze mount.
- A section oversprayed under the bronze mount, probably to cover a chip.
- 整体品相良好,铜镶口正常磨损。
- 铜口下一处喷漆痕迹,可能是飞皮修复。
Dim.: 81,5 x 49 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some normal wear and a few typical mother-of-pearl-inlaid loss.
- Two superficial chips to the rim on the left.
- 整体品相非常良好,几处螺钿脱落。
- 左侧边沿有飞皮两个。
Dim.: 19,5 x 14 cm (each photo)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The photos generally in very good condition.
- All three book's spines lacks the original cover.
- 照片品相非常良好,书脊缺失原封皮。
An exceptional and possibly unique testimony of the Xinhai Revolution, ending China's last imperial dynasty, the Manchu-led Qing dynasty, the last step to the establishment of the Republic of China.
Ref.: Hankou To Wuhan: Histories from China's Crossroads, a multimedia project tracing historical narratives of the city of Hankou. (link)
H.: 35 cm - L.: 43 cm
Weight: 10,4 kg
This unusual censer is inlaid with gilt silver, silver, turquoise and champlevé enamel.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in good condition, presenting very well, with very nice patination.
- A casting flaw to the right hind leg.
- All four palms with old restorations, probably to refill some casting flaws.
- The copper plaques on the head should have been inlaid later, not original.
- 整体品相非常良好,包浆自然,正常磨损痕迹。
- 右侧后腿一处铸造失误。
- 四个脚掌都有老的修复,可能是填补铸造失误。
- 头上的几片错铜,应该是后配的。
L.: 50 cm - H.: 39 cm
Weight: 17.3 kg
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The tail broken off and restuck, probably with some restoration.
- The circular plaque on the underside slightly loose.
- Traces of lacquer and polychromy throughout, as well as important superficial encrustation throughout.
- The finials on the side covers leaning to one side.
- Generally in good condition, presenting very well, with attractive superficial encrustation throughout.
- 整体品相非常良好,包浆自然,正常磨损痕迹。
- 尾巴断,后修复。
- 侧边的一个盖子的盖钮有一点歪。
- A Belgian private collection, prior to 2021.
- Rob Michiels Auctions, March 13, 2021, lot 203. (sold EUR 25.000)
- The collection of a Dutch nobleman.
- Sotheby's, New York, Mar. 20, 2013, lot 311, for a similar example described as a censer but lacking the lids and with important restoration. (sold USD 75.000) (link)
This early Ming bronze sculptural Buddhist lion vase was probably made for the ‘arrow game’ or touhu. It may have had a secondary fucntion as an incense burner.
The game was played at banquets, with he players throwing arrows into the three vessels on its back, the result being that they would concentrate so hard on winning that they would drink less. The mythical beast is depicted with a lively, striding stance, the forked and bushy tail held high.
H.: 54 cm
Weight: 9,2 kg
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some normal wear, nice patination and green corrosions throughout.
- 整体品相非常良好,正常磨损,包浆自然,多处绿锈。
H.: 8 cm - Dia.: 10 cm
Weight: 1084 grams
Bronze censers decorated with Arabic inscriptions came to influence the making of a distinctive group of heavily potted blue and white porcelains, all bearing Zhengde imperial marks on the bases and the body decorated with Arabic or Persian inscriptions. Jessica Harrison-Hall in Ming Porcelain in the British Museum, London, 2001, p. 188, notes that it is possible that these wares 'were used by literate Muslim eunuchs at court or by the emperor, who was fascinated by foreign scripts.' For examples of blue-and-white wares with Arabic or Persian inscription in the British Museum see ibid., pls. 8:3-8:11, including an incense burner (8:11) with six roundels each bearing an Arabic phrase.
Two ceramic censers of this shape, also with Arabic inscriptions in panels are illustrated in Kaikodo Journal, XXIV. Material Witness, New York, 2008, p. 166, where it is explained that the form derives from Han period prototypes known as zun or lian which were used for containing wine.
- A Belgian private collection.
- Acquired from Galerie Lamy, Brussels, in 2014, accompanied by their certificate of authenticity. (as visible on the Alain Truong blog - link)
- A Dutch private collection, before 2010.
- Sotheby's, New York, March 15, 2017, lot 561, for a similar example with a continuous text band. (sold USD 112.500) (link)
- Sotheby's, Hong Kong, April 3, 2012, lot 143, for a very closely related example. (sold HKD 800.000) (link)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with some normal wear, superficial dents and nice patination.
- 全品,正常磨损,几处典型轻微凹痕,包浆自然。
H.: 29,4 cm
Weight: 1554 grams
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some normal wear and nice patination.
- Some imperfections due to casting in the middle.
- 整体品相非常良好,轻微磨损,包浆自然。
- 器身中间几处凹陷,应该是由于铸造失误造成。
- A Belgian private collection.
- Acquired from the collection of William Rogers, Australia.
- Bonhams, Hong Kong, Nov. 24, 2013, lot 470, for a very similar example. (sold HKD 625.000) (link)
- Bonhams, London, Nov. 3, 2022, lot 101, for another similar example but slightly bigger. (sold GBP 101.100) (link)
H.: 28,5 cm - L.: 20,5 cm
Weight: 3010 grams
- The collection of a Belgian connoisseur.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with nice patination.
- The censer with a few small superficial dents.
- The cover with a small crack to the dog's hind leg.
- 整体品相良好,包浆自然。
- 香炉几处典型的小碰撞凹痕。
- 盖子的狗后腿断裂。
H.: 42,5 cm
Weight: 10,5 kg
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The Buddha generally in very good condition, with normal superficial wear to the gilding and patination.
- Some small typical superficial casting flaws throughout.
- Two baking holes on the back.
- A minor casting flaw resulting in an indentation located above the base rim on the back.
- 佛像整體品相良好,正常使用痕跡,包漿自然,鎏金部分磨損。
- 多處小的鑄造失誤。
- 兩個因鑄造失誤造成的洞孔在佛像背後。
- 背後底邊上方一處由於鑄造失誤造成的凹陷。
Provenance: An important Belgian private collection.
H.: 57 cm (the vase)
H.: 67,5 cm (incl. the stand)
Weight: 11,3 kg
The inscription on the wooden stand reads:
- Top: Tao Shi She Yuan Cang Qi 陶氏涉園藏器, seal mark Bai Chuan Shu Wu 百川書屋 and Xi Yong Xuan Cang 喜詠軒藏.
- Bottom: 《旅耳壺》器高漢建初尺二尺三寸三分 深二尺八分 腹徑一尺五寸三分 舊器藏東武劉氏燕亭公十士樹梅花館 庚申年孟冬觀於喜詠軒 上虞羅振玉題記.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with very nice patination.
- A few flakes and a casting line to the rim on the inside.
- A few casting flaws to the two handles.
- Three chips to the base rim.
- The wooden stand with a crack line in middle to the base.
- 整体品相良好,包浆自然。
- 口沿几处小飞皮和一条小开裂在内侧,外侧不可见。
- 双耳几处铸造失误。
- 圈足三个飞皮。
- 木质底座的底部有一条木质开裂。
H.: 29 cm - L.: 22,5 cm
Weight: 3,6 kg
- A French private collection.
- Excavated during the Song dynasty, according to the characteristics and dating of the lid.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some normal wear and nice patination.
- Lacking the handle and one handle loop with a small break.
- A superficial dent to the lower part of the vessel.
- 整体品相非常良好,正常磨损痕迹,包浆自然浑厚。
- 缺失手柄,一个手柄的环缺失一小部分。
- 器身下侧一个轻微凹陷。
- The Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, USA, object number 57.45.6a-b, for another vessel of this type and period. (link)
- The Nara National Museum, Japan, accession number 1317-67, for another vessel of this type and period. (link)
- Sotheby's, April 8, 2023, lot 3610, for another similar vessel. (sold HKD 14.365.000) (link)
References used in the accompanying descriptive images:
- [2] Sotheby's, Hong Kong, Oct. 7, 2014, The collection of Ulrich Hausmann, lot 3314, for a comparison of the design of the eyes in taotie masks during the Song dynasty. (link)
- [3] Sotheby's, Hong Kong, Oct. 7, 2014, The collection of Ulrich Hausmann, lot 3398, for an example illustrating the absence of overlapping designs. (link)
- [4] Sotheby's, New York, March 22, 2022, The Dr Wou Kiuan Collection, lot 1, for an example of an archaic bronze excavated in the Song dynasty. (link)
L.: 45,5 cm (ear to ear) - H.: 13,7 cm
Weight: 12.1 kg
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with some normal wear, superficial dents and nice patination.
- 全品,正常磨损,几处典型轻微凹痕,包浆自然。
H.: 44,5 cm
Weight: 16,1 kg
- The collection of a Belgian industrialist family.
- Rob Michiels Auctions, May 26, 2020, lot 189. (sold EUR 35.000) (link)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with slight superficial wear and nice patination.
- The censer with a small punctured hole on one side, as well as a casting flaw.
- The lid with the turtle lacks his head and a chip to the elephant's nose.
- 整体品相非常良好,包浆自然。
- 香炉侧面一个铸造失误造成的凹陷。
- 盖子的乌龟遗失头部,大象鼻子有一个磕崩。
H.: 28,5 cm
Weight: 3926 grams
- An important Dutch private collection.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some normal wear to the gilding.
- A chip to the base rim on the back and with a related short minor crack.
- Lacking three small parts to the finial of the crown.
- 整体品相非常良好,金漆正常磨损。
- 佛像后侧底边一个飞皮和一条相关联的裂痕。
- 宝冠上三个尖端装饰物遗失。
Please note that the iconography of this lot may be interpreted in different ways.
The sculpture may also be referred to as Shakyamuni Buddha.
H.: 17 cm
Weight: 1183 grams
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In quasi excellent condition, with normal wear to the gilding and a few superficial dents.
- 近乎全品,鎏金轻微磨损和几处小的碰撞凹痕。
Dim.: 8 x 5 x 2,3 cm
Weight: 120 grams
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both in excellent condition, with some normal wear to the gilding.
- One piece with a minor superficial indentation berween the agate and bronze rim.
- 一对全品,鎏金轻微磨损。
- 其中一个宝石和铜边连接处,一个轻微凹陷。
H.: 30,5 cm - L.: 28 cm
Weight: 8,5 kg
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some normal wear to the gilding and lacking an attribute in the right hand.
- 整体品相非常良好,鎏金正常磨损,右手上遗失一个配件。
H.: 35,5 cm
Weight: 4,8 kg
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some normal wear to the gilding.
- Some typical minor superficial dents throughout.
- Lacking some demi-precious stones of the crown.
- Lacking some pearls of the chain ornaments on the chest.
- 整体品相非常良好,鎏金正常磨损。
- 多处轻微碰撞凹痕。
- 宝冠镶嵌的宝石多处遗失。
- 胸口链状装饰物上几颗珍珠缺失。
Fierce and youthful, this form of Vajrayogini always holds her flaying knife down and raises a skull cup full of blood to drink from it. She is adorned with the usual wrathful ornaments made of bone and skulls. She stands on two victims, who represent ignorance and ego. Her name means ‘essence of all Buddhas’. In Tibet she is known as Naro Dakini, Naro Khecho, Narokhachema, Naropa Khechera, Naro Khechari, etc., in allusion to the teachings of the Indian adept Naropa.
The jewelry inset with turquoise and hardstones, the sculpture richly detailed and gilt overall, with traces of polychromy. The style is closely related to that of sculptures from the Densatil Monastery in Tibet.
- A Belgian private collection.
- Acquired in Asia in the 2nd half of the 20th C., by relatives of the current owner. (by repute)
Ref.: Sotheby's, Hong Kong, Oct. 2, 2017, lot 3123, for an exceptional group in the same style. (sold HKD 9.460.000) (link)
H.: 30,5 cm - L.: 26,5 cm
Weight: 7,1 kg
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in good condition, with normal wear, nice patination and some typical superficial dents throughout.
- Lacking the stand and a detachable piece to the Dakini's hand, and probably missing some detachable pieces to the Mahakala's hands.
- 整体品相良好,正常磨损,多处典型轻微凹陷。
- 底座缺失,空行母手上遗失一个配件,大黑天多支手臂上可能遗失几个法器。
- A Belgian private collection.
- Acquired on a Paris flea market, ca. 2002. (by repute)
H.: 13,3 cm
Weight: 675 grams
- A Dutch private collection.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In quasi excellent condition, with normal wear to the gilding and a few superficial dents.
- 近乎全品,鎏金轻微磨损和几处小的碰撞凹痕。
- Christie's, Paris, Dec. 8, 2021, lot 142, for a larger yet similar example. (sold EUR 27.500) (link)
H.: 45 cm - L.: 38 cm (incl. stand)
Weight: 3333 grams (incl. stand)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with a chip to the left lower part and close to Tieguai Li.
- The left upper branch broken, then reglued.
- 整体品相非常良好,左侧下方,铁拐李旁边一处小飞皮。
- 左侧上方的分支顶部断裂,后粘合。
H.: 28,5 cm - L.: 18 cm (incl. stand)
Weight: 1230 grams (incl. stand)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with a chip and a few flakes to the tips of the lotus petal hoding by the left figure.
- 整體品相非常良好,左侧人物手里的莲花花瓣一个磕崩和几处小飞皮。
H.: 35 cm - L.: 26 cm (excl. stand)
Weight: 888 grams (excl. stand)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with a chip to the tip of the lotus petal in the right hand.
- 整体品相非常良好,观音手持莲花花瓣磕崩。
H.: 24 cm - L.: 15 cm (excl. stand)
Weight: 411 grams (excl. stand)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
H.: 40,5 cm - L.: 21 cm (excl. stand)
Weight: 2900 grams (excl. stand)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In quasi excellent condition, with two chips to the upper extremities.
- 近乎全品,左侧上部尖端位置两个飞皮。
H.: 26,5 cm - L.: 11 cm (excl. stand)
Weight: 480 grams (excl. stand)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with a chip to the lotus petal holding by Guanyin.
- 整体品相良好,观音手持莲花花瓣飞皮。
H.: 17 cm - L.: 9 cm (incl. stand)
Weight: 310 grams (incl. stand)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent.
- 全品。
Dia.: 32 - 27 - 22 - 22 mm
Weight: 33,9 grams, 16,95 grams, 8,47 grams, 8,47 grams.
Presented in their original box.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, except a slight scratch on the elephant coin.
- Click here to download a short video.
- 全品,除了大象的硬币上一条很浅的划痕。
H.: 41 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some normal wear.
- Lacks a piece of turquoise to the snake's tail.
- 整体品相非常良好,轻微磨损。
- 蛇尾装饰部分缺一块绿松石。
Dia.: 48 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In quasi excellent condition, with some wear to the iron red enamel design.
- A tight hairline in the middle, probably due to the baking.
- 近乎全品,釉上矾红彩部分磨损。
- 中间一条冲线,可能是烧窑导致。
H.: 28 cm
- An important Belgian private collection, displayed in Villa de Nachtegaal in Schilde near Antwerp, and published in 'VILLAS - décoration', no. 37, 1989. (see added scans)
- Acquired from Axel Vervoordt. (by repute)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in good condition, with a few vertical hairlines extending upwards from the base rim.
- Two kiln dust to the lower part and to the outside of the rim.
- 整体品相良好,几条垂直状冲线从圈足往上延伸。
- 罐口沿外侧和下部分有两个窑粘。
H.: 36,5 cm
Provenance: A Belgian private collection.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with some minor superficial crazing.
- 全品,瓶身几处龟裂,瓶子内侧不可见。
- Christie's, Hong Kong, Jun. 01, 2011, lot 3815, for a similar example. (sold HKD 620,000) (link)
Dia.: 30 cm - H.: 12,5 cm
- An important Belgian private collection, displayed in Villa de Nachtegaal in Schilde near Antwerp, and published in 'VILLAS - décoration', no. 37, 1989. (see added scans)
- Acquired from Axel Vervoordt. (by repute)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with some normal wear to the glaze, especially the center of the bowl.
- 全品,釉面正常磨损痕迹,尤其是碗中心。
Dia.: 9 cm - H.: 4,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In quasi excellent condition, with a few spots of superficial glaze loss on the rim.
- 近乎全品,碗口几处剥釉。
- A Belgian private collection.
- A South-German private collection.
- The British Museum, registration no. PDF,B.675 for an almost identical cup. (link)
- A similar bowl, dated Xuande, is in the National Palace Museum of Taiwan. (link)
Presented in a blue-lined glass-front display box, which dates back to the period of the Republic of China (1912-1949).
In the well of the bowl, we find the character cha (tea) within a double circle in underglaze blue. On the base is the mark 'Jinlu Dajiao Tan yong' (for use on the Gold Record Great Sacrifice Altar) within a circle, the cobalt of a deep blue tone.
Both the Taoshuo and the Jingdezhen Taolu mention a tanzhan (altar cup). The Taoshuo first quotes a passage from the Bowu Yaolan (Select Items from Things Surveyed): Small white cups, inscribed with the characters 'tea', 'wine', ‘hot water with dates' and ‘hot water with ginger’ respectively. They were Daoist ceremonial vessels for Shizong [Jiajing Emperor] and were called altar cups. They are not as good as those from the Xuande period.
These cups from the Jiajing period exist in three sizes: large, medium, and small. Those with the "tea" character are of good quality, while those inscribed ‘hot water with ginger’ are of inferior quality. They are inscribed "Jinlu Dajiao Tan Yong". In Daoist terminology Jinlu is an edict from the High Lord. The Jinlu dajiao (gold register), the huanglu dajiao (yellow register), and the yulu dajiao (jade register) are three important sacrificial ceremonies. The present cup (and excavated shards) provides important information as to what was placed on the altar on such occasions.
明代嘉靖帝是个热衷于举办“金籙大醮壇”的人,目的有延寿、求嗣、祈福等。据《万历野获编》卷二记载:“每建金籙大醮壇,则上必日躬至焉。凡入直撰元诸侥臣,皆附丽其旁,即阁臣亦昼夜供事,不复至文渊阁。盖君臣上下,朝真醮斗几三十年,与帝社稷相终始。” “壇盞”是专门为“金籙大醮壇”订制的瓷器,这在历史上是独一无二的。
H.: 23,3 cm - L.: 19 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The screen broken in two pieces and then restored.
- Some typical glaze loss and superficial flakes throughout.
- 桌屏破裂两半,后粘合。
- 多处典型剥釉和小飞皮。
H.: 37 cm
- The collection of Nicholas Panes, former treasurer of the English Ceramic Circle.
- Sotheby's, London, Nov. 9, 2016. (sold GBP 10.000) (link)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with a few flakes and a circular impact line to the rim.
- A minor baking flaw located on the neck.
- The neck slightly leaning to one side, when looked at from the back.
- 整体品相非常良好,口沿几处小飞皮和一个重皮。
- 脖子上一个小窑伤。
- 在瓶子背后看,脖子往一侧轻微倾斜。
H.: 38 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Presenting very well.
- A restored break to the rim, with related overspraying and overpainting.
- A few minor flakes to the foot rim.
- 单纯视觉效果,品相非常良好。
- 花瓶口沿一块破裂后修复,有相应的喷漆和复绘痕迹。
- 圈足几处典型小飞皮。
Dia.: 17,5 cm - H.: 9 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- A break reglued of ca. 4 x 7 cm to the rim.
- A oversprayed circular hairline around the lower part.
- A few typical flakes to the rim.
- 碗口沿一处修复的破裂,尺寸约为 4 x 7 厘米。
- 碗下侧一条修复的环形冲线。
- 碗口沿几处典型小飞皮。
H.: 26 cm - L.: 20,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The cover with the finial oversprayed.
- The teapot with a few spots of glaze loss to the top of the handle and a glaze line partly visible to the connexion between handle and body, with related overspraying.
- A horizontal baking line to the lower part on the inside, partly visible on the outside.
- 盖钮喷漆。
- 茶壶手柄上端几处剥釉,手柄和壶身连接处一条惊釉,有相应的喷漆痕迹。
- 茶壶内侧下方一条横向的窑冲,外侧部分可见。
Dia.: 21 cm - H.: 10,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with two flakes to the rim.
- A impact line and a short glaze line to the base rim on the inside.
- A horizontal hairline to the base rim on the side.
- 整体品相非常良好,口沿两处典型的小飞皮。
- 圈足露胎处一条裂纹,圈足内侧一条短惊釉,不透。
- 圈足侧面一条横向的冲线。
Dia.: 18,5 cm - H.: 4,7 cm
Provenance: A Dutch private collection.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In quasi excellent condition, with a baking line of ca. 2 cm to the rim under the glaze. And a star-shaped baking line of ca. 8 mm under the glaze as well located at the left tree's branches.
- A minor flake to the rim.
- Download a short video here: (link)
- 近乎全品,口沿一条釉下窑线,长约 2 厘米。(非冲线)
- 另外一个釉下鸡爪在左侧树枝位置。(非冲线)
- 口沿一个极小飞皮。
Here we see the main character from the 'Romance of the Western Chamber', Cui Yingying (崔莺莺), together with her maid Hongniang (红娘).
On the right handside, an inscription reveals a part of a poem: '幾回欲撲展齊纨 飛入錦香叢裡教我尋不見'.
This freely translates to: 'More than once have I wanted to pounce and spread my wings, flying into the fragrant bushes, but I couldn't find them.'
This poetically describes the efforts made, in vain, by the young girl, trying to escape her expected role and her mother's watchful eye.
Hongniang, being Yingying's maid, has made every effort to bring together Yingying and Zhang Sheng (张生). The resourceful maidservant is so prominent in the story, that she evolves from a supporting role to an indispensable main character, becoming the synonym of marriage matchmaker in Chinese culture. In some local versions, the pla is even named by her name and the story itself is only slightly changed.
H.: 33 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Presenting very well.
- Two slight glaze lines of ca. 3 cm to the rim on the inside, invisible on the outside.
- A restored hairline of ca. 4 cm to the rim, with related oversprayting.
- The centre of the base oversprayed, probably to cover a drilled hole.
- 单纯视觉效果,品相非常良好。
- 口沿内侧两条惊釉约 3 厘米,不透。
- 口沿一条修复的冲线,长约 4 厘米,有相应的复绘痕迹。
- 底部有一处喷漆痕迹,可能是覆盖打洞。
Dia.: 29 cm - H.: 6,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some minor superficial wear to the glaze.
- A few typical superficial chips to the rim and foot rim, and some glaze loss.
- 整体品相良好,釉面轻微磨损。
- 口沿和圈足都有几处小飞皮,几处典型剥釉。
Dia.: 37,5 cm - H.: 16 cm
- The collection of Mrs Helen Moonbridge.-
- Sotheby's, London, Nov. 24, 1964, lot 58.
- The Collection of Dr Wou Kiuan (1910-1997).
- The Wou Lien-Pai Museum, since 1968, coll. no. M.5.16.
- The Metropolitan Museum, New York, Accession Number: 2001.738, for another Jiajing mark and period example with the same subject.
- Published in Rose Kerr et al., Chinese Antiquities from the Wou Kiuan Collection, Wou Lien-Pai Museum, Hong Kong, 2011, pl. 117.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Presenting very well.
- Executed in a very vibrant shade of cobalt blue.
- A break reglued of ca. 3 x 7 cm to the rim.
- A refilled chip of ca. 5 mm to the rim, with a related hairline of ca. 3 cm.
- A few minor superficial flakes to the foot rim.
- Download a short video here: (link)
- 单纯视觉效果,品相非常良好。
- 青花发色十分完美,呈现艳丽的蓝调。
- 碗口沿一处修复的破裂,尺寸约为 3 x 7 厘米。
- 口沿一个修补的飞皮,约 5 毫米,和一条相关联的冲线约 3 厘米。
- 圈足上几处典型飞皮。
Dia.: 52 cm
Accompanied by an Oxford Authentication report confirming the date using thermoluminescence.
- A Belgian private collection.
- A Portuguese private collection.
- Sotheby's, London, May 14, 2014, lot 209. (link)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- A number of baking flaws throughout.
- The outer rim with a few small superficial chips and some superficial glaze loss throughout.
- Three sections restored of ca. 35 x 30 mm, 35 x 5 mm, 30 x 3 mm on the rim.
- A restored hairline of ca. 70 mm from the rim.
- 盘子上多处小窑伤。
- 口上多处飞皮和剥釉。
- 盘子口沿三处修复,尺寸各为:35 x 30 毫米、35 x 5 毫米和 30 x 3 毫米。
- 盘口有一条垂直状,大约7厘米长的冲线。
H.: 19 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Presenting very well.
- A few small minor flakes to the extremities of the rim.
- Two baking lines to the neck.
- The spout oversprayed and overpainted, probably to cover a hairline or break.
- 口沿突出的尖端有几处典型飞皮。
- 脖子位置两条窑缝。
- 流喷漆和复绘,应该是断裂或者冲线。
H.: 25 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In very good condition, with a C-shaped hairline on the inside, and partly visible on the outside, close to the banana plant.
- 近乎全品,罐内一条C型冲线,外侧隐约可见,在棕榈树边上。
L.: 12,5 cm - H.: 9 cm
- Christie's, London, Nov. 06, 2019, lot 58, for a similar example. (sold GBP 8.125) (link)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with some superfial crazing.
- 全品,几处龟裂。
Dia.: 31 cm - H.: 5,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some typical superficial flakes to the rim and some kiln dust in the middle.
- 整体品相非常良好,口沿多处典型小飞皮,盘中间一些窑灰。
H.: 27 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In quasi excellent condition, with some baking cracks around the foot rim and related baking lines.
- 近乎全品,圈足上几处窑裂,有相关联的窑冲。
L.: 17,5 cm - H.: 11,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Both covers in excellent condition with a minor baking crack.
- The first teapot in quasi excellent condition with a superficial chip to the rim on the inside, and a flake to the spout.
- The second teapot in excellent condition, with a burst glaze bubble under the rim and some superficial crazing to the base due to baking.
- 两个盖子都是全品,一处窑裂。
- 第一个茶壶近乎全品,口沿内一个飞皮,流上一个小飞。
- 第二个茶壶全品,口沿下外侧一个爆釉,底上几处窑里带的惊釉。
H.: 24 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The first vase generally in good condition, with a few tight hairlines to the rim, and glaze loss to the rim and base rim.
- The second vase with a few typical superficial chips and a short hairline to the rim, and a few typical glaze loss to the edge and just above the base rim.
- 第一个罐子品相良好,口沿几条典型小冲线,口沿和底足边几处剥釉。
- 第二个罐子口沿几处飞皮和一条冲线,底足边几处剥釉。
H.: 37,2 cm
H.: 45 cm (incl. the cover)
Provenance: A Dutch private collection.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The jar in quasi excellent condition, with the rim slightly polished.
- The wooden cover with a few chips to the rim.
- 罐子近乎全品,轻微磨口。
- 木质盖子口沿几处飞皮。
H.: 36 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, the upper part of the handle with a old silver mount.
- A tight glaze line of ca. 3 mm to the rim, invisible on the inside.
- Some typical glaze loss to the handle's edge.
- The spout and the connection between the spout and jug with a small section oversprayed, probably to cover a chip or glaze line.
- 整体品相非常良好,手柄的上端一个老的银配件。
- 口沿外侧一条小惊釉约 3 毫米,内侧不可见。
- 手柄两侧边都有几处典型剥釉。
- 流和流与壶身的衔接处都有喷漆痕迹,可能是覆盖飞皮或者冲线。
H.: 24 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in fair condition.
- With glaze loss, small chips and fritting along the extremities and edges.
- A hairline on the inside of the rim and a vertical hairline to the edge as well.
- Some touch-ups to the edges and corner, probably to cover the flakes and glaze loss.
- 整体品相中等。
- 瓶子角和沿边都有典型剥釉,飞皮。
- 口内一条冲线,侧边一条垂直的冲线。
- 瓶子角和沿边都有喷漆和复绘痕迹,应该是小飞皮和剥釉的修复。
H.: 30.5 cm
Ref.: The Royal Collection Trust, inv. no. RCIN 1029, for four similar example in the King's Great Bedchamber in Hampton Court Palace. (link)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some typical glaze loss and superficial chips to the rim.
- A small section oversprayed and overpainted to the rim, probably to cover a chip.
- 整体品相非常良好,口沿几处典型飞皮和剥釉。
- 口沿一处小的喷漆和复绘痕迹,可能是一个磕崩修复。
H.: 36 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The rim with two chips and two related hairlines of ca. 3 cm, and a few some typical superficial chips.
- A horizontal baking line below the rim.
- A star-shaped glaze line and a horizontal glaze line on the inside, invisible on the outside.
- 口沿几处小飞皮和两个磕崩,磕崩处有相应的两条约 3 厘米的冲线。
- 口沿下侧一条横向的窑线。
- 罐内侧一个鸡爪和一条横向惊釉,不透。
H.: 25 cm - L.: 20 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The cover in quasi excellent condition, with a few typical glaze loss to the finial's rim. And a baking line under the rim.
- The teapot in very good condition, with a chip and a short tight hairline to the rim. A superficial flake to the spout.
- 盖子近乎全品,盖钮沿边几处剥釉,圈足上一条窑缝。
- 茶壶整体品相良好,口沿一个磕崩和一条小冲线。流上极小飞皮。
H.: 37 cm
Provenance: A French private collection.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with a small section oversprayed and overpainted to the rim, probably to cover a chip.
- 整体品相非常良好,瓶口沿一处喷漆和复绘痕迹,可能是飞皮修复。
H.: 13 cm
- The collection of Sam & Myrna Myers, an American coupe in Paris, with a fascinating collection history. (link)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The cover in quasi excellent condition, with some glaze loss to the rim.
- The box in quasi excellent condition, with a few minor tiny flakes and baking lines to the rim.
- 盖子近乎全品,口沿一圈剥釉。
- 盒子近乎全品,口沿几处极小飞皮和窑裂。
Dim.: ca. 14 x 14 cm each
Presented in a Japanese fitted wooden box. (tomobako)
- The collection of Sam & Myrna Myers, an American coupe in Paris, with a fascinating collection history. (link)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- One plate in excellent condition, with a few minor burst glaze bubbles.
- Four plates in quasi excellent condition, with a small superficial flake to the rim, a few minor burst glaze bubbles and some typical glaze loss.
- 一个盘子全品,几处小爆釉。
- 四个盘子近乎全品,口沿一个小飞皮,几处典型爆釉和剥釉。
Dim.: 23 x 15,5 x 11,5 cm (the mask)
H.: 31,5 cm (incl. the stand)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some normal wear and typical rust traces.
- A few minor casting flaws to the mouth and right mustache.
- 整体品相非常良好,表面正常磨损,典型铁锈痕迹。
- 嘴巴和右侧胡子有铸造失误造成的洞孔和小裂痕。
H.: 67 cm (the sculpture)
H.: 76 cm (incl. the stand)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in good condition, with some typical chips and breaks.
- 整体品相良好,多处典型飞皮和磕崩。
- The collection of Mr. and Mrs. S., Ghent, Belgium.
- Acquired in February 2010 from Het Magazijn, Ghent, Belgium, with their certificate of authenticity.
- For a similar green stone exemple. Christie's, New York, Mar. 20, 2009, lot 1276. (sold USD 30.000)(link)
H.: 90 cm (the sculpture)
H.: 98 cm (incl. the stand)
- A Dutch private collection.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in fair condition, some wear, typical chips, and some weathering traces throughout.
- 品相如图,正常磨损,典型飞皮,多处风化痕迹。
H.: 86,5 cm (the sculpture incl. stand)
H.: 81 cm (the sculpture)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in fair condition, a break to the right leg and the right leg broken then reglued.
- 品相如图,右腿断裂后粘合,右腿底边飞皮。
- The collection of Mr. and Mrs. S., Ghent, Belgium.
- Acquired in April 2005 from Het Magazijn, Ghent, Belgium, with their certificate of authenticity.
H.: 36,5 cm (the relief)
H.: 43 cm (incl. the stand)
- The private collection of a retired Belgian antiques dealer.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in good condition, with typical chips and some weathering traces throughout.
- 品相如图,正常磨损,典型飞皮,多处风化痕迹。
H.: 71 cm (incl. stand)
H.: 64 cm (the sculpture)
Weight: 29 kg (incl. stand)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in fair condition, a tight crack line under the neck.
- 品相如图,脖子下一条细微裂纹。
- The collection of Mr. and Mrs. S., Ghent, Belgium.
- Acquired from Innocente Antiques, Rotterdam, and accompanied by their certificate dated October 29, 2007.
H.: 105,5 cm (the sculpture)
H.: 115,5 cm (incl. the stand)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in fair condition, the head was broken and reglued.
- 品相如图,头断裂,后粘合修复。
- The collection of Mr. and Mrs. S., Ghent, Belgium.
- Acquired in May 2006 from Het Magazijn, Ghent, Belgium, with their certificate of authenticity.
- Previously in the collection of Montree Jirapratchaya, Chiangmai-Hangdong, Thailand, according to the certificate.
- Los Angeles County Museum of Art, obj. no. AC1993.210.2, for a similar yet more fragmentary example. (link)
H.: 33 cm (incl. the stand)
H.: 22 cm (the head)
Accompanied by a certificate from the Laboratoire SMAP, France, confirming the age based on microscopic surface analysis.
- The private collection of a retired Belgian antiques dealer.
- Acquired from a French private collection around 2015.
- Christie's, New York, March 21, 2008, lot 508, for an example of a quasi complete sculpture, of about the right size for a head of the proportions of our current example. (link)
- Christie's, New York, Sep. 23, 2004, lot 63, for an example of a quasi complete sculpture, yet somewhat smaller than the previous. (link)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with some superficial chips.
- 整体品相非常良好,几处典型的飞皮。
H.: 64 cm (incl. stand)
Lakshmi depicted standing, with four arms, hoding a Shankha with the right and a Japamala with the left hand
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, with nice patination.
- A small chip to the left elbow joint on the back.
- 整体品相非常良好,包浆自然。
- 人物背面左手肘一个飞皮。
- A Portuguese private collection.
- The collection of Dr. Edmund Müller Jr., Haus zum Dolder, Switzerland.
Dim.: 30,5 x 25,5 cm (the frame)
Dim.: 23,5 x 19 cm (the work)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The frame with visible losses throughout.
- A vertical split to the panel showing upwards from the bottom, at about 3 cm from the lower right corner. Some losses to the paint upwards along this split.
- A number of small losses to the paint along the lower edge.
- A number of small spots of paint loss scattered throughout.
- A number of small minor touch-ups appear under UV-light.
H.: 36,5 cm - L.: 22 cm (the alabaster)
Provenance: A Belgian private collection.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- A section missing to the top right corner.
- Lacking the right arm of Christ, as well as a the bones of the memento mori below the cross.
- Some old, discoloured restoration visible extending downwards from just left of Christ, along his body, as well as minor touch-ups to John and Mary.
- Further minor wear throughout as visible.
Dia.: 25,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Presenting very well.
- The glaze in a minor state of degradation from being buried
- A number of reglued breaks throughout, with some superficial retouching.
- The lower part of the central medallion with a filled and repainted section of ca. 2 x 3 cm.
Ref.: Dr. Pieter Biesboer: 'Nederlandse Majolica 1550-1650', no. 3.
- A private collection, Mechelen, as published in the publication referred to above.
- A Dutch private collection.
H.: 22,5 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Overall in very good condition.
- Some chipping on the upper rim.
- Small chips and superficial glaze loss along the foot.
- On the shoulder, on the back, a baking flaw is visible with negligible extending tight related glaze lines.
H.: 29,5 cm
- Property of The Mary Duke Biddle Trent Semans Foundation; On loan to the Duke University Museum of Art, 1956-2020. Mary Duke Biddle Trent Semans (1920-2012) was an American philanthropist, local and state-wide leader, and patron of the arts. A member of the Duke University Board of Trustees and the first female chairman of The Duke Endowment, she helped guide these institutions during five decades of service. In the 1960's she helped found the North Carolina School of the Arts, the USA’s first public conservatory, and in her mother's memory, created The Mary Duke Biddle Gallery for the Blind at the North Carolina Museum of Art.
- The Hispanic Society, Accession Number: E598, for an interesting related armorial example. (link)
- The British Museum, London, Reg no. G.563, for a related example. (link)
- In Sam Fogg's exhibition catalogue 'Lustreware from Spain', a related example is shown (nr. 7). Here, it is noted that 'a group of albarelli whose style (like that of the charger in the preceding entry) is typical of ceramics from the Valencian town of Manises. From the late fourteenth century Manises became famous for its production of cobalt-blue and lustreware and, along with Paterna, it developed into one of the most important Valencian centres for the production of Hispano-Moresque pottery. The special attraction of Manises pottery was its workshops’ mastery over the challenging lustred glaze. The Manises lustre had an orange-gold hue, produced with a silver pigment and about a tenth part of copper, which demanded a specialised firing process at much lower temperatures than other glazes. The combination of pointed leaf, looped tendril, fern ornament and bryony flower that decorate our vessel emerged from the earlier fioralixi designs thought to have entered Valencian potters’ repertoires by around 1430, and help date its production to the middle years of the century. Variations of this delicate form of decoration, at once refined and energetic, soon found currency among Europe’s wealthy patrons, and the rarefied, luxury status of such ceramics is evinced by their incorporation into contemporary panel paintings including most famously of all Hugo van der Goes’ Portinari Altarpiece of around 1475, today in the Galleria degli Uffizi (link to catalogue)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Presenting very well, the repairs mentioned below executed in a very subtle way.
- The glaze and its lustrous effect very well preserved.
- With a number of reglued breaks throughout, with related minor touch-ups throughout.
- A number of superficial chips and spots of superficial glaze loss throughout.
H.: 32 cm
The coat of arms on the front is that of the 'von der Leyen' family.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Some restoration to the handle, which is completely oversprayed. It appears that the handle is quasi complete, but was detached from the body and had one or more internal fractures as well. The 'tail' below the handle likely lacking and remodelled. A faint glaze crack extending on the left from the lower end of the handle.
- Some superficial wear throughout.
- Mostly along the lower part, a number of discoloured sections from baking.
H.: 20 cm
H.: 25 cm (incl. the lid)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Presenting very well, the high relief-carved and molded sections very crisp. The glaze also well-preserved.
- The handle broken off and reattached, with retouching to the neck, where it is reattached, as well as to the break in the low end, where it meets the body. Below the pewter thumbrest, a further break to the handle is reglued and slightly retouched. A tight hairline extending downwards on the left of the handle is also very slightly retouched. To the neck, a small triangular section is filled, just above the handle attachment.
- The lid with very minor rim abrasions but generally in very good condition.
- Excavated from a cesspool in Gorinchem, The Netherlands, on Aug. 3, 1978, with a label on the base indicating this.
- A Dutch private collection.
- Ostkamp & Snip: 'Baardmankruiken', p. 576, no. C. 203. (see added images)
H.: 33 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, the glaze of fresh and shiny appearance, the colours of very vibrant appearance.
- Some negligible glaze abrasions along the upper rim.
- A limited number of chips along the foot, as to be expected for such a large example.
- On the inside, some crazing visible in the inside, in the base and slightly upwards along one side, where it is also slightly visible (but stable) on the outside.
Provenance: An English private collection.
Dim.: 13,3 x 12 x 10,5 cm
- To the upper lid, the two short side sections have been replaced with wooden sections.
- There is a corner chip to the front left corner of the upper rim.
- Above the upper keyhole, there is hole, possibly drilled posterior the production.
- Lock mechanism in working condition.
- Typical superficial staining and minor superficial wear throughout.
Ref.: A closely related example is currently with Amir Mohtashemi Ltd., London, as part of their current stock. (link) It is accompanied by the following text: This casket, covered in pierced openwork bone, and carved with symmetrically displayed foliage over a wooden core, closely follows a 17th-century Sri Lankan (Ceylonese) prototype that originally would have been made for export to Europe. Its decoration, albeit coarser in appearance when compared to the Sri Lankan models, minutely carved in elephant ivory, fully echoes its original counterpart, standing as testimony to the far-reaching artistic consequences of global trade in the early modern period in the hands of the Dutch. Following in the footsteps of the Portuguese, who commissioned hybrid ivory-carved objects combining European shapes (and uses) with exotic local materials and high-quality craftsmanship, such caskets and other small luxury pieces of furniture were made for export and found their way onto Dutch ships bound for the White Sea on the northwest coast of Russia. Starting from the late 16th century the Dutch established important trading relationships with Russian merchants who supplied export goods from central Russia.
The present casket was most likely made in Kholmogory (Холмогоры), which is in northern Russia at the mouth of the Northern Dvina River, and approximately fifty miles up the river from Arkhangelsk (Арха́нгельск, known in English as Archangel). It was the chief seaport of medieval and early modern Russia, established near the mouth of the river into the White Sea. Kholmogory had a thriving ivory and bone carving industry, which used the by-products of the hunting and whaling (seal bone and walrus ivory) trade from Archangelsk. A high level of craftsmanship was reached in the late 17th century in the workshops of the Kremlin Armoury, where, under the direct patronage of the Tsar, Yevdokim and Semyon Sheshenin, who had been brought from Kholmogory, produced bone carvings for the court and the Patriarchy. Similarly, the Kholmogory bone carvers Osip Dudin and Nikolai Vereshchagin, who worked for the imperial court in the 18th century, made objects that served as diplomatic gifts. Highly influenced by the designs and decorative repertoire of objects brought by Dutch, English and German merchants, the bone carvings made at Kholmogory, albeit unique, remain poorly known and studied.
Please note this lot is subject to and in compliance with CITES-regulations. Available for sale in the European Union only. Exporting outside of the European Union is not possible.
Dim.: ca. 3 x 3 x 3 cm
- The male figure with a reglued break to the lid, otherwise good with normal minor superficial wear.
- The female figure good with normal minor superficial wear.
- Pierre Bergé & Associés, Paris, June 23, 2021, lot 99, for a similar pair. (sold EUR 11.050) (link)
- The Louvre, Paris, inv. no. OA 167 1, for a set of four. (link)
- Cluny Museum, National Museum of the Middle Ages, France, inv. ECl 1813, for another pair.
- Finch and Co., London, for another pair previously in their trade stock. (link)
Dim.: ca. 13 x 13 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In excellent condition, with typical minor superficial wear. The glaze very well preserved and shiny.
Dim.: 13,5 x 13 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in good condition, with minor superficial wear and glaze loss as visible.
- The glaze still shiny, pretty well preserved.
- Slightly reduced at the right handside.
Dim.: ca. 13 x 13 cm
- The collection of Ab Vrij.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Restoration to the left side, running down diagonally from ca. 1 cm on the left upper side down to ca. 3 cm on the left bottom.
Dim.: ca. 13 x 13 cm
- The collection of Ab Vrij.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- A section restored to the right handside running down over ca. 1 cm on the top left hand side, diagonally across to ca. 3 cm on the bottom left hand side.
- Otherwise in good condition, with negligible minor superficial wear.
Dim.: ca. 13 x 13 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- In excellent condition, with minor superficial wear.
L.: 15 cm - H.: 13,5 cm (the teapot)
L.: 11,5 cm - H.: 12,3 cm (the milkjug)
H.: 13,8 cm (the teacaddy, incl. the lid)
L.: 11 cm - H.: 10 cm (the sugarpot, incl. the lid)
L.: 13 cm - H.: 6,5 cm (the bowl)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, the glaze well preserved and the overall appearance very attractive.
- The milk jug with some restoration to two of the feet.
- The teapot with a few minor rim chips to the lid.
- The larger octagonal bowl with a restored ca. 4 cm hairline, quasi invisible to the naked eye.
- The octagonal bowl and cover both in very good condition.
- The tea caddy and cover both in very good condition.
H.: 30 cm
Marked IML on the base and the inside of the cover, the base also dated 1732.
Dutch Delftware coffeepots are rare, only a small number have survived.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The cover with a few chips on the rim, typical normal minor superficial wear and a very small touch-up to the finial, hardly worth mentioning and not visible to the naked eye.
- The pot with a reglued and retouched break to the spout, almost all the way down to where it meets the body, as well as a small touch-up to the tip of the spout. A section of the rim broken out on the front, with retouching on the exterior, as well as to small rim chips. Repairs to two of the three feet.
H.: 20 cm - L.: 19,5 cm
Marked LVE on the base for Lambertus van Eenhoorn, the 'De Metaale Pot' workshop, Delft, 1691-1724.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, the glaze well preserved and the overall appearance very attractive.
- The two middle spouts, on front and main row, each with a restored rim chip.
- One of the corners on the base with some restoration.
L.: 27,5 (incl. the cover) - H.: 22 cm
Marked LVE on the base for Lambertus van Eenhoorn, the 'De Metaale Pot' workshop, Delft, 1691-1724. Signed by master painter Johannes Peridon, dating the piece between 1700 and 1710.
Delftware posset pots are more commonly found in English Delftware, as the tradition of making posset was more common in Britain.
Provenance: An important Belgian private collection.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, the glaze well preserved and the overall appearance very attractive. The repairs to baking-related tension lines as mentioned below all executed to a good standard, almost invisible to the naked eye and not excessively applied.
- The lid with a stable, baking-related tension line visible on the exterior, retouched on the interior. Otherwise good with a few typical small superficial rim chips.
- The pot with a stable, baking-related tension line on the bottom, retouched on both in- and exterior. Otherwise good with a few typical small superficial rim chips.
- Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam, Accession no. A 3322 a-b (KN&V), for the only other recorded example. (link)
- Two other Dutch Delft posset pots are known, one in blue and manganese, previously with Aronson Antiquairs, Amsterdam (link) and one in the Museum für Angewandte Kunst, Cologne, Germany. Both are signed SVE for Samuel van Eenhoorn, the brother of Lambertus.
L.: 12 cm - H.: 10 cm
One lid and tureen inscribed with a numeral 5, the other set with a numeral 20. One tureen marked '3 astonne' on the base for Hendrik van Hoorn, the 'Drie Posteleyne Astonne' workshop, Delft, 1759-1804.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, presenting very well, with an attractive, bright and shiny glaze.
- Both hares with retouching and/or remodelling to the ears.
- One tureen with two restored rim chips, one just above the tail and one of the right side. The restoration executed to a very high standard, invisible to the naked eye but slighly showing up under UV-light.
- Typical small superficial chips.
H.: 76,5 cm (cistern and cover)
Marked AIK on the back for Jacob Van Der Kool, the 'De Grieksche A' workshop, 1722-1757.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Generally in very good condition, the glaze well preserved and the overall appearance very attractive. The repairs all executed to a good standard, almost invisible to the naked eye and not excessively applied.
- The cover with a restored horizontal break to the upper section, about 4 cm down from the top. Another just below the finial in the middle section.
- The cistern with a baking-related tension crack on the left side, extending from app. the middle, downwards to app. the height of the spout. On the left of the spout, some restoration is visible, possibly covering a section which was broken out and restuck. On the interior, the whole cracked section appears to have been consolidated. Otherwise in good condition with normal minor superficial wear.
H.: 18 cm (tallest vase incl. the cover)
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Three vases in very good condition with typical minor superficial wear.
- One cover in very good condition with typical minor superficial wear.
- Two vases in good condition, each with a touch-up to a chip on the rim and typical minor superficial wear.
- Two covers with a touch-up to a chip on the finial, as well as typical minor superficial wear.
H.: 41 cm
Condition: (UV-checked)
- The base with a side section restuck.
- Minor superficial wear throughout.
- Old touch-ups to the polychromy throughout, in line with age-related wear to be expected.
H.: 38,5 cm - Dia.: 30 cm
The base with a Sèvres 1847 mark, as well as a gilder's signature 'Tristan', likely for Tristan Etienne Joseph, and dated 1853.
Condition: (UV-checked)
- Excellent, with a minor superficial scratch to the lower part.
- 全品,瓶身下侧一个轻微磨痕。